
时间:2022-09-07 09:38:24

I really need some clarification — I have a few questions and I'm all mixed up right now.


Here is a simple class interface:


#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@interface Car : NSObject{
    NSInteger carID;
    NSString *carName;

@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger carID;
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString * carName;
  1. Why is carID not declared as a pointer?
  2. 为什么carID不声明为指针?
  3. Why does it use "assign" for carID instead of "copy"?
  4. 为什么它用“分配”来代替“复制”?
  5. Why even declare class members as pointers in the first place? (In my main program, my Car object will be used as a pointer.)
  6. 为什么要首先声明类成员作为指针呢?(在我的主程序中,我的Car对象将用作指针。)

4 个解决方案



NSInteger is simply a typedef for a primitive type (int on 32-bit, long on 64-bit) — it is not an object, and can as such not be retained or copied.

NSInteger只是一个原始类型的类型定义(32位上的int, 64位上的long)——它不是一个对象,因此不能保留或复制。

Class members are always pointers; you never pass the "real" objects around; as that would be, at best, unmanageable.


Edit: To expand on the last paragraph: Objective-C class instances always exist on the heap, never on the stack; this is to facilitate things like reference counting and self-managed object life cycle.


This also means that it's very hard to accidentally copy an object; but on the flip side it can be somewhat easier to accidentally dispose of an object you still need. Still, the latter is more readily debugged (as it causes a nice, big crash (at best, anyway)) than the last (which at worst causes a slow leak).




The property for carID is not really correct. For types that are not pointers, the correct definition looks like:


@property (nonatomic) NSInteger carID;

It's always going to be copying a value anyway, but "copy" has a very different meaning in properties - for objects it's going to call [object copy] when that property is used to set a new value.

无论如何,它总是复制一个值,但是“copy”在属性中有一个非常不同的含义——对于对象,当这个属性被用来设置一个新值时,它将调用[object copy]。

Or you could drop off the nonatomic, but then the property is more expensive to call (by some small amount). Just leave in the nonatomic unless you have a good reason not to.




Thanks guys!


So in Objective-C , you have int and Pointer Int.


How do you declare these in objective C

你如何在objective C中声明这些?

-int being a regular int.


-Pointer Int being an object representation of an integer. Since it is an object, it can also point to pointers*. Right?


And Pointer Int pointers can point to pointers of any type If I wanted to. Right? It will cause a crash if it doesn't point to a Pointer int. But it will compile successfully, Right?


But in what scenarios would I prefer using a regular int to a Pointer Int?

但是在什么情况下,我更喜欢使用正则int而不是指针int ?



I would like to add some clarification why you would want to use:


@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString * carName;

instead of


@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString * carName;

The copy keyword implies language semantics that you want to have a COPY of the NSString passed into your current object reference. So the pointer does not change (that is why you don't have to release the object ref).


The retain keyword makes it so that you get the pointer which will be retained because the pointer reference changes for this data member (and the current one will be released). Copying a NSString might not be a considerably heavy operation, so copying NSString is used often. You have to be careful what type of property you declare as copy. There might be a considerable amount of effort to produce a copy of types like Dictionaries etc (see shallow, deep copy etc).


Hope that helps!




NSInteger is simply a typedef for a primitive type (int on 32-bit, long on 64-bit) — it is not an object, and can as such not be retained or copied.

NSInteger只是一个原始类型的类型定义(32位上的int, 64位上的long)——它不是一个对象,因此不能保留或复制。

Class members are always pointers; you never pass the "real" objects around; as that would be, at best, unmanageable.


Edit: To expand on the last paragraph: Objective-C class instances always exist on the heap, never on the stack; this is to facilitate things like reference counting and self-managed object life cycle.


This also means that it's very hard to accidentally copy an object; but on the flip side it can be somewhat easier to accidentally dispose of an object you still need. Still, the latter is more readily debugged (as it causes a nice, big crash (at best, anyway)) than the last (which at worst causes a slow leak).




The property for carID is not really correct. For types that are not pointers, the correct definition looks like:


@property (nonatomic) NSInteger carID;

It's always going to be copying a value anyway, but "copy" has a very different meaning in properties - for objects it's going to call [object copy] when that property is used to set a new value.

无论如何,它总是复制一个值,但是“copy”在属性中有一个非常不同的含义——对于对象,当这个属性被用来设置一个新值时,它将调用[object copy]。

Or you could drop off the nonatomic, but then the property is more expensive to call (by some small amount). Just leave in the nonatomic unless you have a good reason not to.




Thanks guys!


So in Objective-C , you have int and Pointer Int.


How do you declare these in objective C

你如何在objective C中声明这些?

-int being a regular int.


-Pointer Int being an object representation of an integer. Since it is an object, it can also point to pointers*. Right?


And Pointer Int pointers can point to pointers of any type If I wanted to. Right? It will cause a crash if it doesn't point to a Pointer int. But it will compile successfully, Right?


But in what scenarios would I prefer using a regular int to a Pointer Int?

但是在什么情况下,我更喜欢使用正则int而不是指针int ?



I would like to add some clarification why you would want to use:


@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString * carName;

instead of


@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString * carName;

The copy keyword implies language semantics that you want to have a COPY of the NSString passed into your current object reference. So the pointer does not change (that is why you don't have to release the object ref).


The retain keyword makes it so that you get the pointer which will be retained because the pointer reference changes for this data member (and the current one will be released). Copying a NSString might not be a considerably heavy operation, so copying NSString is used often. You have to be careful what type of property you declare as copy. There might be a considerable amount of effort to produce a copy of types like Dictionaries etc (see shallow, deep copy etc).


Hope that helps!
