
时间:2022-09-15 15:12:04

I want to create a CSV file from Excel in which string values should be in double quotes and date values should be in MM/dd/yyyy format. All the numeric and Boolean values should be without quotes.

我想从Excel创建一个CSV文件,其中字符串值应该是双引号,日期值应该是MM / dd / yyyy格式。所有数值和布尔值都应该没有引号。

How would I go about this?


3 个解决方案


It's kind of scary that Excel doesn't let you specify formats. Here's a MrExcel link that might prove useful to you as well.



Here's the code from that site:


Sub CSVFile()

Dim SrcRg As Range
Dim CurrRow As Range
Dim CurrCell As Range
Dim CurrTextStr As String
Dim ListSep As String
Dim FName As Variant
FName = Application.GetSaveAsFilename("", "CSV File (*.csv), *.csv")

If FName <> False Then
  ListSep = Application.International(xlListSeparator)
  If Selection.Cells.Count > 1 Then
    Set SrcRg = Selection
    Set SrcRg = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
  End If    
  Open FName For Output As #1    
  For Each CurrRow In SrcRg.Rows
    CurrTextStr = ""
    For Each CurrCell In CurrRow.Cells
      CurrTextStr = CurrTextStr & """" & CurrCell.Value & """" & ListSep
    While Right(CurrTextStr, 1) = ListSep
      CurrTextStr = Left(CurrTextStr, Len(CurrTextStr) - 1)
    Print #1, CurrTextStr    
  Close #1    
  End If
End Sub


It's easier to use VBA to do this. The SaveAs method of the Workbook object only lets you choose pre-defined formats and the xlCSV one does not delimit strings with double-quotes.

使用VBA更容易实现此目的。 Workbook对象的SaveAs方法只允许您选择预定义的格式,而xlCSV不会使用双引号分隔字符串。

To do this in VBA:


Dim fileOut As Integer

fileOut = FreeFile
Open "C:\foo.csv" For Output As #fileOut

Write #fileOut, 14, "Stack Overflow", Date, True

Close #fileOut

(NB Date is a VBA statement that returns the current system date as a Variant of sub-type Date)

(NB Date是一个VBA语句,它将当前系统日期作为子类型Date的变体返回)

If you then examine the file in Notepad:


14,"Stack Overflow",#2009-05-12#,#TRUE#

The string has been delimited as required, the date converted to universal format and both the date and boolean are delimited with # signs.


To read the data back in use the Input # statement which will interpret all of the values appropriately.


If you want to write part of a line and then finish writing it later then:


Write #fileOut, 14, "Stack Overflow";
Write #fileOut, Date, True

produces the same result as the original program. The semi-colon at the end of the first statement prevents a new line being started


Strings with embedded double-quotes will cause problems so you'll need to remove or replace those characters



The default csv file format is to use commas between each value, quotes to contain each cell (In case your cell contains a comma) and line breaks for the next row e.g.



This is only from me toying with open office, which may vary a little from excel. But try it and see.



It's kind of scary that Excel doesn't let you specify formats. Here's a MrExcel link that might prove useful to you as well.



Here's the code from that site:


Sub CSVFile()

Dim SrcRg As Range
Dim CurrRow As Range
Dim CurrCell As Range
Dim CurrTextStr As String
Dim ListSep As String
Dim FName As Variant
FName = Application.GetSaveAsFilename("", "CSV File (*.csv), *.csv")

If FName <> False Then
  ListSep = Application.International(xlListSeparator)
  If Selection.Cells.Count > 1 Then
    Set SrcRg = Selection
    Set SrcRg = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
  End If    
  Open FName For Output As #1    
  For Each CurrRow In SrcRg.Rows
    CurrTextStr = ""
    For Each CurrCell In CurrRow.Cells
      CurrTextStr = CurrTextStr & """" & CurrCell.Value & """" & ListSep
    While Right(CurrTextStr, 1) = ListSep
      CurrTextStr = Left(CurrTextStr, Len(CurrTextStr) - 1)
    Print #1, CurrTextStr    
  Close #1    
  End If
End Sub


It's easier to use VBA to do this. The SaveAs method of the Workbook object only lets you choose pre-defined formats and the xlCSV one does not delimit strings with double-quotes.

使用VBA更容易实现此目的。 Workbook对象的SaveAs方法只允许您选择预定义的格式,而xlCSV不会使用双引号分隔字符串。

To do this in VBA:


Dim fileOut As Integer

fileOut = FreeFile
Open "C:\foo.csv" For Output As #fileOut

Write #fileOut, 14, "Stack Overflow", Date, True

Close #fileOut

(NB Date is a VBA statement that returns the current system date as a Variant of sub-type Date)

(NB Date是一个VBA语句,它将当前系统日期作为子类型Date的变体返回)

If you then examine the file in Notepad:


14,"Stack Overflow",#2009-05-12#,#TRUE#

The string has been delimited as required, the date converted to universal format and both the date and boolean are delimited with # signs.


To read the data back in use the Input # statement which will interpret all of the values appropriately.


If you want to write part of a line and then finish writing it later then:


Write #fileOut, 14, "Stack Overflow";
Write #fileOut, Date, True

produces the same result as the original program. The semi-colon at the end of the first statement prevents a new line being started


Strings with embedded double-quotes will cause problems so you'll need to remove or replace those characters



The default csv file format is to use commas between each value, quotes to contain each cell (In case your cell contains a comma) and line breaks for the next row e.g.



This is only from me toying with open office, which may vary a little from excel. But try it and see.
