
时间:2022-09-06 21:36:51

I'm trying to write a simple search server, using Django with AJAX. The server itself works fine, but I am still struggling with adding autocomplete to the search widget.


(I don't want to use available Django snippets, since they don't do exactly what I want, are hard to customize, and don't teach me the basics the way writing the interface from scratch does)


On the client (Javascript) side, I'm using YUI because it looks simpler - but don't mind switching to jQuery, so please don't fixate on that.


In YUI, an autocomplete box takes three parameters: input,container and dataSource. The first two are just the widgets, and the third one is interesting.


If I write:


var oDS = new YAHOO.util.LocalDataSource(["apples","apples2", "broccoli", "cherries"]);
var oAC = new YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete("myInput", "myContainer", oDS);

in my <script>, I get an autocomplete box which autocompletes these terms.


When I try to replaces the LocalDataSource with a remote datasource, for example by choosing var oDS = new YAHOO.util.ScriptNodeDataSource(""), and setting up an apropriate view, no autocomplete happens.

当我尝试用一个远程数据源替换LocalDataSource时,例如,通过选择var oDS = new YAHOO.util.ScriptNodeDataSource(“127.0.1:8000 /getNames/”),并设置一个aowner视图,不会自动完成。

What I know about the problem:


  1. I know that the view gets called (by debug printing) - so that isn't the problem.
  2. 我知道视图被调用(通过调试打印)——所以这不是问题。
  3. I return a json array by jresponse = simplejson.dumps(response_array); return HttpResponse(jresponse, mimetype='application/javascript'); I don't think there's any problem with that, since I can access that view directly and get a textual representation of the json when I do.
  4. 通过jresponse = simplejson.dumps(response_array)返回json数组;返回HttpResponse(jresponse mimetype = '应用程序/ javascript ');我不认为这有什么问题,因为我可以直接访问该视图,并在我做的时候得到json的文本表示。
  5. Maybe there's a problem with the input-type that the local data source expects - I'm not sure how to set it.
  6. 也许本地数据源所期望的输入类型有问题——我不确定如何设置它。

Any help (including how to do this correctly in jQuery - I don't mind dumping YUI) would be much appreciated.


Edit: After the first two comments (thanks!), I installed firebug, and started playing with it. It's really messy, however, since the Yahoo toolbar has lots of code, and I don't know where to break it. Is there some easy way to have firebug only show me json/xml elements?


@Marat: I did that already (accessing my view), and it returns a string representation of the JSON (at least that's what my browser shows). Is that what I should expect?


@pastylegs: Here's the code:


 <div id="myAutoComplete">
    <input id="myInput" type="text">
    <div id="myContainer"></div>
    <input type="submit">

 <script type="text/javascript">
YAHOO.example.BasicLocal = function() {
{%block oDS%}
// Use a LocalDataSource
var oDS = new YAHOO.util.LocalDataSource(["apples","apples2", "broccoli", cherries"]);
//for remote - oDS = new YAHOO.util.ScriptNodeDataSource("")

// Instantiate the AutoComplete
var oAC = new YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete("myInput", "myContainer", oDS);
oAC.prehighlightClassName = "yui-ac-prehighlight";
oAC.useShadow = true;

return {
    oDS: oDS,
    oAC: oAC

The Django view:


def getNamesXML(request):
    print response_array
    jresponse = simplejson.dumps(response_array)
    print jresponse
    return HttpResponse(jresponse, mimetype='application/javascript')

Thanks a lot!


1 个解决方案



I don't know anything about YUI, but I can give you a working jQuery example. Main difference I see with your code is the mimetype: as discussed in this question, you should use application/json. That said, I don't think it'll make a big difference.


For the view, use something along these lines:


def autosuggest(request):
    query = request.GET.get('term') # jQuery autosuggest input so far
    f = MyModel.objects.filter(name__icontains=query)
    response = [p[0] for p in f.order_by("name")[:10].values_list("name")]
    return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(response), mimetype="application/json")

This assumes f is a QuerySet on a model that has a name field, and you want the first 10 matches. In your template, the following should do:


    source: '{% url myapp.views.autosuggest %}',
    minLength: 2, // Two characters are needed before suggestions show
    select: function(event, ui) { // Callback function for selection



I don't know anything about YUI, but I can give you a working jQuery example. Main difference I see with your code is the mimetype: as discussed in this question, you should use application/json. That said, I don't think it'll make a big difference.


For the view, use something along these lines:


def autosuggest(request):
    query = request.GET.get('term') # jQuery autosuggest input so far
    f = MyModel.objects.filter(name__icontains=query)
    response = [p[0] for p in f.order_by("name")[:10].values_list("name")]
    return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(response), mimetype="application/json")

This assumes f is a QuerySet on a model that has a name field, and you want the first 10 matches. In your template, the following should do:


    source: '{% url myapp.views.autosuggest %}',
    minLength: 2, // Two characters are needed before suggestions show
    select: function(event, ui) { // Callback function for selection