如何获取x和y值来检测html5 canvas中两个图像之间的冲突?

时间:2022-09-10 21:23:23

I am trying to make two images collide (one is a cannonball called figBola and the other a ballon called figSprite), the problem I have is that I always get a value of 0 in both a.x, a.y and b.x, b.y when using alert(); in my colliding function when I am supposed to get the position of both images in that moment which equal x and y. Both of my images width and height are returned correctly. This is what I have tried so far (the colision code is at the bottom):


function iniciar(){

    elemento =  document.getElementById("area");
    lienzo = elemento.getContext("2d");
    figSprite = new Image();
    figSprite.src = "ballon.png";
    figBola = new Image();
    figBola.src = "bola.png";
    figCanon = new Image();
    figCanon.src = "cañon.png";

    //mostrar imagen en canvas

    xcanon = 0;
    ycanon = 20;
    inccanon = 0;
    inccanon1 = 2;
    //variables de posicion
    xs = 450;
    ys = 20;
    incy = 3;
    intervalo = 25; //miliseg, num veces = 1000/25 = 40
    //definicion del intervalo
    xbolita = -50;
    ybolita = -20;
    window.addEventListener("keypress", mover, false);

function animacion(){
    lienzo.clearRect(0, 0, 500, 500);
    if(incremento===true && ys < 430)
        dibujar_sprite(xs, ys);

        if(ys+incy > 430)
            incremento = false;

    if(incremento===false && ys > 20)
        dibujar_sprite(xs, ys);

        if(ys-incy <= 20)
            incremento = true;

    ycanon+= inccanon;

    if(ycanon < 20 || ycanon > 450)

    xbolita+= incx;
    dibujar_bolita(xbolita, ybolita);
    dibujar_canon(xcanon, ycanon);

    collision(figSprite, figBola);

function btnStart_click(){
    repeticion = setInterval(animacion, intervalo);
    document.getElementById("stop").disabled = false;
    document.getElementById("start").disabled = true;

function btnStop_click(){
    document.getElementById("stop").disabled = true;
    document.getElementById("start").disabled = false;

function btnUp_click(){
    inccanon = -2; 

function btnDown_click(){
    inccanon = +2;

function btnShoot_click(){
    xbolita = 20;
    ybolita = ycanon;
//draw images
function dibujar_sprite(x,y){
    lienzo.drawImage(figSprite, x, y);

function dibujar_bolita(x,y){
    lienzo.drawImage(figBola, x, y);

function dibujar_canon(x,y){
    lienzo.drawImage(figCanon, x, y);

function mover(e){
    valor = e.keyCode;

    if(valor === 38)
        ycanon -= inccanon1;

    if(valor === 40)
        ycanon += inccanon1;


collision code where i am passing images as varibles:


function collision(a, b){
    if(a.x < b.x + b.width && a.x + a.width > b.x && a.y < b.y + b.height && a.y + a.height > b.y)

1 个解决方案



OK, here's your problem: an Image object doesn't have x and y properties, but it does have width and height. Thus, when you try to access the x and y properties in your collision function, they come up as undefined.


It looks like you have the coordinates of each object stored in variables already (xcanon, ycanon, etc.), so those can be used as additional arguments in your collision function, however, this may not be your best bet. You could also define x and y properties of each Image object, however, I think a bit of refactoring is your best bet here. Try creating a custom JavaScript object for each item you're working with:


function GameItem (image, x, y, width, height) {
    this.image = image;
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.width = width;
    this.height = height;

var spriteImage = new Image();
spriteImage.src = "ballon.png";
sprite = new GameItem(spriteImage, 450, 20, spriteImage.width, spriteImage.height);

// etc.

// collision method now works between two of these objects:
collision(sprite, bola);

If you use this code, be sure to update your draw-- er... dibujar methods. :)


PS: Sorry, but my Spanish-JavaScript reading skills aren't in their prime.

PS:对不起,我的西班牙语- javascript阅读能力还不太好。



OK, here's your problem: an Image object doesn't have x and y properties, but it does have width and height. Thus, when you try to access the x and y properties in your collision function, they come up as undefined.


It looks like you have the coordinates of each object stored in variables already (xcanon, ycanon, etc.), so those can be used as additional arguments in your collision function, however, this may not be your best bet. You could also define x and y properties of each Image object, however, I think a bit of refactoring is your best bet here. Try creating a custom JavaScript object for each item you're working with:


function GameItem (image, x, y, width, height) {
    this.image = image;
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.width = width;
    this.height = height;

var spriteImage = new Image();
spriteImage.src = "ballon.png";
sprite = new GameItem(spriteImage, 450, 20, spriteImage.width, spriteImage.height);

// etc.

// collision method now works between two of these objects:
collision(sprite, bola);

If you use this code, be sure to update your draw-- er... dibujar methods. :)


PS: Sorry, but my Spanish-JavaScript reading skills aren't in their prime.

PS:对不起,我的西班牙语- javascript阅读能力还不太好。