Spring Boot - 返回JSON数据的最佳方式

时间:2022-09-11 14:58:49

Actually I am building a REST API and there are many differents ways to return the JSON data. But I want to know a good one that can be scalable in time and taking care of many to many relationships, and deep relations (Article -> has Category -> has Department -> etc..)

实际上我正在构建一个REST API,并且有许多不同的方法可以返回JSON数据。但我想知道一个好的,可以及时扩展并处理多对多关系,以及深层关系(文章 - >有类别 - >有部门 - >等...)

Some few options:


1) DTO pattern and building it manually taking care of the "fields" parameter of the request.


2) The @JsonView(View.Example.class) at Entity class.


3) The default JSON serialization on Spring Boot (Jackson).

3)Spring Boot(Jackson)上的默认JSON序列化。

I think the more scalable option is the 1st, where I can handle the many to many relations and other stuff... What do you think?


1 个解决方案



I think the best way is to mix both option 1 and 3.


You should have a converter to convert an Entity into a Response DTO. There you can map all your deep relations. Just make sure that you have all your deep relations loaded before the converter kicks in to prevent multiple database reads.


When you're finished, Jackson will do the job.




I think the best way is to mix both option 1 and 3.


You should have a converter to convert an Entity into a Response DTO. There you can map all your deep relations. Just make sure that you have all your deep relations loaded before the converter kicks in to prevent multiple database reads.


When you're finished, Jackson will do the job.
