
时间:2022-09-10 23:22:41

Although the subject is discussed many times, I haven't found any satisfying answer so far. When to return data from a function by return or to pass a reference to change the data on address? The classic answer is to pass a variable as reference to a function when it becomes large (to avoid stack copying). This looks true for anything like a structure or array. However returning a pointer from a function is not uncommon. In fact some functions from the C library to the exact thing. For example:


char *strcat(char *dst, const char *src);

Always returns a pointer to destination even in case of an error. In this case we can just use the passed variable and leave the return for what it is (as most do).


When looking at structures I see the same thing happening. I often return pointers when functions only need to be used in variable initialization.


char *p = func(int i, const char *s);

Then there is the argument that stack coping variables is expensive, and so to use pointers instead. But as mentioned here some compilers are able to decide this themselves (assuming this goes for C as well). Is there a general rule, or at least some unwritten convention when to use one or the other? I value performance above design.


2 个解决方案



Start by deciding which approach makes the most sense at the logical level, irrespective of what you think the performance implications might be. If returning a struct by value most clearly conveys the intent of the code, then do that.


This isn't the 1980s anymore. Compilers have gotten a lot smarter since then and do a really good job of optimizing code, especially code that's written in a clear, straightforward manner. Similarly, parameter passing and value return conventions have become fairly sophisticated as well. The simplistic stack-based model doesn't really reflect the reality of modern hardware.


If the resulting application doesn't meet your performance criteria, then run it through a profiler to find the bottlenecks. If it turns out that returning that struct by value is causing a problem, then you can experiment with passing by reference to the function.


Unless you're working in a highly constrained, embedded environment, you really don't have to count every byte and CPU cycle. You don't want to be needlessly wasteful, but by that same token you don't want to obsess over how things work at the low level unless a) you have really strict performance requirements and b) you are intimately familiar with the details of your particular platform (meaning that you not only know your platform's function calling conventions inside and out, you know how your compiler uses those conventions as well). Otherwise, you're just guessing. Let the compiler do the hard work for you. That's what it's there for.




Rules of thumb:


  1. If sizeof(return type) is bigger than sizeof(int), you should probably pass it by pointer to avoid the copy overhead. This is a performance issue. There's some penalty for dereferencing the pointer, so there are some exceptions to this rule.
  2. 如果sizeof(返回类型)大于sizeof(int),则应该通过指针传递它以避免复制开销。这是一个性能问题。取消引用指针会有一些惩罚,所以这个规则有一些例外。

  3. If the return type is complex (containing pointer members), pass it by pointer. Copying the local return value to the stack will not copy dynamic memory, for example.
  4. 如果返回类型很复杂(包含指针成员),则通过指针传递它。例如,将本地返回值复制到堆栈不会复制动态内存。

  5. If you want the function to allocate the memory, it should return a pointer to the newly allocated memory. It's called the factory design pattern.
  6. 如果你想让函数分配内存,它应该返回一个指向新分配的内存的指针。它被称为工厂设计模式。

  7. If you have more than one thing you want to return from a function - return one by value, and pass the rest by pointers.
  8. 如果你想从函数返回多个东西 - 按值返回一个,并通过指针传递其余的东西。

  9. If you have a complex/big data type which is both input and output, pass it by pointer.
  10. 如果您有一个既输入又输出的复杂/大数据类型,则通过指针传递它。



Start by deciding which approach makes the most sense at the logical level, irrespective of what you think the performance implications might be. If returning a struct by value most clearly conveys the intent of the code, then do that.


This isn't the 1980s anymore. Compilers have gotten a lot smarter since then and do a really good job of optimizing code, especially code that's written in a clear, straightforward manner. Similarly, parameter passing and value return conventions have become fairly sophisticated as well. The simplistic stack-based model doesn't really reflect the reality of modern hardware.


If the resulting application doesn't meet your performance criteria, then run it through a profiler to find the bottlenecks. If it turns out that returning that struct by value is causing a problem, then you can experiment with passing by reference to the function.


Unless you're working in a highly constrained, embedded environment, you really don't have to count every byte and CPU cycle. You don't want to be needlessly wasteful, but by that same token you don't want to obsess over how things work at the low level unless a) you have really strict performance requirements and b) you are intimately familiar with the details of your particular platform (meaning that you not only know your platform's function calling conventions inside and out, you know how your compiler uses those conventions as well). Otherwise, you're just guessing. Let the compiler do the hard work for you. That's what it's there for.




Rules of thumb:


  1. If sizeof(return type) is bigger than sizeof(int), you should probably pass it by pointer to avoid the copy overhead. This is a performance issue. There's some penalty for dereferencing the pointer, so there are some exceptions to this rule.
  2. 如果sizeof(返回类型)大于sizeof(int),则应该通过指针传递它以避免复制开销。这是一个性能问题。取消引用指针会有一些惩罚,所以这个规则有一些例外。

  3. If the return type is complex (containing pointer members), pass it by pointer. Copying the local return value to the stack will not copy dynamic memory, for example.
  4. 如果返回类型很复杂(包含指针成员),则通过指针传递它。例如,将本地返回值复制到堆栈不会复制动态内存。

  5. If you want the function to allocate the memory, it should return a pointer to the newly allocated memory. It's called the factory design pattern.
  6. 如果你想让函数分配内存,它应该返回一个指向新分配的内存的指针。它被称为工厂设计模式。

  7. If you have more than one thing you want to return from a function - return one by value, and pass the rest by pointers.
  8. 如果你想从函数返回多个东西 - 按值返回一个,并通过指针传递其余的东西。

  9. If you have a complex/big data type which is both input and output, pass it by pointer.
  10. 如果您有一个既输入又输出的复杂/大数据类型,则通过指针传递它。