
时间:2022-09-06 19:34:30

When I use an Iterator of Object I use a while loop (as written in every book learning Java, as Thinking in Java of Bruce Eckel):

当我使用对象的Iterator时,我使用while循环(如每本书中学习Java,如Bruce Eckel的Thinking in Java):

Iterator it=...


but sometime i saw than instead somebody use the for loop:


Iterator it=...
for (Iterator it=...; it.hasNext();){

I don't' understand this choice:


  • I use the for loop when I have a collection with ordinal sequence (as array) or with a special rule for the step (declared generally as a simple increment counter++).
  • 当我有一个带有序数序列的集合(作为数组)或者带有一个特殊的步骤规则(通常声明为一个简单的增量计数器++)时,我使用for循环。

  • I use the while loop when the loop finishes with I have'nt this constraints but only a logic condition for exit.
  • 我在循环结束时使用while循环,我没有这个约束,但只有退出的逻辑条件。

It's a question of style-coding without other cause or it exists some other logic (performance, for example) that I don't' know?


Thanks for every feedback


5 个解决方案


The correct syntax for the for loop is:


for (Iterator it = ...; it.hasNext(); ){

(The preceding declaration in your code is superfluous, as well as the extra semicolon in the for loop heading.)


Whether you use this syntax or the while loop is a matter of taste, both translate to exactly the same. The generic syntax of the for loop is:

无论你使用这种语法还是while循环是一个品味问题,两者都转化为完全相同。 for循环的通用语法是:

for (<init stmt>; <loop cond>; <iterate stmt>) { <body>; }

which is equivalent to:


<init stmt>;
while (<loop cond>) { <body>; <iterate stmt>; }

Edit: Actually, the above two forms are not entirely equivalent, if (as in the question) the variable is declared with the init statement. In this case, there will be a difference in the scope of the iterator variable. With the for loop, the scope is limited to the loop itself, in the case of the while loop, however, the scope extends to the end of the enclosing block (no big surprise, since the declaration is outside the loop).


Also, as others have pointed out, in newer versions of Java, there is a shorthand notation for the for loop:


for (Iterator<Foo> it = myIterable.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
    Foo foo = it.next();

can be written as:


for (Foo foo : myIterable) {

With this form, you of course lose the direct reference to the iterator, which is necessary, for example, if you want to delete items from the collection while iterating.



It's just a style thing and like you I prefer the for loop when using something with an index. If you're using Java 5 you should of course use a foreach loop over the collection anyway:

它只是一种风格的东西,就像你在使用带索引的东西时我更喜欢for循环。如果你正在使用Java 5,你当然应该在集合上使用foreach循环:

Collection<String> someCollection = someCollectionOfString();
for (String element : someCollection) {


The purpose of declaring the Iterator within the for loop is to minimize the scope of your variables, which is a good practice.


When you declare the Iterator outside of the loop, then the reference is still valid / alive after the loop completes. 99.99% of the time, you don't need to continue to use the Iterator once the loop completes, so such a style can lead to bugs like this:

当您在循环外部声明Iterator时,循环完成后引用仍然有效/有效。 99.99%的时间,一旦循环完成,你不需要继续使用迭代器,所以这样的样式可能会导致这样的错误:

//iterate over first collection
Iterator it1 = collection1.iterator();
while(it1.hasNext()) {
   //blah blah

//iterate over second collection
Iterator it2 = collection2.iterator();
while(it1.hasNext()) {
   //oops copy and paste error! it1 has no more elements at this point


There isn't much difference between those two methods, other than the first one remembers the value of it after the loop. The second approach probably throws an error, because you redeclare the variable inside the loop.


There's actually a third method to this, aswell. Instead of writing e.g.


for (Iterator<SomeObject> it = foo.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
  SomeObject so = foo.next();

you can most often write


for (SomeObject so: foo) {...}

These two equal to the same thing...



People may use the explicit ('old style') for loop simply because it feels cleaner to them, perhaps they haven't adjusted to the new syntax yet (which I personally think is a lot cleaner).


One actual specific advantage of the longer for loop construct is that you have a reference to the iterator and so can call methods on it other then next(). In particular, hasNext() can often be useful to call - imagine if you want to print out a list of strings comma-separated:

循环结构的更长时间的一个实际特定优点是你有一个对迭代器的引用,因此可以在next()之外调用其他方法。特别是,hasNext()通常可用于调用 - 想象一下,如果要打印出以逗号分隔的字符串列表:

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (Iterator it=...; it.hasNext();){
   if (it.hasNext())
      sb.append(", ");

It is only to distinguish the "this is the last one" case like this if you use the more verbose for loop.



The correct syntax for the for loop is:


for (Iterator it = ...; it.hasNext(); ){

(The preceding declaration in your code is superfluous, as well as the extra semicolon in the for loop heading.)


Whether you use this syntax or the while loop is a matter of taste, both translate to exactly the same. The generic syntax of the for loop is:

无论你使用这种语法还是while循环是一个品味问题,两者都转化为完全相同。 for循环的通用语法是:

for (<init stmt>; <loop cond>; <iterate stmt>) { <body>; }

which is equivalent to:


<init stmt>;
while (<loop cond>) { <body>; <iterate stmt>; }

Edit: Actually, the above two forms are not entirely equivalent, if (as in the question) the variable is declared with the init statement. In this case, there will be a difference in the scope of the iterator variable. With the for loop, the scope is limited to the loop itself, in the case of the while loop, however, the scope extends to the end of the enclosing block (no big surprise, since the declaration is outside the loop).


Also, as others have pointed out, in newer versions of Java, there is a shorthand notation for the for loop:


for (Iterator<Foo> it = myIterable.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
    Foo foo = it.next();

can be written as:


for (Foo foo : myIterable) {

With this form, you of course lose the direct reference to the iterator, which is necessary, for example, if you want to delete items from the collection while iterating.



It's just a style thing and like you I prefer the for loop when using something with an index. If you're using Java 5 you should of course use a foreach loop over the collection anyway:

它只是一种风格的东西,就像你在使用带索引的东西时我更喜欢for循环。如果你正在使用Java 5,你当然应该在集合上使用foreach循环:

Collection<String> someCollection = someCollectionOfString();
for (String element : someCollection) {


The purpose of declaring the Iterator within the for loop is to minimize the scope of your variables, which is a good practice.


When you declare the Iterator outside of the loop, then the reference is still valid / alive after the loop completes. 99.99% of the time, you don't need to continue to use the Iterator once the loop completes, so such a style can lead to bugs like this:

当您在循环外部声明Iterator时,循环完成后引用仍然有效/有效。 99.99%的时间,一旦循环完成,你不需要继续使用迭代器,所以这样的样式可能会导致这样的错误:

//iterate over first collection
Iterator it1 = collection1.iterator();
while(it1.hasNext()) {
   //blah blah

//iterate over second collection
Iterator it2 = collection2.iterator();
while(it1.hasNext()) {
   //oops copy and paste error! it1 has no more elements at this point


There isn't much difference between those two methods, other than the first one remembers the value of it after the loop. The second approach probably throws an error, because you redeclare the variable inside the loop.


There's actually a third method to this, aswell. Instead of writing e.g.


for (Iterator<SomeObject> it = foo.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
  SomeObject so = foo.next();

you can most often write


for (SomeObject so: foo) {...}

These two equal to the same thing...



People may use the explicit ('old style') for loop simply because it feels cleaner to them, perhaps they haven't adjusted to the new syntax yet (which I personally think is a lot cleaner).


One actual specific advantage of the longer for loop construct is that you have a reference to the iterator and so can call methods on it other then next(). In particular, hasNext() can often be useful to call - imagine if you want to print out a list of strings comma-separated:

循环结构的更长时间的一个实际特定优点是你有一个对迭代器的引用,因此可以在next()之外调用其他方法。特别是,hasNext()通常可用于调用 - 想象一下,如果要打印出以逗号分隔的字符串列表:

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (Iterator it=...; it.hasNext();){
   if (it.hasNext())
      sb.append(", ");

It is only to distinguish the "this is the last one" case like this if you use the more verbose for loop.
