
时间:2022-09-03 20:03:52

I was a windows desktop application programmer, and I am new to ASP.NET.


When I execute a long-running database query at Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e), users have to wait until the query is done (the query takes a long time).

当我在Page_Load(对象发送者,EventArgs e)执行长时间运行的数据库查询时,用户必须等到查询完成(查询需要很长时间)。

Can I use SqlDataReader to pull data from a table row-by-row in another thread and send the data to users row-by-row? In this way, the users doesn't need to wait until the all rows are pulled from the database.


If I write a windows desktop application with the WPF framework, I can pull data from the database row-by-row in another thread and use BeginInvoke pattern to send the data to UI row-by-row.


However, when I write a web application with ASP.NET, I don't know what is the best way to do it. Can I pull data row-by-row in another thread and put the pulled data to Session, then I send a XMLHttpRequest periodically to get the pulled data from Session?


I am wondering if there is a long-running database query, what is the best practice for dealing with it in ASP.NET?


Thanks in advance.


1 个解决方案



Can I use SqlDataReader to pull data from a table row-by-row in another thread and send the data to users row-by-row? In this way, the users doesn't need to wait until the all rows are pulled from the database.


The problem is ASP.NET applications have a different life-cycle than Windows Form applications. Once you render the page and send a response to the user, you can no longer work with the data. What you can do is use javascript. You can use an UpdatePanel, ASP.NET's implementation of AJAX, or work with XMLHttpRequests. (JQuery, I'm sure you've heard, simplifies these requests using $.ajax). You could have a loading .gif in place of your data, and have javascript fetch the data after the page is ready.

问题是ASP.NET应用程序具有与Windows Form应用程序不同的生命周期。呈现页面并向用户发送响应后,您将无法再使用该数据。你可以做的是使用JavaScript。您可以使用UpdatePanel,ASP.NET的AJAX实现,或使用XMLHttpRequests。 (JQuery,我相信你已经听过,使用$ .ajax简化了这些请求)。您可以使用.gif加载代替您的数据,并在页面准备好后使用javascript获取数据。

Row-by-row loading may be trickier. The code below will start a database call, and return the rendered page before the query has finished:


    protected void Page_Load( object sender, EventArgs e)
        string query = "SELECT * FROM db.Tablename;"
        ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback (BuildDataSet), query);


    private void BuildDataSet(object query)
        Queue Q = new Queue();

        //Connection String, etc.

        while rdr.Read()

You would need a second page to handle your XMLHttpRequests fetching the rows. The difficulty will be in persisting this data, identifying it between requests, and possibly memory management.


The easiest path I can think of is to do a SELECT TOP (50) on page_load, and then ajax in the full data once it has been fetched.

我能想到的最简单的路径是在page_load上执行SELECT TOP(50),然后在获取完整数据后再执行ajax。



Can I use SqlDataReader to pull data from a table row-by-row in another thread and send the data to users row-by-row? In this way, the users doesn't need to wait until the all rows are pulled from the database.


The problem is ASP.NET applications have a different life-cycle than Windows Form applications. Once you render the page and send a response to the user, you can no longer work with the data. What you can do is use javascript. You can use an UpdatePanel, ASP.NET's implementation of AJAX, or work with XMLHttpRequests. (JQuery, I'm sure you've heard, simplifies these requests using $.ajax). You could have a loading .gif in place of your data, and have javascript fetch the data after the page is ready.

问题是ASP.NET应用程序具有与Windows Form应用程序不同的生命周期。呈现页面并向用户发送响应后,您将无法再使用该数据。你可以做的是使用JavaScript。您可以使用UpdatePanel,ASP.NET的AJAX实现,或使用XMLHttpRequests。 (JQuery,我相信你已经听过,使用$ .ajax简化了这些请求)。您可以使用.gif加载代替您的数据,并在页面准备好后使用javascript获取数据。

Row-by-row loading may be trickier. The code below will start a database call, and return the rendered page before the query has finished:


    protected void Page_Load( object sender, EventArgs e)
        string query = "SELECT * FROM db.Tablename;"
        ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback (BuildDataSet), query);


    private void BuildDataSet(object query)
        Queue Q = new Queue();

        //Connection String, etc.

        while rdr.Read()

You would need a second page to handle your XMLHttpRequests fetching the rows. The difficulty will be in persisting this data, identifying it between requests, and possibly memory management.


The easiest path I can think of is to do a SELECT TOP (50) on page_load, and then ajax in the full data once it has been fetched.

我能想到的最简单的路径是在page_load上执行SELECT TOP(50),然后在获取完整数据后再执行ajax。