
时间:2022-09-07 19:29:37

Will usage of static variables expose them to a danger of being modifiable from anywhere ?(In context of Objective-C). If yes, can someone suggest best alternatives for using shared variables across all classes ?


2 个解决方案



Is using too many static variables in Objective-C a bad practice?


Yes. Of course, "too many" has not been quantified and is subjective. Really, global/static variables are very rarely a good thing -- very convenient to introduce and very difficult to debug and eliminate. Also rare is the case that they are good design. I've found life far easier without them.


Will usage of static variables expose them to a danger of being modifiable from anywhere? (In context of Objective-C).

静态变量的使用会使它们暴露在任何地方都可以修改的危险中吗?(在objective - c的上下文中)。

It depends on where they are declared and how they are used. If you were to pass a reference to another part of the program, then they would be modifiable from 'anywhere'.




If you place them so that only one file can "see" the variable (e.g. in a .m file following all includes), then only the succeeding implementation may use it (unless you pass a reference to the outside world).


If you declare the variable inside a function, then it is shared among each translation and copied for each translation in C/ObjC (but the rules are very different in C++/ObjC++).


If yes, can someone suggest best alternatives for using shared variables across all classes?


Just avoid using globals altogether. Create one or more type/object to hold this data, then pass an instance of it to your implementations.


Singletons are the middle ground, in that you have some type of global variable/object based abstraction. Singletons are still so much hassle -- they are categorized as global variables and banned in my codebase.




Static variables are local to the translation unit, so the variables are definitely not modifiable from anywhere. Globals, which are closely related to statics in that they are allocated in the same memory area, are modifiable from anywhere, and that's their main danger.


When you need a group of variables to be accessible from anywhere in your project, the common approach is implementing a singleton that holds related data, and contains methods for processing that data. In MVC apps implemented in Objective C the model is often accessed through a singleton model object.

当您需要从项目中的任何位置访问一组变量时,通常的方法是实现一个包含相关数据的单例,并包含处理数据的方法。在Objective - C中实现的MVC应用程序中,通常通过单例模型对象访问模型。

My scenario involves a number of static variables declared in the .h file & they are assigned values in specific methods declared in those .h files.


If you declare statics in the header, they become "disconnected" from each other: each translation unit (i.e. each .m file) gets its own set of statics from the header. This is usually not what you want.


If you make these variables global, you end up with a plain C, not an Objective C, solution. You should put these variables in a class as properties, and move function implementations with them into the methods of your class. Then make the class a singleton as described in the answer linked above to get a solution that is easier to understand than the corresponding solution based on globals.

如果你让这些变量成为全局变量,你最终会得到一个简单的C,而不是一个Objective - C,解决方案。您应该将这些变量作为属性放在类中,并将函数实现连同它们一起移动到类的方法中。然后,按照上面链接的答案中的描述,将类设置为单例,以获得比基于全局的相应解决方案更容易理解的解决方案。



Is using too many static variables in Objective-C a bad practice?


Yes. Of course, "too many" has not been quantified and is subjective. Really, global/static variables are very rarely a good thing -- very convenient to introduce and very difficult to debug and eliminate. Also rare is the case that they are good design. I've found life far easier without them.


Will usage of static variables expose them to a danger of being modifiable from anywhere? (In context of Objective-C).

静态变量的使用会使它们暴露在任何地方都可以修改的危险中吗?(在objective - c的上下文中)。

It depends on where they are declared and how they are used. If you were to pass a reference to another part of the program, then they would be modifiable from 'anywhere'.




If you place them so that only one file can "see" the variable (e.g. in a .m file following all includes), then only the succeeding implementation may use it (unless you pass a reference to the outside world).


If you declare the variable inside a function, then it is shared among each translation and copied for each translation in C/ObjC (but the rules are very different in C++/ObjC++).


If yes, can someone suggest best alternatives for using shared variables across all classes?


Just avoid using globals altogether. Create one or more type/object to hold this data, then pass an instance of it to your implementations.


Singletons are the middle ground, in that you have some type of global variable/object based abstraction. Singletons are still so much hassle -- they are categorized as global variables and banned in my codebase.




Static variables are local to the translation unit, so the variables are definitely not modifiable from anywhere. Globals, which are closely related to statics in that they are allocated in the same memory area, are modifiable from anywhere, and that's their main danger.


When you need a group of variables to be accessible from anywhere in your project, the common approach is implementing a singleton that holds related data, and contains methods for processing that data. In MVC apps implemented in Objective C the model is often accessed through a singleton model object.

当您需要从项目中的任何位置访问一组变量时,通常的方法是实现一个包含相关数据的单例,并包含处理数据的方法。在Objective - C中实现的MVC应用程序中,通常通过单例模型对象访问模型。

My scenario involves a number of static variables declared in the .h file & they are assigned values in specific methods declared in those .h files.


If you declare statics in the header, they become "disconnected" from each other: each translation unit (i.e. each .m file) gets its own set of statics from the header. This is usually not what you want.


If you make these variables global, you end up with a plain C, not an Objective C, solution. You should put these variables in a class as properties, and move function implementations with them into the methods of your class. Then make the class a singleton as described in the answer linked above to get a solution that is easier to understand than the corresponding solution based on globals.

如果你让这些变量成为全局变量,你最终会得到一个简单的C,而不是一个Objective - C,解决方案。您应该将这些变量作为属性放在类中,并将函数实现连同它们一起移动到类的方法中。然后,按照上面链接的答案中的描述,将类设置为单例,以获得比基于全局的相应解决方案更容易理解的解决方案。