
时间:2022-09-10 23:19:17

I am designing a new website and I want it to be compatible with as much browsers and browser settings as possible. I am trying to decide what unit of measurement I should use for the sizes of my fonts and elements, but am unable to find a conclusive answer.


My question is: should I use px or rem in my CSS?

我的问题是:我应该在CSS中使用px还是rem ?

  • So far I know that using px isn't compatible with users who adjust their base font size in their browser.
  • 到目前为止,我知道使用px与在浏览器中调整其基本字体大小的用户不兼容。
  • I've disregarded ems because they are more of a hassle to maintain, compared to rems, as they cascade.
  • 我忽略了ems,因为与rems相比,它们更容易维护。
  • Some say that rems are resolution independent and therefore more desirable. But others say that most modern browsers zoom all elements equally anyway, so using px is not a problem.
  • 有人说rems是独立的,因此更可取。但也有人说,大多数现代浏览器无论如何都会对所有元素进行缩放,因此使用px不是问题。

I'm asking this because there are a lot of different opinions as to what is the most desirable measure of distance in CSS, and I am not sure which is best.


10 个解决方案



TL;DR: use px.


The Facts

  • First, it's extremely important to know that per spec, the CSS px unit does not equal one physical display pixel. This has always been true – even in the 1996 CSS 1 spec.

    首先,非常重要的是要知道,根据每个规范,CSS px单元并不等于一个物理显示像素。即使在1996年的CSS 1规范中也是如此。

    CSS defines the reference pixel, which measures the size of a pixel on a 96 dpi display. On a display that has a dpi substantially different than 96dpi (like Retina displays), the user agent rescales the px unit so that its size matches that of a reference pixel. In other words, this rescaling is exactly why 1 CSS pixel equals 2 physical Retina display pixels.

    CSS定义了参考像素,它测量了一个像素在96 dpi显示器上的大小。在一个dpi与96dpi(如Retina display)有本质区别的显示器上,用户代理将px单元重新展开,使其大小与参考像素的大小相匹配。换句话说,这就是为什么1个CSS像素等于2个物理视网膜显示像素的原因。

    That said, up until 2010 (and the mobile zoom situation notwithstanding), the px almost always did equal one physical pixel, because all widely available displays were around 96dpi.


  • Sizes specified in ems are relative to the parent element. This leads to the em's "compounding problem" where nested elements get progressively larger or smaller. For example:


    body { font-size:20px; } 
    div { font-size:0.5em; }

    Gives us:


    <body> - 20px
        <div> - 10px
            <div> - 5px
                <div> - 2.5px
                    <div> - 1.25px
  • The CSS3 rem, which is always relative only to the root html element, is too new to rely on. As of July 2012, around 75% of all browsers in use support the rem.


The Opinion

I think everyone agrees that it's good to design your pages to be accommodating to everyone, and to make consideration for the visually impaired. One such consideration (but not the only one!) is allowing users to make the text of your site bigger, so that it's easier to read.


In the beginning, the only way to provide users a way to scale text size was by using relative size units (such as ems). This is because the browser's font size menu simply changed the root font size. Thus, if you specified font sizes in px, they wouldn't scale when changing the browser's font size option.


Modern browsers (and even the not-so-modern IE7) all changed the default scaling method to simply zooming in on everything, including images and box sizes. Essentially, they make the reference pixel larger or smaller.


Yes, someone could still change their browser default stylesheet to tweak the default font size (the equivalent of the old-style font size option), but that's a very esoteric way of going about it and I'd wager nobody1 does it. (In Chrome, it's buried under the advanced settings, Web content, Font Sizes. In IE9, it's even more hidden. You have to press Alt, and go to View, Text Size.) It's much easier to just select the Zoom option in the browser's main menu (or use Ctrl++/-/mouse wheel).


1 - within statistical error, naturally

1 -在统计误差范围内,自然。

If we assume most users scale pages using the zoom option, I find relative units mostly irrelevant. It's much easier to develop your page when everything is specified in the same unit (images are all dealt with in pixels), and you don't have to worry about compounding. ("I was told there would be no math" – there's dealing with having to calculate what 1.5em actually works out to.)


One other potential problem of using only relative units for font sizes is that user-resized fonts may break assumptions your layout makes. For example, this might lead to text getting clipped or running too long. If you use absolute units, you don't have to worry about unexpected font sizes from breaking your layout.


So my answer is use pixel units. I use px for everything. Of course, your situation may vary, and if you must support IE6 (may the gods of the RFCs have mercy on you), you'll have to use ems anyway.




I would like to praise josh3736's answer for providing some excellent historical context. While it's well articulated, the CSS landscape has changed in the almost five years since this question was asked. When this question was asked, px was the correct answer, but that no longer holds true today.


tl;dr: use rem


Unit Overview

Historically px units typically represented one device pixel. With devices having higher and higher pixel density this no longer holds for many devices, such as with Apple's Retina Display.


rem units represent the root em size. It's the font-size of whatever matches :root. In the case of HTML, it's the <html> element; for SVG, it's the <svg> element. The default font-size in every browser* is 16px.

快速眼动单位表示em的根尺寸。它是任何匹配的字体大小:根。在HTML中,它是< HTML >元素;对于SVG,它是< SVG >元素。每个浏览器的默认字体大小是16px。

At the time of writing, rem is supported by approximately 98% of users. If you're worried about that other 2%, I'll remind you that media queries are also supported by approximately 98% of users.


On Using px

The majority of CSS examples on the internet use px values because they were the de-facto standard. pt, in and a variety of other units could have been used in theory, but they didn't handle small values well as you'd quickly need to resort to fractions, which were longer to type, and harder to reason about.

internet上大多数CSS示例都使用px值,因为它们是事实上的标准。pt, in和其他很多单位都可以在理论上使用,但是他们没有处理小的值,因为你很快需要用到分数,这是更长的类型,更难以解释。

If you wanted a thin border, with px you could use 1px, with pt you'd need to use 0.75pt for consistent results, and that's just not very convenient.


On Using rem

rem's default value of 16px isn't a very strong argument for its use. Writing 0.0625rem is worse than writing 0.75pt, so why would anyone use rem?


There are two parts to rem's advantage over other units.


  • User preferences are respected
  • 尊重用户首选项
  • You can change the apparent px value of rem to whatever you'd like
  • 你可以将快速眼动的像素值改变为你想要的。

Respecting User Preferences

Browser zoom has changed a lot over the years. Historically many browsers would only scale up font-size, but that changed pretty rapidly when websites realized that their beautiful pixel-perfect designs were breaking any time someone zoomed in or out. At this point, browsers scale the entire page, so font-based zooming is out of the picture.


Respecting a user's wishes is not out of the picture. Just because a browser is set to 16px by default, doesn't mean any user can't change their preferences to 24px or 32px to correct for bad vision. If you base your units off of rem, any user at a higher font-size will see a proportionally larger site. Borders will be bigger, padding will be bigger, margins will be bigger, everything will scale up fluidly.


If you base your media queries on rem, you can also make sure that the site your users see fits their screen. A user with font-size set to 32px on a 640px wide browser, will effectively be seeing your site as shown to a user at 16px on a 320px wide browser. There's absolutely no loss for RWD in using rem.


Changing Apparent px Value

Because rem is based on the font-size of the :root node, if you want to change what 1rem represents, all you have to do is change the font-size:


:root {
  font-size: 100px;
body {
  font-size: 1rem;
<p>Don't ever actually do this, please</p>

Whatever you do, don't set the :root element's font-size to a px value.


If you set the font-size on html to a px value, you've blown away the user's preferences without a way to get them back.


If you want to change the apparent value of rem, use % units.

如果您想改变rem的视值,请使用% unit。

The math for this is reasonably straight-forward.


The apparent font-size of :root is 16px, but lets say we want to change it to 20px. All we need to do is multiply 16 by some value to get 20.


Set up your equation:


16 * X = 20

And solve for X:


X = 20 / 16
X = 1.25
X = 125%

:root {
  font-size: 125%;
<p>If you're using the default font-size, I'm 20px tall.</p>

Doing everything in multiples of 20 isn't all that great, but a common suggestion is to make the apparent size of rem equal to 10px. The magic number for that is 10/16 which is 0.625, or 62.5%.

以20的倍数来做每一件事并不是很好,但是一个常见的建议是让rem的表面大小等于10px。神奇的是10/16 = 0。625,或者说62.5%

:root {
  font-size: 62.5%;
<p>If you're using the default font-size, I'm 10px tall.</p>

The problem now is that your default font-size for the rest of the page is set way too small, but there's a simple fix for that: Set a font-size on body using rem:


:root {
  font-size: 62.5%;

body {
  font-size: 1.6rem;
<p>I'm the default font-size</p>

It's important to note, with this adjustment in place, the apparent value of rem is 10px which means any value you might have written in px can be converted directly to rem by bumping a decimal place.


padding: 20px;

turns into


padding: 2rem;

The apparent font-size you choose is up to you, so if you want there's no reason you can't use:


:root {
  font-size: 6.25%;
body {
  font-size: 16rem;

and have 1rem equal 1px.

1rem = 1px。

So there you have it, a simple solution to respect user wishes while also avoiding over-complicating your CSS.


Wait, so what's the catch?

I was afraid you might ask that. As much as I'd like to pretend that rem is magic and solves-all-things, there are still some issues of note. Nothing deal-breaking in my opinion, but I'm going to call them out so you can't say I didn't warn you.


Media Queries

One of the first issues you'll run into with rem involves media queries. Consider the following code:


:root {
  font-size: 1000px;
@media (min-width: 1rem) {
  :root {
    font-size: 1px;

Here the value of rem changes depending on whether the media-query applies, and the media query depends on the value of rem, so what on earth is going on?


rem in media queries uses the initial value of font-size and does not take into account any changes that may have happened to the font-size of the :root element. In other words, it's apparent value is always 16px.


This is a bit annoying, because it means that you have to do some fractional calculations, but I have found that most common media queries already use values that are multiples of 16.


|   px | rem |
|  320 |  20 |
|  480 |  30 |
|  768 |  48 |
| 1024 |  64 |
| 1200 |  75 |
| 1600 | 100 |

Additionally if you're using a CSS preprocessor, you can use mixins or variables to manage your media queries, which will mask the issue entirely.


Context Switching

If you switch between projects various different projects, it's quite possible that the apparent font-size of rem will have different values. In one project, you might be using an apparent size of 10px where in another project the apparent size might be 1px. This can be confusing and cause issues.


My only recommendation here is to stick with 62.5% to convert rem to an apparent size of 10px, because that has been more common in my experience.


Shared CSS Libraries

If you're writing CSS that's going to be used on a site that you don't control, such as for an embedded widget, there's really no good way to know what apparent size rem will have. If that's the case, feel free to keep using px.


If you still want to use rem though, consider releasing a Sass or LESS version of the stylesheet with a variable to override the scaling for the apparent size of rem.


* I don't want to spook anyone away from using rem, but I haven't been able to officially confirm that every browser uses 16px by default. You see, there are a lot of browsers and it wouldn't be all that hard for one browser to have diverged ever so slightly to, say 15px or 18px. In testing, however I have not seen a single example where a browser using default settings in a system using default settings had any value other than 16px. If you find such an example, please share it with me.




This article describes pretty well the pros and cons of px, em, and rem.


The author finally concludes that the best method is probably to use both px and rem, declaring px first for older browsers and redeclaring rem for newer browsers:


html { font-size: 62.5%; } 
body { font-size: 14px; font-size: 1.4rem; } /* =14px */
h1   { font-size: 24px; font-size: 2.4rem; } /* =24px */



As a reflex answer, I would recommend using rem, because it allows you to change the "zoom level" of the whole document at once, if necessary. In some cases, when you want the size to be relative to the parent element, then use em.


But rem support is spotty, IE8 needs a polyfill, and Webkit is exhibiting a bug. Moreover, sub-pixel calculation can cause things such as one pixel lines to sometimes disappear. The remedy is to code in pixels for such very small elements. That introduces even more complexity.


So, overall, ask yourself whether it's worth it - how important and likely it is that you change the "zoom level" of the whole document within CSS?


For some cases it's yes, for some cases it'll be no.


So, it depends on your needs, and you have to weight pros and cons, because using rem and em introduces some additional considerations in comparison to the "normal" pixel-based workflow.


Keep in mind that it's easy to switch (or rather convert) your CSS from px to rem (JavaScript is another story), because the following two blocks of CSS code would produce the same result:

请记住,将CSS从px转换为rem (JavaScript是另一个故事)很容易,因为接下来的两个CSS代码块会产生相同的结果:

html {

body {

.someElement {
  width: 12px;

html {

body {

.someElement {
  width: 12rem;



josh3736's answer is a good one, but to provide a counterpoint 3 years later:


I recommend using rem units for fonts, if only because it makes it easier for you, the developer, to change sizes. It's true that users very rarely change the default font size in their browsers, and that modern browser zoom will scale up px units. But what if your boss comes to you and says "don't enlarge the images or icons, but make all the fonts bigger". It's much easier to just change the root font size and let all the other fonts scale relative to that, then to change px sizes in dozens or hundreds of css rules.


I think it still makes sense to use px units for some images, or for certain layout elements that should always be the same size regardless of the scale of the design.


Caniuse.com may have said that only 75% of browsers when josh3736 posted his answer in 2012, but as of March 27 they claim 93.78% support. Only IE8 doesn't support it among the browsers they track.




pt is similar to rem, in that it's relatively fixed, but almost always DPI-independent, even when non-compliant browsers treat px in a device-dependent fashion. rem varies with the font size of the root element, but you can use something like Sass/Compass to do this automatically with pt.


If you had this:


html {
    font-size: 12pt;

then 1rem would always be 12pt. rem and em are only as device-independent as the elements on which they rely; some browsers don't behave according to spec, and treat px literally. Even in the old days of the Web, 1 point was consistently regarded as 1/72 inch--that is, there are 72 points in an inch.


If you have an old, non-compliant browser, and you have:


html {
    font-size: 16px;

then 1rem is going to be device-dependent. For elements that would inherit from html by default, 1em would also be device-dependent. 12pt would be the hopefully guaranteed device-independent equivalent: 16px / 96px * 72pt = 12pt, where 96px = 72pt = 1in.

1rem依赖于设备。对于默认继承自html的元素,1em也依赖于设备。12pt有望成为与设备无关的等价类:16px / 96px * 72pt = 12pt,其中96px = 72pt = 1in。

It can get pretty complicated to do the math if you want to stick to specific units. For example, .75em of html = .75rem = 9pt, and .66em of .75em of html = .5rem = 6pt. A good rule of thumb:

如果你想要坚持特定的单位,那么做数学就会变得相当复杂。例如,.75em of html = .75rem = 9pt, .66em of .75em of html = .5rem = 6pt。一条很好的经验法则:

  • Use pt for absolute sizes. If you really need this to be dynamic relative to the root element, you're asking too much of CSS; you need a language that compiles to CSS, like Sass/SCSS.
  • 绝对尺寸使用pt。如果你真的需要它相对于根元素来说是动态的,那么你对CSS的要求就太多了;你需要一种编译CSS的语言,比如Sass/SCSS。
  • Use em for relative sizes. It's pretty handy to be able to say, "I want the margin on the left to be about the maximum width of a letter," or, "Make this element's text just a bit bigger than its surroundings." <h1> is a good element on which to use a font size in ems, since it might appear in various places, but should always be bigger than nearby text. This way, you don't have to have a separate font size for every class that's applied to h1: the font size will adapt automatically.
  • 对于相对大小使用em。可以说,“我想让左边的边距达到一个字母的最大宽度”,或者“让这个元素的文本比它周围的内容大一点”,这很方便。


  • Use px for very tiny sizes. At very small sizes, pt can get blurry in some browsers at 96 DPI, since pt and px don't quite line up. If you just want to create a thin, one-pixel border, say so. If you have a high-DPI display, this won't be obvious to you during testing, so be sure to test on a generic 96-DPI display at some point.
  • 对于很小的尺寸使用px。在很小的尺寸下,pt在某些浏览器中会在96 DPI下变得模糊,因为pt和px并不是完全一致的。如果你只是想创建一个细的、一个像素的边框,那就这么说。如果您有一个高dpi显示,那么在测试过程中这对您来说并不明显,所以一定要在某个时间点上测试一个通用的96-DPI显示。
  • Don't deal in subpixels to make things fancy on high-DPI displays. Some browsers might support it--particularly on high-DPI displays--but it's a no-no. Most users prefer big and clear, though the web has taught us developers otherwise. If you want to add extended detail for your users with state-of-the-art screens, you can use vector graphics (read: SVG), which you should be doing anyway.
  • 不要在高dpi的屏幕上使用小像素来显示。一些浏览器可能会支持它——尤其是在高dpi屏幕上——但这是一个禁忌。大多数用户更喜欢大的和清晰的,尽管web教会了我们开发人员不同的东西。如果您想为您的用户添加最先进的屏幕,您可以使用矢量图形(read: SVG),无论如何您都应该这样做。



I've found the best way to program the font sizes of a website are to define a base font size for the body and then use em's (or rem's) for every other font-size I declare after that. That's personal preference I suppose, but it's served me well and also made it very easy to incorporate a more responsive design.


As far as using rem units go, I think it's good to find a balance between being progressive in your code, but to also offer support for older browsers. Check out this link about browser support for rem units, that should help out a good amount on your decision.




Yes. Or, rather, no.


Er, I mean, it doesn't matter. Use the one that makes sense for your particular project. PX and EM or both equally valid but will behave a bit different depending on your overall page's CSS architecture.




To clarify, I'm stating that usually it likely doesn't matter which you use. At times, you may specifically want to choose one over the other. EMs are nice if you can start from scratch and want to use a base font size and make everything relative to that.


PXs are often needed when you're retrofitting a redesign onto an existing code base and need the specificity of px to prevent bad nesting issues.




em's are the way forward, not just for fonts but you can use them with boxes, line thickness and other stuff too, why?


Put simply em's are the only ones that scale in unison with the alt+ and alt- keys in the browser for zooming.


Other measurements scale, but not as cleanly as an em.


On a side note if you want the best in scaling, also convert your graphics to vector based SVG where possible too as these will also cleanly scale with the browsers zoom ratio.




EMs are the ONLY thing that scales for media queries that handle +/- scaling, which people do all the time, not just blind people. Here's another very well written professional demonstration of why this matters.


By the way, this is why Zurb Foundation uses ems, while the inferior Bootstrap 3 still uses pixels.

顺便说一下,这就是为什么Zurb Foundation使用ems,而劣质的Bootstrap 3仍然使用像素。



TL;DR: use px.


The Facts

  • First, it's extremely important to know that per spec, the CSS px unit does not equal one physical display pixel. This has always been true – even in the 1996 CSS 1 spec.

    首先,非常重要的是要知道,根据每个规范,CSS px单元并不等于一个物理显示像素。即使在1996年的CSS 1规范中也是如此。

    CSS defines the reference pixel, which measures the size of a pixel on a 96 dpi display. On a display that has a dpi substantially different than 96dpi (like Retina displays), the user agent rescales the px unit so that its size matches that of a reference pixel. In other words, this rescaling is exactly why 1 CSS pixel equals 2 physical Retina display pixels.

    CSS定义了参考像素,它测量了一个像素在96 dpi显示器上的大小。在一个dpi与96dpi(如Retina display)有本质区别的显示器上,用户代理将px单元重新展开,使其大小与参考像素的大小相匹配。换句话说,这就是为什么1个CSS像素等于2个物理视网膜显示像素的原因。

    That said, up until 2010 (and the mobile zoom situation notwithstanding), the px almost always did equal one physical pixel, because all widely available displays were around 96dpi.


  • Sizes specified in ems are relative to the parent element. This leads to the em's "compounding problem" where nested elements get progressively larger or smaller. For example:


    body { font-size:20px; } 
    div { font-size:0.5em; }

    Gives us:


    <body> - 20px
        <div> - 10px
            <div> - 5px
                <div> - 2.5px
                    <div> - 1.25px
  • The CSS3 rem, which is always relative only to the root html element, is too new to rely on. As of July 2012, around 75% of all browsers in use support the rem.


The Opinion

I think everyone agrees that it's good to design your pages to be accommodating to everyone, and to make consideration for the visually impaired. One such consideration (but not the only one!) is allowing users to make the text of your site bigger, so that it's easier to read.


In the beginning, the only way to provide users a way to scale text size was by using relative size units (such as ems). This is because the browser's font size menu simply changed the root font size. Thus, if you specified font sizes in px, they wouldn't scale when changing the browser's font size option.


Modern browsers (and even the not-so-modern IE7) all changed the default scaling method to simply zooming in on everything, including images and box sizes. Essentially, they make the reference pixel larger or smaller.


Yes, someone could still change their browser default stylesheet to tweak the default font size (the equivalent of the old-style font size option), but that's a very esoteric way of going about it and I'd wager nobody1 does it. (In Chrome, it's buried under the advanced settings, Web content, Font Sizes. In IE9, it's even more hidden. You have to press Alt, and go to View, Text Size.) It's much easier to just select the Zoom option in the browser's main menu (or use Ctrl++/-/mouse wheel).


1 - within statistical error, naturally

1 -在统计误差范围内,自然。

If we assume most users scale pages using the zoom option, I find relative units mostly irrelevant. It's much easier to develop your page when everything is specified in the same unit (images are all dealt with in pixels), and you don't have to worry about compounding. ("I was told there would be no math" – there's dealing with having to calculate what 1.5em actually works out to.)


One other potential problem of using only relative units for font sizes is that user-resized fonts may break assumptions your layout makes. For example, this might lead to text getting clipped or running too long. If you use absolute units, you don't have to worry about unexpected font sizes from breaking your layout.


So my answer is use pixel units. I use px for everything. Of course, your situation may vary, and if you must support IE6 (may the gods of the RFCs have mercy on you), you'll have to use ems anyway.




I would like to praise josh3736's answer for providing some excellent historical context. While it's well articulated, the CSS landscape has changed in the almost five years since this question was asked. When this question was asked, px was the correct answer, but that no longer holds true today.


tl;dr: use rem


Unit Overview

Historically px units typically represented one device pixel. With devices having higher and higher pixel density this no longer holds for many devices, such as with Apple's Retina Display.


rem units represent the root em size. It's the font-size of whatever matches :root. In the case of HTML, it's the <html> element; for SVG, it's the <svg> element. The default font-size in every browser* is 16px.

快速眼动单位表示em的根尺寸。它是任何匹配的字体大小:根。在HTML中,它是< HTML >元素;对于SVG,它是< SVG >元素。每个浏览器的默认字体大小是16px。

At the time of writing, rem is supported by approximately 98% of users. If you're worried about that other 2%, I'll remind you that media queries are also supported by approximately 98% of users.


On Using px

The majority of CSS examples on the internet use px values because they were the de-facto standard. pt, in and a variety of other units could have been used in theory, but they didn't handle small values well as you'd quickly need to resort to fractions, which were longer to type, and harder to reason about.

internet上大多数CSS示例都使用px值,因为它们是事实上的标准。pt, in和其他很多单位都可以在理论上使用,但是他们没有处理小的值,因为你很快需要用到分数,这是更长的类型,更难以解释。

If you wanted a thin border, with px you could use 1px, with pt you'd need to use 0.75pt for consistent results, and that's just not very convenient.


On Using rem

rem's default value of 16px isn't a very strong argument for its use. Writing 0.0625rem is worse than writing 0.75pt, so why would anyone use rem?


There are two parts to rem's advantage over other units.


  • User preferences are respected
  • 尊重用户首选项
  • You can change the apparent px value of rem to whatever you'd like
  • 你可以将快速眼动的像素值改变为你想要的。

Respecting User Preferences

Browser zoom has changed a lot over the years. Historically many browsers would only scale up font-size, but that changed pretty rapidly when websites realized that their beautiful pixel-perfect designs were breaking any time someone zoomed in or out. At this point, browsers scale the entire page, so font-based zooming is out of the picture.


Respecting a user's wishes is not out of the picture. Just because a browser is set to 16px by default, doesn't mean any user can't change their preferences to 24px or 32px to correct for bad vision. If you base your units off of rem, any user at a higher font-size will see a proportionally larger site. Borders will be bigger, padding will be bigger, margins will be bigger, everything will scale up fluidly.


If you base your media queries on rem, you can also make sure that the site your users see fits their screen. A user with font-size set to 32px on a 640px wide browser, will effectively be seeing your site as shown to a user at 16px on a 320px wide browser. There's absolutely no loss for RWD in using rem.


Changing Apparent px Value

Because rem is based on the font-size of the :root node, if you want to change what 1rem represents, all you have to do is change the font-size:


:root {
  font-size: 100px;
body {
  font-size: 1rem;
<p>Don't ever actually do this, please</p>

Whatever you do, don't set the :root element's font-size to a px value.


If you set the font-size on html to a px value, you've blown away the user's preferences without a way to get them back.


If you want to change the apparent value of rem, use % units.

如果您想改变rem的视值,请使用% unit。

The math for this is reasonably straight-forward.


The apparent font-size of :root is 16px, but lets say we want to change it to 20px. All we need to do is multiply 16 by some value to get 20.


Set up your equation:


16 * X = 20

And solve for X:


X = 20 / 16
X = 1.25
X = 125%

:root {
  font-size: 125%;
<p>If you're using the default font-size, I'm 20px tall.</p>

Doing everything in multiples of 20 isn't all that great, but a common suggestion is to make the apparent size of rem equal to 10px. The magic number for that is 10/16 which is 0.625, or 62.5%.

以20的倍数来做每一件事并不是很好,但是一个常见的建议是让rem的表面大小等于10px。神奇的是10/16 = 0。625,或者说62.5%

:root {
  font-size: 62.5%;
<p>If you're using the default font-size, I'm 10px tall.</p>

The problem now is that your default font-size for the rest of the page is set way too small, but there's a simple fix for that: Set a font-size on body using rem:


:root {
  font-size: 62.5%;

body {
  font-size: 1.6rem;
<p>I'm the default font-size</p>

It's important to note, with this adjustment in place, the apparent value of rem is 10px which means any value you might have written in px can be converted directly to rem by bumping a decimal place.


padding: 20px;

turns into


padding: 2rem;

The apparent font-size you choose is up to you, so if you want there's no reason you can't use:


:root {
  font-size: 6.25%;
body {
  font-size: 16rem;

and have 1rem equal 1px.

1rem = 1px。

So there you have it, a simple solution to respect user wishes while also avoiding over-complicating your CSS.


Wait, so what's the catch?

I was afraid you might ask that. As much as I'd like to pretend that rem is magic and solves-all-things, there are still some issues of note. Nothing deal-breaking in my opinion, but I'm going to call them out so you can't say I didn't warn you.


Media Queries

One of the first issues you'll run into with rem involves media queries. Consider the following code:


:root {
  font-size: 1000px;
@media (min-width: 1rem) {
  :root {
    font-size: 1px;

Here the value of rem changes depending on whether the media-query applies, and the media query depends on the value of rem, so what on earth is going on?


rem in media queries uses the initial value of font-size and does not take into account any changes that may have happened to the font-size of the :root element. In other words, it's apparent value is always 16px.


This is a bit annoying, because it means that you have to do some fractional calculations, but I have found that most common media queries already use values that are multiples of 16.


|   px | rem |
|  320 |  20 |
|  480 |  30 |
|  768 |  48 |
| 1024 |  64 |
| 1200 |  75 |
| 1600 | 100 |

Additionally if you're using a CSS preprocessor, you can use mixins or variables to manage your media queries, which will mask the issue entirely.


Context Switching

If you switch between projects various different projects, it's quite possible that the apparent font-size of rem will have different values. In one project, you might be using an apparent size of 10px where in another project the apparent size might be 1px. This can be confusing and cause issues.


My only recommendation here is to stick with 62.5% to convert rem to an apparent size of 10px, because that has been more common in my experience.


Shared CSS Libraries

If you're writing CSS that's going to be used on a site that you don't control, such as for an embedded widget, there's really no good way to know what apparent size rem will have. If that's the case, feel free to keep using px.


If you still want to use rem though, consider releasing a Sass or LESS version of the stylesheet with a variable to override the scaling for the apparent size of rem.


* I don't want to spook anyone away from using rem, but I haven't been able to officially confirm that every browser uses 16px by default. You see, there are a lot of browsers and it wouldn't be all that hard for one browser to have diverged ever so slightly to, say 15px or 18px. In testing, however I have not seen a single example where a browser using default settings in a system using default settings had any value other than 16px. If you find such an example, please share it with me.




This article describes pretty well the pros and cons of px, em, and rem.


The author finally concludes that the best method is probably to use both px and rem, declaring px first for older browsers and redeclaring rem for newer browsers:


html { font-size: 62.5%; } 
body { font-size: 14px; font-size: 1.4rem; } /* =14px */
h1   { font-size: 24px; font-size: 2.4rem; } /* =24px */



As a reflex answer, I would recommend using rem, because it allows you to change the "zoom level" of the whole document at once, if necessary. In some cases, when you want the size to be relative to the parent element, then use em.


But rem support is spotty, IE8 needs a polyfill, and Webkit is exhibiting a bug. Moreover, sub-pixel calculation can cause things such as one pixel lines to sometimes disappear. The remedy is to code in pixels for such very small elements. That introduces even more complexity.


So, overall, ask yourself whether it's worth it - how important and likely it is that you change the "zoom level" of the whole document within CSS?


For some cases it's yes, for some cases it'll be no.


So, it depends on your needs, and you have to weight pros and cons, because using rem and em introduces some additional considerations in comparison to the "normal" pixel-based workflow.


Keep in mind that it's easy to switch (or rather convert) your CSS from px to rem (JavaScript is another story), because the following two blocks of CSS code would produce the same result:

请记住,将CSS从px转换为rem (JavaScript是另一个故事)很容易,因为接下来的两个CSS代码块会产生相同的结果:

html {

body {

.someElement {
  width: 12px;

html {

body {

.someElement {
  width: 12rem;



josh3736's answer is a good one, but to provide a counterpoint 3 years later:


I recommend using rem units for fonts, if only because it makes it easier for you, the developer, to change sizes. It's true that users very rarely change the default font size in their browsers, and that modern browser zoom will scale up px units. But what if your boss comes to you and says "don't enlarge the images or icons, but make all the fonts bigger". It's much easier to just change the root font size and let all the other fonts scale relative to that, then to change px sizes in dozens or hundreds of css rules.


I think it still makes sense to use px units for some images, or for certain layout elements that should always be the same size regardless of the scale of the design.


Caniuse.com may have said that only 75% of browsers when josh3736 posted his answer in 2012, but as of March 27 they claim 93.78% support. Only IE8 doesn't support it among the browsers they track.




pt is similar to rem, in that it's relatively fixed, but almost always DPI-independent, even when non-compliant browsers treat px in a device-dependent fashion. rem varies with the font size of the root element, but you can use something like Sass/Compass to do this automatically with pt.


If you had this:


html {
    font-size: 12pt;

then 1rem would always be 12pt. rem and em are only as device-independent as the elements on which they rely; some browsers don't behave according to spec, and treat px literally. Even in the old days of the Web, 1 point was consistently regarded as 1/72 inch--that is, there are 72 points in an inch.


If you have an old, non-compliant browser, and you have:


html {
    font-size: 16px;

then 1rem is going to be device-dependent. For elements that would inherit from html by default, 1em would also be device-dependent. 12pt would be the hopefully guaranteed device-independent equivalent: 16px / 96px * 72pt = 12pt, where 96px = 72pt = 1in.

1rem依赖于设备。对于默认继承自html的元素,1em也依赖于设备。12pt有望成为与设备无关的等价类:16px / 96px * 72pt = 12pt,其中96px = 72pt = 1in。

It can get pretty complicated to do the math if you want to stick to specific units. For example, .75em of html = .75rem = 9pt, and .66em of .75em of html = .5rem = 6pt. A good rule of thumb:

如果你想要坚持特定的单位,那么做数学就会变得相当复杂。例如,.75em of html = .75rem = 9pt, .66em of .75em of html = .5rem = 6pt。一条很好的经验法则:

  • Use pt for absolute sizes. If you really need this to be dynamic relative to the root element, you're asking too much of CSS; you need a language that compiles to CSS, like Sass/SCSS.
  • 绝对尺寸使用pt。如果你真的需要它相对于根元素来说是动态的,那么你对CSS的要求就太多了;你需要一种编译CSS的语言,比如Sass/SCSS。
  • Use em for relative sizes. It's pretty handy to be able to say, "I want the margin on the left to be about the maximum width of a letter," or, "Make this element's text just a bit bigger than its surroundings." <h1> is a good element on which to use a font size in ems, since it might appear in various places, but should always be bigger than nearby text. This way, you don't have to have a separate font size for every class that's applied to h1: the font size will adapt automatically.
  • 对于相对大小使用em。可以说,“我想让左边的边距达到一个字母的最大宽度”,或者“让这个元素的文本比它周围的内容大一点”,这很方便。


  • Use px for very tiny sizes. At very small sizes, pt can get blurry in some browsers at 96 DPI, since pt and px don't quite line up. If you just want to create a thin, one-pixel border, say so. If you have a high-DPI display, this won't be obvious to you during testing, so be sure to test on a generic 96-DPI display at some point.
  • 对于很小的尺寸使用px。在很小的尺寸下,pt在某些浏览器中会在96 DPI下变得模糊,因为pt和px并不是完全一致的。如果你只是想创建一个细的、一个像素的边框,那就这么说。如果您有一个高dpi显示,那么在测试过程中这对您来说并不明显,所以一定要在某个时间点上测试一个通用的96-DPI显示。
  • Don't deal in subpixels to make things fancy on high-DPI displays. Some browsers might support it--particularly on high-DPI displays--but it's a no-no. Most users prefer big and clear, though the web has taught us developers otherwise. If you want to add extended detail for your users with state-of-the-art screens, you can use vector graphics (read: SVG), which you should be doing anyway.
  • 不要在高dpi的屏幕上使用小像素来显示。一些浏览器可能会支持它——尤其是在高dpi屏幕上——但这是一个禁忌。大多数用户更喜欢大的和清晰的,尽管web教会了我们开发人员不同的东西。如果您想为您的用户添加最先进的屏幕,您可以使用矢量图形(read: SVG),无论如何您都应该这样做。



I've found the best way to program the font sizes of a website are to define a base font size for the body and then use em's (or rem's) for every other font-size I declare after that. That's personal preference I suppose, but it's served me well and also made it very easy to incorporate a more responsive design.


As far as using rem units go, I think it's good to find a balance between being progressive in your code, but to also offer support for older browsers. Check out this link about browser support for rem units, that should help out a good amount on your decision.




Yes. Or, rather, no.


Er, I mean, it doesn't matter. Use the one that makes sense for your particular project. PX and EM or both equally valid but will behave a bit different depending on your overall page's CSS architecture.




To clarify, I'm stating that usually it likely doesn't matter which you use. At times, you may specifically want to choose one over the other. EMs are nice if you can start from scratch and want to use a base font size and make everything relative to that.


PXs are often needed when you're retrofitting a redesign onto an existing code base and need the specificity of px to prevent bad nesting issues.




em's are the way forward, not just for fonts but you can use them with boxes, line thickness and other stuff too, why?


Put simply em's are the only ones that scale in unison with the alt+ and alt- keys in the browser for zooming.


Other measurements scale, but not as cleanly as an em.


On a side note if you want the best in scaling, also convert your graphics to vector based SVG where possible too as these will also cleanly scale with the browsers zoom ratio.




EMs are the ONLY thing that scales for media queries that handle +/- scaling, which people do all the time, not just blind people. Here's another very well written professional demonstration of why this matters.


By the way, this is why Zurb Foundation uses ems, while the inferior Bootstrap 3 still uses pixels.

顺便说一下,这就是为什么Zurb Foundation使用ems,而劣质的Bootstrap 3仍然使用像素。