HDU 2717 Catch That Cow --- BFS

时间:2022-09-05 17:50:43

  HDU 2717

  题目大意:在x坐标上,农夫在n,牛在k。农夫每次可以移动到n-1, n+1, n*2的点。求最少到达k的步数。


/* HDU 2717 Catch That Cow --- BFS */
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <queue>
using namespace std; bool visit[];
int n, k; struct Node{
int num;
int step;
Node(int lhs = , int rhs = ) :num(lhs), step(rhs){}
}; inline bool judge(int x){
if (x < || x > || visit[x])
return ;
return ;
} void bfs(){
memset(visit, , sizeof visit);
queue<Node> q;
visit[n] = ; //标记起点已访问
q.push(n); while (!q.empty()){
Node x = q.front(); q.pop();
if (x.num == k){
printf("%d\n", x.step);
Node y = x;
++y.step; //第一个方向 x-1
y.num = x.num - ;
if (judge(y.num)){
visit[y.num] = ; //标记该点已访问
} //第二个方向 x+1
y.num = x.num + ;
if (judge(y.num)){
visit[y.num] = ; //标记该点已访问
} //第三个方向 2*x
y.num = x.num * ;
if (judge(y.num)){
visit[y.num] = ; //标记该点已访问
} int main()
while (scanf("%d%d", &n, &k) == ){
return ;

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