
时间:2022-09-10 22:46:29

I need to be able to parse both CSV and TSV files. I can't rely on the users to know the difference, so I would like to avoid asking the user to select the type. Is there a simple way to detect which delimiter is in use?


One way would be to read in every line and count both tabs and commas and find out which is most consistently used in every line. Of course, the data could include commas or tabs, so that may be easier said than done.


Edit: Another fun aspect of this project is that I will also need to detect the schema of the file when I read it in because it could be one of many. This means that I won't know how many fields I have until I can parse it.


13 个解决方案



You could show them the results in preview window - similar to the way Excel does it. It's pretty clear when the wrong delimiter is being used in that case. You could then allow them to select a range of delimiters and have the preview update in real time.

您可以在预览窗口中显示结果 - 类似于Excel的方式。在这种情况下使用错误的分隔符时非常清楚。然后,您可以允许他们选择一系列分隔符并实时预览更新。

Then you could just make a simple guess as to the delimiter to start with (e.g. does a comma or a tab come first).




In Python, there is a Sniffer class in the csv module that can be used to guess a given file's delimiter and quote characters. Its strategy is (quoted from csv.py's docstrings):


[First, look] for text enclosed between two identical quotes (the probable quotechar) which are preceded and followed by the same character (the probable delimiter). For example:


         ,'some text',

The quote with the most wins, same with the delimiter. If there is no quotechar the delimiter can't be determined this way.


In that case, try the following:


The delimiter should occur the same number of times on each row. However, due to malformed data, it may not. We don't want an all or nothing approach, so we allow for small variations in this number.


  1. build a table of the frequency of each character on every line.
  2. 建立每行每个字符频率的表格。
  3. build a table of freqencies of this frequency (meta-frequency?), e.g. 'x occurred 5 times in 10 rows, 6 times in 1000 rows, 7 times in 2 rows'
  4. 建立一个这个频率的频率表(元频率?),例如: 'x在10行中出现5次,在1000行中出现6次,在2行中出现7次'
  5. use the mode of the meta-frequency to determine the expected frequency for that character
  6. 使用元频率的模式来确定该角色的预期频率
  7. find out how often the character actually meets that goal
  8. 找出角色实际达到目标的频率
  9. the character that best meets its goal is the delimiter
  10. 最符合其目标的角色是分隔符

For performance reasons, the data is evaluated in chunks, so it can try and evaluate the smallest portion of the data possible, evaluating additional chunks as necessary.


I'm not going to quote the source code here - it's in the Lib directory of every Python installation.

我不打算在这里引用源代码 - 它位于每个Python安装的Lib目录中。

Remember that CSV can also use semicolons instead of commas as delimiters (e. g. in German versions of Excel, CSVs are semicolon-delimited because commas are used as decimal separators in Germany...)




Do you know how many fields should be present per line? If so, I'd read the first few lines of the file and check based on that.


In my experience, "normal" data quite often contains commas but rarely contains tab characters. This would suggest that you should check for a consistent number of tabs in the first few lines, and go with that choice as a preferred guess. Of course, it depends on exactly what data you've got.


Ultimately, it would be quite possible to have a file which is completely valid for both formats - so you can't make it absolutely foolproof. It'll have to be a "best effort" job.

最终,很可能有一个对两种格式都完全有效的文件 - 所以你不能让它绝对万无一失。它必须是“尽力而为”的工作。



It's in PHP but this seems to be quite reliable:


$csv = 'something;something;something
$candidates = array(',', ';', "\t");
$csvlines = explode("\n", $csv);
foreach ($candidates as $candidatekey => $candidate) {
 $lastcnt = 0;
 foreach ($csvlines as $csvline) {
  if (strlen($csvline) <= 2) continue;
  $thiscnt = substr_count($csvline, $candidate);
  if (($thiscnt == 0) || ($thiscnt != $lastcnt) && ($lastcnt != 0)) {
  $lastcnt = $thiscnt;
$delim = array_shift($candidates);
echo $delim;

What it does is the following: For every specified possible delimiter, it reads every line in the CSV and checks if the number of times each seperator occurs is constant. If not, the candidate seperator is removed and ultimately you should end up with one seperator.




I'd imagine that your suggested solution would be the best way to go. In a well-formed CSV or TSV file, the number of commas or tabs respectively per line should be constant (no variation at all). Do a count of each for every line of the file, and check which one is constant for all lines. It would seem quite unlikely that the count of both delimeters for each line is identical, but in this inconceivably rare case, you could of course prompt the user.


If neither the number of tabs nor commas is constant, then display a message to the user telling them that the file is malformed but the program thinks it is a (whatever format has the lowest standard deviation of delimeters per line) file.




Just read a few lines, count the number of commas and the number of tabs and compare them. If there's 20 commas and no tabs, it's in CSV. If there's 20 tabs and 2 commas (maybe in the data), it's in TSV.




I ran into a similar need and thought I would share what I came up with. I haven't run a lot of data through it yet, so there are possible edge cases. Also, keep in mind the goal of this function isn't 100% certainty of the delimiter, but best guess to be presented to user.


/// <summary>
/// Analyze the given lines of text and try to determine the correct delimiter used. If multiple
/// candidate delimiters are found, the highest frequency delimiter will be returned.
/// </summary>
/// <example>
/// string discoveredDelimiter = DetectDelimiter(dataLines, new char[] { '\t', '|', ',', ':', ';' });
/// </example>
/// <param name="lines">Lines to inspect</param>
/// <param name="delimiters">Delimiters to search for</param>
/// <returns>The most probable delimiter by usage, or null if none found.</returns>
public string DetectDelimiter(IEnumerable<string> lines, IEnumerable<char> delimiters) {
  Dictionary<char, int> delimFrequency = new Dictionary<char, int>();

  // Setup our frequency tracker for given delimiters
  delimiters.ToList().ForEach(curDelim => 
    delimFrequency.Add(curDelim, 0)

  // Get a total sum of all occurrences of each delimiter in the given lines
  delimFrequency.ToList().ForEach(curDelim => 
    delimFrequency[curDelim.Key] = lines.Sum(line => line.Count(p => p == curDelim.Key))

  // Find delimiters that have a frequency evenly divisible by the number of lines
  // (correct & consistent usage) and order them by largest frequency
  var possibleDelimiters = delimFrequency
                    .Where(f => f.Value > 0 && f.Value % lines.Count() == 0)
                    .OrderByDescending(f => f.Value)

  // If more than one possible delimiter found, return the most used one
  if (possibleDelimiters.Any()) {
    return possibleDelimiters.First().Key.ToString();
  else {
    return null;




There is no "efficient" way.




Assuming that there are a fixed number of fields per line and that any commas or tabs within values are enclosed by quotes ("), you should be able to work it out on the frequency of each character in each line. If the fields aren't fixed, this is harder, and if quotes aren't used to enclose otherwise delimiting characters, it will be, I suspect, near impossible (and depending on the data, locale-specific).




In my experience, data rarely contains tabs, so a line of tab delimited fields would (generally) be fairly obvious.


Commas are more difficult, though - especially if you're reading data in non-US locales. Numerical data can contain huge numbers of commas if you're reading files generated out of country, since floating point numbers will often contain them.

但是逗号更难 - 特别是如果你在非美国语言环境中阅读数据。如果您正在读取由国家/地区生成的文件,则数字数据可能包含大量逗号,因为浮点数通常会包含它们。

In the end, the only safe thing, though, is usually to try, then present it to the user and allow them to adjust, especially if your data will contain commas and/or tabs.




I would assume that in normal text, tabs are very rare except as the first character(s) on a line -- think indented paragraphs or source code. I think if you find embedded tabs (i.e. ones that don't follow commas), you can assume that the tabs are being used as the delimiters and be correct most of the time. This is just a hunch, not verified with any research. I'd of course give the user the option to override the auto-calculated mode.

我认为在普通文本中,标签很少见,除非是一行中的第一个字符 - 想想缩进的段落或源代码。我想如果你发现嵌入式标签(即那些不遵循逗号的标签),你可以假设标签被用作分隔符并且在大多数时候都是正确的。这只是一种预感,未经任何研究验证。我当然会给用户提供覆盖自动计算模式的选项。



Assuming you have a standard set of columns you are going to expect...


I would use FileHelper (open source project on SourceForge). http://filehelpers.sourceforge.net/

我会使用FileHelper(SourceForge上的开源项目)。 http://filehelpers.sourceforge.net/

Define two reader templates, one for comas, one for tabs.


If the first one fails, try the second.




You can check whether a line is using one delimiter or another like this:


while ((line = readFile.ReadLine()) != null)
    if (line.Split('\t').Length > line.Split(',').Length) // tab delimited or comma delimited?
        row = line.Split('\t');
        row = line.Split(',');




You could show them the results in preview window - similar to the way Excel does it. It's pretty clear when the wrong delimiter is being used in that case. You could then allow them to select a range of delimiters and have the preview update in real time.

您可以在预览窗口中显示结果 - 类似于Excel的方式。在这种情况下使用错误的分隔符时非常清楚。然后,您可以允许他们选择一系列分隔符并实时预览更新。

Then you could just make a simple guess as to the delimiter to start with (e.g. does a comma or a tab come first).




In Python, there is a Sniffer class in the csv module that can be used to guess a given file's delimiter and quote characters. Its strategy is (quoted from csv.py's docstrings):


[First, look] for text enclosed between two identical quotes (the probable quotechar) which are preceded and followed by the same character (the probable delimiter). For example:


         ,'some text',

The quote with the most wins, same with the delimiter. If there is no quotechar the delimiter can't be determined this way.


In that case, try the following:


The delimiter should occur the same number of times on each row. However, due to malformed data, it may not. We don't want an all or nothing approach, so we allow for small variations in this number.


  1. build a table of the frequency of each character on every line.
  2. 建立每行每个字符频率的表格。
  3. build a table of freqencies of this frequency (meta-frequency?), e.g. 'x occurred 5 times in 10 rows, 6 times in 1000 rows, 7 times in 2 rows'
  4. 建立一个这个频率的频率表(元频率?),例如: 'x在10行中出现5次,在1000行中出现6次,在2行中出现7次'
  5. use the mode of the meta-frequency to determine the expected frequency for that character
  6. 使用元频率的模式来确定该角色的预期频率
  7. find out how often the character actually meets that goal
  8. 找出角色实际达到目标的频率
  9. the character that best meets its goal is the delimiter
  10. 最符合其目标的角色是分隔符

For performance reasons, the data is evaluated in chunks, so it can try and evaluate the smallest portion of the data possible, evaluating additional chunks as necessary.


I'm not going to quote the source code here - it's in the Lib directory of every Python installation.

我不打算在这里引用源代码 - 它位于每个Python安装的Lib目录中。

Remember that CSV can also use semicolons instead of commas as delimiters (e. g. in German versions of Excel, CSVs are semicolon-delimited because commas are used as decimal separators in Germany...)




Do you know how many fields should be present per line? If so, I'd read the first few lines of the file and check based on that.


In my experience, "normal" data quite often contains commas but rarely contains tab characters. This would suggest that you should check for a consistent number of tabs in the first few lines, and go with that choice as a preferred guess. Of course, it depends on exactly what data you've got.


Ultimately, it would be quite possible to have a file which is completely valid for both formats - so you can't make it absolutely foolproof. It'll have to be a "best effort" job.

最终,很可能有一个对两种格式都完全有效的文件 - 所以你不能让它绝对万无一失。它必须是“尽力而为”的工作。



It's in PHP but this seems to be quite reliable:


$csv = 'something;something;something
$candidates = array(',', ';', "\t");
$csvlines = explode("\n", $csv);
foreach ($candidates as $candidatekey => $candidate) {
 $lastcnt = 0;
 foreach ($csvlines as $csvline) {
  if (strlen($csvline) <= 2) continue;
  $thiscnt = substr_count($csvline, $candidate);
  if (($thiscnt == 0) || ($thiscnt != $lastcnt) && ($lastcnt != 0)) {
  $lastcnt = $thiscnt;
$delim = array_shift($candidates);
echo $delim;

What it does is the following: For every specified possible delimiter, it reads every line in the CSV and checks if the number of times each seperator occurs is constant. If not, the candidate seperator is removed and ultimately you should end up with one seperator.




I'd imagine that your suggested solution would be the best way to go. In a well-formed CSV or TSV file, the number of commas or tabs respectively per line should be constant (no variation at all). Do a count of each for every line of the file, and check which one is constant for all lines. It would seem quite unlikely that the count of both delimeters for each line is identical, but in this inconceivably rare case, you could of course prompt the user.


If neither the number of tabs nor commas is constant, then display a message to the user telling them that the file is malformed but the program thinks it is a (whatever format has the lowest standard deviation of delimeters per line) file.




Just read a few lines, count the number of commas and the number of tabs and compare them. If there's 20 commas and no tabs, it's in CSV. If there's 20 tabs and 2 commas (maybe in the data), it's in TSV.




I ran into a similar need and thought I would share what I came up with. I haven't run a lot of data through it yet, so there are possible edge cases. Also, keep in mind the goal of this function isn't 100% certainty of the delimiter, but best guess to be presented to user.


/// <summary>
/// Analyze the given lines of text and try to determine the correct delimiter used. If multiple
/// candidate delimiters are found, the highest frequency delimiter will be returned.
/// </summary>
/// <example>
/// string discoveredDelimiter = DetectDelimiter(dataLines, new char[] { '\t', '|', ',', ':', ';' });
/// </example>
/// <param name="lines">Lines to inspect</param>
/// <param name="delimiters">Delimiters to search for</param>
/// <returns>The most probable delimiter by usage, or null if none found.</returns>
public string DetectDelimiter(IEnumerable<string> lines, IEnumerable<char> delimiters) {
  Dictionary<char, int> delimFrequency = new Dictionary<char, int>();

  // Setup our frequency tracker for given delimiters
  delimiters.ToList().ForEach(curDelim => 
    delimFrequency.Add(curDelim, 0)

  // Get a total sum of all occurrences of each delimiter in the given lines
  delimFrequency.ToList().ForEach(curDelim => 
    delimFrequency[curDelim.Key] = lines.Sum(line => line.Count(p => p == curDelim.Key))

  // Find delimiters that have a frequency evenly divisible by the number of lines
  // (correct & consistent usage) and order them by largest frequency
  var possibleDelimiters = delimFrequency
                    .Where(f => f.Value > 0 && f.Value % lines.Count() == 0)
                    .OrderByDescending(f => f.Value)

  // If more than one possible delimiter found, return the most used one
  if (possibleDelimiters.Any()) {
    return possibleDelimiters.First().Key.ToString();
  else {
    return null;




There is no "efficient" way.




Assuming that there are a fixed number of fields per line and that any commas or tabs within values are enclosed by quotes ("), you should be able to work it out on the frequency of each character in each line. If the fields aren't fixed, this is harder, and if quotes aren't used to enclose otherwise delimiting characters, it will be, I suspect, near impossible (and depending on the data, locale-specific).




In my experience, data rarely contains tabs, so a line of tab delimited fields would (generally) be fairly obvious.


Commas are more difficult, though - especially if you're reading data in non-US locales. Numerical data can contain huge numbers of commas if you're reading files generated out of country, since floating point numbers will often contain them.

但是逗号更难 - 特别是如果你在非美国语言环境中阅读数据。如果您正在读取由国家/地区生成的文件,则数字数据可能包含大量逗号,因为浮点数通常会包含它们。

In the end, the only safe thing, though, is usually to try, then present it to the user and allow them to adjust, especially if your data will contain commas and/or tabs.




I would assume that in normal text, tabs are very rare except as the first character(s) on a line -- think indented paragraphs or source code. I think if you find embedded tabs (i.e. ones that don't follow commas), you can assume that the tabs are being used as the delimiters and be correct most of the time. This is just a hunch, not verified with any research. I'd of course give the user the option to override the auto-calculated mode.

我认为在普通文本中,标签很少见,除非是一行中的第一个字符 - 想想缩进的段落或源代码。我想如果你发现嵌入式标签(即那些不遵循逗号的标签),你可以假设标签被用作分隔符并且在大多数时候都是正确的。这只是一种预感,未经任何研究验证。我当然会给用户提供覆盖自动计算模式的选项。



Assuming you have a standard set of columns you are going to expect...


I would use FileHelper (open source project on SourceForge). http://filehelpers.sourceforge.net/

我会使用FileHelper(SourceForge上的开源项目)。 http://filehelpers.sourceforge.net/

Define two reader templates, one for comas, one for tabs.


If the first one fails, try the second.




You can check whether a line is using one delimiter or another like this:


while ((line = readFile.ReadLine()) != null)
    if (line.Split('\t').Length > line.Split(',').Length) // tab delimited or comma delimited?
        row = line.Split('\t');
        row = line.Split(',');
