
时间:2022-09-10 23:22:53

In the old days, you might have a function like this:


const char* find_response(const char* const id) const;

If the item could not be found, then a null could be returned to indicate the fact, otherwise obviously return the relevant string.


But when the function is changed to:


const std::string& find_response(const std::string& id) const;

What do you return to indicate item not found?


Or should signature really be:


bool find_response(const std::string& id, std::string& value) const;

What would be the most elegant modern C++ way?

什么是最优雅的现代C ++方式?

6 个解决方案



What would be the most elegant modern C++ way?

什么是最优雅的现代C ++方式?

There's, as always, not just one solution to this problem.


If you decide to go for any solution that references the original resonse instance, you're on a slippery road when it comes to aliasing and memory management, especially in a multi threaded environment. By copying the response to the caller, no such issues arises.


Today, I would do this:


std::unique_ptr<std::string> find_response(const std::string& id) const;

That way, you can check for nullptr as "in the olden days" and it's 100% clear who's responsibility it is to clear up the returned instance: the caller.


The only downside I see of this, is the additional copy of the response string, but don't dismiss that as a downside until measured and proven so.


Another way is to do as is done when searching std::set<> and std::map<> - return a std::pair<bool, const char*> where one value is bool is_found and the other is const char* response. That way you don't get the "overhead" of the additional response copy, only of the returned std::pair<> which is likely to be maximally optimized by the compiler.

另一种方法是在搜索std :: set <>和std :: map <>时执行 - 返回std :: pair 其中一个值是bool is_found而另一个是const char *响应。这样你就不会得到附加响应副本的“开销”,只有返回的std :: pair <>可能会被编译器最大限度地优化。 ,const>



boost::optional. It was specifically designed for this kind of situation.


Note, it will be included in upcoming C++14 standard as std::optional. Update: After reviewing national body comments to N3690, std::optional was voted out from C++14 working paper into a separate Technical Specification. It is not a part of the draft C++14 as of n3797.

注意,它将作为std :: optional包含在即将推出的C ++ 14标准中。更新:在审查了N3690的国家机构评论之后,std :: optional被从C ++ 14工作文件中退出到单独的技术规范中。它不是n3797中C ++ 14草案的一部分。

Compared to std::unique_ptr, it avoids dynamic memory allocation, and expresses more clearly its purpose. std::unique_ptr is better for polymorphism (e.g. factory methods) and storing values in containers, however.

与std :: unique_ptr相比,它避免了动态内存分配,并更清楚地表达了它的用途。但是,std :: unique_ptr更适用于多态(例如工厂方法)和将值存储在容器中。

Usage example:

#include <string>
#include <boost/none.hpp>
#include <boost/optional.hpp>

class A
    std::string value;
    A(std::string s) : value(s) {}

    boost::optional<std::string> find_response(const std::string& id) const
        if(id == value)
            return std::string("Found it!");
            return boost::none;
        //return boost::make_optional(id == value, std::string("Found it!"));

    //You can use boost::optional with references,
    //but I'm unfamiliar with possible applications of this.
    boost::optional<const std::string&> get_id() const
        return value;

#include <iostream>

int main()
    A a("42");
    boost::optional<std::string> response = a.find_response("42"); //auto is handy
        std::cout << *response;



If the function is returning a string by reference, but needs the ability to indicate that no such string exists, the most obvious solution is to return a pointer, which is basically a reference that can be null, i.e. exactly what was sought after.


const std::string* find_response(const std::string& id) const;



There are several good solutions here already. But for the sake of completeness I'd like to add this one. If you don't want to rely on boost::optional you may easily implement your own class like

这里有几个很好的解决方案。但为了完整起见,我想补充一点。如果您不想依赖boost :: optional,您可以轻松实现自己的类

class SearchResult
    SearchResult(std::string stringFound, bool isValid = true)
        : m_stringFound(stringFound),
    { }

    const std::string &getString() const { return m_stringFound; }
    bool isValid() const { return m_isResultValid; }

    std::string m_stringFound;
    bool m_isResultValid;

Obviously your method signature looks like this then


const SearchResult& find_response(const std::string& id) const;

But basically that's the same as the boost solution.




Use of pointers in C++ is forgiven if you need to return a nullable entity. This is widely accepted. But of course bool find_response(const std::string& id, std::string& value) const; is quite verbose. So it is a matter of your choice.

如果需要返回可空的实体,则可以原谅在C ++中使用指针。这被广泛接受。但当然bool find_response(const std :: string&id,std :: string&value)const;很冗长。所以这是你的选择问题。



I think the second way is better. Or you can write like this:


int find_response(const std::string& id, std::string& value) const;

if this function return -1, it tells that you don't find the response.




What would be the most elegant modern C++ way?

什么是最优雅的现代C ++方式?

There's, as always, not just one solution to this problem.


If you decide to go for any solution that references the original resonse instance, you're on a slippery road when it comes to aliasing and memory management, especially in a multi threaded environment. By copying the response to the caller, no such issues arises.


Today, I would do this:


std::unique_ptr<std::string> find_response(const std::string& id) const;

That way, you can check for nullptr as "in the olden days" and it's 100% clear who's responsibility it is to clear up the returned instance: the caller.


The only downside I see of this, is the additional copy of the response string, but don't dismiss that as a downside until measured and proven so.


Another way is to do as is done when searching std::set<> and std::map<> - return a std::pair<bool, const char*> where one value is bool is_found and the other is const char* response. That way you don't get the "overhead" of the additional response copy, only of the returned std::pair<> which is likely to be maximally optimized by the compiler.

另一种方法是在搜索std :: set <>和std :: map <>时执行 - 返回std :: pair 其中一个值是bool is_found而另一个是const char *响应。这样你就不会得到附加响应副本的“开销”,只有返回的std :: pair <>可能会被编译器最大限度地优化。 ,const>



boost::optional. It was specifically designed for this kind of situation.


Note, it will be included in upcoming C++14 standard as std::optional. Update: After reviewing national body comments to N3690, std::optional was voted out from C++14 working paper into a separate Technical Specification. It is not a part of the draft C++14 as of n3797.

注意,它将作为std :: optional包含在即将推出的C ++ 14标准中。更新:在审查了N3690的国家机构评论之后,std :: optional被从C ++ 14工作文件中退出到单独的技术规范中。它不是n3797中C ++ 14草案的一部分。

Compared to std::unique_ptr, it avoids dynamic memory allocation, and expresses more clearly its purpose. std::unique_ptr is better for polymorphism (e.g. factory methods) and storing values in containers, however.

与std :: unique_ptr相比,它避免了动态内存分配,并更清楚地表达了它的用途。但是,std :: unique_ptr更适用于多态(例如工厂方法)和将值存储在容器中。

Usage example:

#include <string>
#include <boost/none.hpp>
#include <boost/optional.hpp>

class A
    std::string value;
    A(std::string s) : value(s) {}

    boost::optional<std::string> find_response(const std::string& id) const
        if(id == value)
            return std::string("Found it!");
            return boost::none;
        //return boost::make_optional(id == value, std::string("Found it!"));

    //You can use boost::optional with references,
    //but I'm unfamiliar with possible applications of this.
    boost::optional<const std::string&> get_id() const
        return value;

#include <iostream>

int main()
    A a("42");
    boost::optional<std::string> response = a.find_response("42"); //auto is handy
        std::cout << *response;



If the function is returning a string by reference, but needs the ability to indicate that no such string exists, the most obvious solution is to return a pointer, which is basically a reference that can be null, i.e. exactly what was sought after.


const std::string* find_response(const std::string& id) const;



There are several good solutions here already. But for the sake of completeness I'd like to add this one. If you don't want to rely on boost::optional you may easily implement your own class like

这里有几个很好的解决方案。但为了完整起见,我想补充一点。如果您不想依赖boost :: optional,您可以轻松实现自己的类

class SearchResult
    SearchResult(std::string stringFound, bool isValid = true)
        : m_stringFound(stringFound),
    { }

    const std::string &getString() const { return m_stringFound; }
    bool isValid() const { return m_isResultValid; }

    std::string m_stringFound;
    bool m_isResultValid;

Obviously your method signature looks like this then


const SearchResult& find_response(const std::string& id) const;

But basically that's the same as the boost solution.




Use of pointers in C++ is forgiven if you need to return a nullable entity. This is widely accepted. But of course bool find_response(const std::string& id, std::string& value) const; is quite verbose. So it is a matter of your choice.

如果需要返回可空的实体,则可以原谅在C ++中使用指针。这被广泛接受。但当然bool find_response(const std :: string&id,std :: string&value)const;很冗长。所以这是你的选择问题。



I think the second way is better. Or you can write like this:


int find_response(const std::string& id, std::string& value) const;

if this function return -1, it tells that you don't find the response.
