
时间:2022-09-04 15:22:09


连接函数接口;                   //可读写方式连接上QEMU 参数说明: name:连接名称
libvirt.openAuth(uri, auth, flags);          //认证方式连接上QEMU      参数说明: uri:连接到Hypervisor的入口地址
libvirt.openReadOnly(name)               //可读方式连接上QEMU          
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import libvirt
conn ='qemu:///system')                            //可读写方式连接上hypervisor(QEMU)
if conn == None:
  print('Failed to open connection to qemu:///system', file=sys.stderr)
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import libvirt
conn = libvirt.openReadOnly('qemu:///system')                      //只读方式连接上hypervisor(QEMU)                                                              
if conn == None:
  print('Failed to open connection to qemu:///system', file=sys.stderr)
exit() #
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import libvirt
SASL_USER = "my-super-user"
SASL_PASS = "my-super-pass"
def request_cred(credentials, user_data):
  for credential in credentials:
    if credential[] == libvirt.VIR_CRED_AUTHNAME:
      credential[] = SASL_USER
    elif credential[] == libvirt.VIR_CRED_PASSPHRASE:
      credential[] = SASL_PASS
auth = [[libvirt.VIR_CRED_AUTHNAME, libvirt.VIR_CRED_PASSPHRASE], request_cred, None]
conn = libvirt.openAuth('qemu+tcp://localhost/system', auth, )
if conn == None:
  print('Failed to open connection to qemu+tcp://localhost/system', file=sys.stderr)

二、Host information

getHostname                    //获取主机名
getMaxVcpus                    //获取支持最大虚拟cpu个数
getInfo     //获取主机内存,CPU 相关信息 **以列表形式存储(list[7])存储8个值 list[0]:cpu平台(x86_64/i382);list[1]:主机内存大小;list[2]:CPU个数;list[3]:CPU频率;list[4]:NUMA节点个数;list[5]:CPU sockets 个数;list[6]:CPU核数;list[7]:CPU超线程核数
Member Description     
list[0] CPU平台
list[1]  主机内存大小
list[2] CPU个数
list[3] CPU频率
list[4] NUMA节点个数
list[5] CPU Sockets 个数
list[6] CPU核数
list[7] CPU超线程核数


getCellsFreeMemory            //每个节点(如 NUMA 节点)空闲内存大小
getType                  //获取虚拟化平台类型
getVersion                //获取版本号 **版本号计算方法:Versions numbers are integers: 1000000*major + 1000*minor + release.
getLibVersion              //获取libvirt 版本号        
getURI                   //获取 libvirt 连接URI 地址             
isEncrypted              //检测连接方式是否加密
isSecure                //检测连接是否安全
isAlive                 //检测是否是连接状态
compareCPU              //设定CPU模式与主机CPU进行对比
getFreeMemory            //返回空间节点内存大小(设定CPU与主机CPU对比之后)      
getFreePages            //获取指定空闲页表大小
getMemoryParameters        //获取内存参数类型
getMemoryStats            //获取节点内存统计信息
getSecurityModel          //获取当前使用的安全模型
getCPUMap              //获取主机节点CPU的CPU映射
getCPUStats             //获取CPU统计信息
getCPUModelNames          //获取与CPU体系结构匹配的名称列表
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import libvirt
conn ='qemu:///system')
if conn == None:
  print('Failed to open connection to qemu:///system', file=sys.stderr)
  exit() host = conn.getHostname()
print('Hostname:'+host) vcpus = conn.getMaxVcpus(None)
print('Maximum support virtual CPUs: '+str(vcpus)) nodeinfo = conn.getInfo()
print('Model: '+str(nodeinfo[]))
print('Memory size: '+str(nodeinfo[])+'MB')
print('Number of CPUs: '+str(nodeinfo[]))
print('MHz of CPUs: '+str(nodeinfo[]))
print('Number of NUMA nodes: '+str(nodeinfo[]))
print('Number of CPU sockets: '+str(nodeinfo[]))
print('Number of CPU cores per socket: '+str(nodeinfo[]))
print('Number of CPU threads per core: '+str(nodeinfo[])) nodeinfo = conn.getInfo()
numnodes = nodeinfo[]
memlist = conn.getCellsFreeMemory(, numnodes)
cell =
for cellfreemem in memlist:
  print('Node '+str(cell)+': '+str(cellfreemem)+' bytes free memory')
  cell += print('Virtualization type: '+conn.getType()) print('Version: '+str(conn.getVersion())) print('Libvirt Version: '+str(conn.getLibVersion())); print('Canonical URI: '+conn.getURI()) print('Connection is encrypted: '+str(conn.isEncrypted())) print('Connection is secure: '+str(conn.isSecure())) print("Connection is alive = " + str(conn.isAlive())) xml = '<cpu mode="custom" match="exact">' + \
'<model fallback="forbid">kvm64</model>' + \
retc = conn.compareCPU(xml)
if retc == libvirt.VIR_CPU_COMPARE_ERROR:
  print("CPUs are not the same or ther was error.")
elif retc == libvirt.VIR_CPU_COMPARE_INCOMPATIBLE:
  print("CPUs are incompatible.")
elif retc == libvirt.VIR_CPU_COMPARE_IDENTICAL:
  print("CPUs are identical.")
elif retc == libvirt.VIR_CPU_COMPARE_SUPERSET:
  print("The host CPU is better than the one specified.")
  print("An Unknown return code was emitted.") print("Free memory on the node (host) is " + str(conn.getFreeMemory()) + " bytes.") pages = []
start =
cellcount =
buf = conn.getFreePages(pages, start, cellcount)
i =
for page in buf:
  print("Page Size: " + str(pages[i]) + " Available pages: " + str(page))
  ++i buf = conn.getMemoryParameters()
for parm in buf:
  print(parm) buf = conn.getMemoryStats(libvirt.VIR_NODE_MEMORY_STATS_ALL_CELLS)
for parm in buf:
  print(parm) model = conn.getSecurityModel()
print(model[] + " " + model[]) xmlInfo = conn.getSysinfo()
print(xmlInfo) map = conn.getCPUMap()
print("CPUs: " + str(map[]))
print("Available: " + str(map[])) stats = conn.getCPUStats()
print("kernel: " + str(stats['kernel']))
print("idle: " + str(stats['idle']))
print("user: " + str(stats['user']))
print("iowait: " + str(stats['iowait'])) models = conn.getCPUModelNames('x86_64')
for model in models:
  print(model) conn.close()

三、Guest Domains


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