
时间:2022-09-11 09:31:16

I admit I haven't grokked F# yet. But in the 30,000 foot descriptions, they keep talking about easy to test code that doesn't have mutable state. Is that the same as static methods?


Could I get the benefit of F# by writing some of my code in classes with all static methods?


I'm just looking for the short answer, I know whole books exist on the topic.


7 个解决方案


You could certainly write C# code immutably, but that's nothing to do with static functions. Immutability are things like having a struct or object that only "changes state" by making a copy of itself and having the copy be different.



Absolutely no, immutability has nothing to do with methods being static or instance. String, being an immutable class, has plenty of instance methods, which, in a very functional manner, return a new instance of String class, rather than modifying anything.

绝对不,不变性与静态或实例方法无关。 String是一个不可变类,有很多实例方法,它们以非常实用的方式返回String类的新实例,而不是修改任何东西。

You could try to emulate F# by using functional decomposition, but this will still be pretty imperative code.



Apart from static, functional modules versus objects, you can attempt to get some of the benefits of F# by using C# 3 and lambdas, LINQ, etc. However, that doesn't go very far. What I find nice in F# is:


  • Inference everywhere
  • Auto-generalization (adds in type parameters so I don't have to sort it out manually)
  • 自动泛化(添加类型参数,因此我不必手动将其排序)

  • Easy immutability
  • Easy mix between module and classes
  • 模块和类之间的轻松混合

  • Types like discriminated unions
  • 类似歧视的工会

  • Pattern matching
  • Nested functions (lightweight)
  • 嵌套函数(轻量级)

  • First class functions (no, C#'s named delegates don't count)
  • 第一类函数(不,C#的命名代理不计)

  • Everything's an expression
  • 一切都是表达

  • Easy function composition
  • 功能组合简单

So, you can try to do some of this in C#. Some of it is simply not supported and won't work. The rest gets very ugly, very fast.


So, if you go much off the beaten path of LINQ and the Enumerable extensions, you'll probably end up in a world of pain.



I beg to differ with all the other answers to date. Immutability and static methods may not be strictly technically related, but I have found that using F# has encouraged me to make C# methods static whenever I can.


The thinking is analogue, in that it is easier to handle an immutable object because you don't have to worry about it changing state. In the same way, you don't have to worry about state when using a static method (unless you use a global singleton or something...).



No, it's not the same as static methods. You don't have mutable state if you don't assign anything (locals, function arguments, static fields, instance fields) after it was initialized. You can get some of the benefits by designing your classes to be immutable.



No, the two concepts are unrelated. Static methods in C# can still modify incoming objects as normal, and other variables using ref or out.

不,这两个概念是无关的。 C#中的静态方法仍然可以正常修改传入对象,使用ref或out修改其他变量。


IT's true. You aren't going to get the benefits of functional programming just by using more static functions in C#. Howver, if you were to look under the hood (using Reflector, for example) I understand a simple let statement is a static function. In other words,


let a = 2

is like a function in C#


static int a()
    return 2;

I can understand the confusion.


Explanation pulled from Leon Bambrick's "F# Eye for the C# Guy presentation."

从Leon Bambrick的“F#Eye for the C#Guy演示文稿”中解读说明。


You could certainly write C# code immutably, but that's nothing to do with static functions. Immutability are things like having a struct or object that only "changes state" by making a copy of itself and having the copy be different.



Absolutely no, immutability has nothing to do with methods being static or instance. String, being an immutable class, has plenty of instance methods, which, in a very functional manner, return a new instance of String class, rather than modifying anything.

绝对不,不变性与静态或实例方法无关。 String是一个不可变类,有很多实例方法,它们以非常实用的方式返回String类的新实例,而不是修改任何东西。

You could try to emulate F# by using functional decomposition, but this will still be pretty imperative code.



Apart from static, functional modules versus objects, you can attempt to get some of the benefits of F# by using C# 3 and lambdas, LINQ, etc. However, that doesn't go very far. What I find nice in F# is:


  • Inference everywhere
  • Auto-generalization (adds in type parameters so I don't have to sort it out manually)
  • 自动泛化(添加类型参数,因此我不必手动将其排序)

  • Easy immutability
  • Easy mix between module and classes
  • 模块和类之间的轻松混合

  • Types like discriminated unions
  • 类似歧视的工会

  • Pattern matching
  • Nested functions (lightweight)
  • 嵌套函数(轻量级)

  • First class functions (no, C#'s named delegates don't count)
  • 第一类函数(不,C#的命名代理不计)

  • Everything's an expression
  • 一切都是表达

  • Easy function composition
  • 功能组合简单

So, you can try to do some of this in C#. Some of it is simply not supported and won't work. The rest gets very ugly, very fast.


So, if you go much off the beaten path of LINQ and the Enumerable extensions, you'll probably end up in a world of pain.



I beg to differ with all the other answers to date. Immutability and static methods may not be strictly technically related, but I have found that using F# has encouraged me to make C# methods static whenever I can.


The thinking is analogue, in that it is easier to handle an immutable object because you don't have to worry about it changing state. In the same way, you don't have to worry about state when using a static method (unless you use a global singleton or something...).



No, it's not the same as static methods. You don't have mutable state if you don't assign anything (locals, function arguments, static fields, instance fields) after it was initialized. You can get some of the benefits by designing your classes to be immutable.



No, the two concepts are unrelated. Static methods in C# can still modify incoming objects as normal, and other variables using ref or out.

不,这两个概念是无关的。 C#中的静态方法仍然可以正常修改传入对象,使用ref或out修改其他变量。


IT's true. You aren't going to get the benefits of functional programming just by using more static functions in C#. Howver, if you were to look under the hood (using Reflector, for example) I understand a simple let statement is a static function. In other words,


let a = 2

is like a function in C#


static int a()
    return 2;

I can understand the confusion.


Explanation pulled from Leon Bambrick's "F# Eye for the C# Guy presentation."

从Leon Bambrick的“F#Eye for the C#Guy演示文稿”中解读说明。