
时间:2022-09-13 12:15:42

I have the following title: Banana & Walnut Cinnamon Bread


I've created a search function which allows the user to type in free text, when I enter Banana Bread the above item with the title: Banana & Walnut Cinnamon Bread will not show purely because I'm using indexOf, however if the title was : Banana Bread & Walnut Cinnamon then it would work because 'Banana Bread' is next to one another.


Can someone suggest a javscript function which will allow me to search the complete string and pick out the words that match what I've typed in?


This was the original:


  if (searchDataList[i].ttl.toLowerCase().indexOf(freeText) > -1) {
    addItem = true;
  else {
    addItem = false;


3 个解决方案



Try splitting your input string and then do the search for each individual word. In this way you can get results for different combination of words.




You should first turn your searchDataList (I guess it's currently an array) into regexp, this way:


  • assuming searchDataList is ['aa', 'bb', 'cc']
  • 假设searchDataList是['aa','bb','cc']

  • make the corresponding regexp /(aa|bb|cc)/g
  • 制作相应的正则表达式/(aa | bb | cc)/ g

Then you can submit the entered words to this regexp: the returned array lists the words found.




The simple way to do it is to split your search text into individual words and check each one...


var searchWords = freeText.split(' ');

searchWords = CleanWords(searchWords); // This removes words like '&', '-', 'the' 

for(var i = 0; i < searchDataList.length; i++){
  for (var n = 0; n < searchWords.length; n++){
    var word = searchWords[n].toLowerCase();
    var title = searchDataList[i].ttl.toLowerCase();

    if (title.indexOf(word) > -1){
      // addItem = true;

If you don't want to do that then you could try pre build an index and check if the search words are in the index. Pseudo code below...


// Prebuild index
var index = {};
foreach(var item in searchDataList){
  var words = item.ttl.split(' ');
  words = CleanWords(words);   // This removes words like '&', '-', 'the' etc

  foreach(var word in words){
    word = word.toLowerCase();
    if (index[word]){
      index[word].Push(item.no);  // Build up array of search term indexes that contain this word.
    } else {
      index[word] = [item.no];

// Perform search
var searchWords = freeText.split(' ');
searchWords = CleanWords(searchWords);
foreach(var word in searchWords){
  var matches = index[word];
  foreach(var match in matches){
    // Do something with matches
    var matchedItem = searchDataList[match];

Also have a look at the following answer for more discussion on speed of accessing items by key on an object in JavaScript... Array vs. Object efficiency in JavaScript

另请参阅以下答案,以了解有关JavaScript中对象上按键访问项目的速度的更多讨论... JavaScript中的数组与对象效率

You could also consider using var index = new Map(); rather than an object (I'm not sure if it is faster or not though).

您还可以考虑使用var index = new Map();而不是一个对象(我不确定它是否更快)。



Try splitting your input string and then do the search for each individual word. In this way you can get results for different combination of words.




You should first turn your searchDataList (I guess it's currently an array) into regexp, this way:


  • assuming searchDataList is ['aa', 'bb', 'cc']
  • 假设searchDataList是['aa','bb','cc']

  • make the corresponding regexp /(aa|bb|cc)/g
  • 制作相应的正则表达式/(aa | bb | cc)/ g

Then you can submit the entered words to this regexp: the returned array lists the words found.




The simple way to do it is to split your search text into individual words and check each one...


var searchWords = freeText.split(' ');

searchWords = CleanWords(searchWords); // This removes words like '&', '-', 'the' 

for(var i = 0; i < searchDataList.length; i++){
  for (var n = 0; n < searchWords.length; n++){
    var word = searchWords[n].toLowerCase();
    var title = searchDataList[i].ttl.toLowerCase();

    if (title.indexOf(word) > -1){
      // addItem = true;

If you don't want to do that then you could try pre build an index and check if the search words are in the index. Pseudo code below...


// Prebuild index
var index = {};
foreach(var item in searchDataList){
  var words = item.ttl.split(' ');
  words = CleanWords(words);   // This removes words like '&', '-', 'the' etc

  foreach(var word in words){
    word = word.toLowerCase();
    if (index[word]){
      index[word].Push(item.no);  // Build up array of search term indexes that contain this word.
    } else {
      index[word] = [item.no];

// Perform search
var searchWords = freeText.split(' ');
searchWords = CleanWords(searchWords);
foreach(var word in searchWords){
  var matches = index[word];
  foreach(var match in matches){
    // Do something with matches
    var matchedItem = searchDataList[match];

Also have a look at the following answer for more discussion on speed of accessing items by key on an object in JavaScript... Array vs. Object efficiency in JavaScript

另请参阅以下答案,以了解有关JavaScript中对象上按键访问项目的速度的更多讨论... JavaScript中的数组与对象效率

You could also consider using var index = new Map(); rather than an object (I'm not sure if it is faster or not though).

您还可以考虑使用var index = new Map();而不是一个对象(我不确定它是否更快)。