
时间:2022-09-02 13:32:47

I'm looking at implementing a custom RazorViewEngine. Basically I have two sites with effectively the same code base. The differences being that they look different. I want to override the standard view engine to make MVC look in two separate locations for it's views, layouts, etc. one for company A and another for Company B. Company A will contain the master views and company B's view will override these masters. So I want the View Engine to look in location B for a view, layout, master or partial if it finds it then return it, if it doesn't find it I want it to default to company A's views as the default. Obviously company A will only look in it's own folder.

我正在寻找实现自定义RazorViewEngine。基本上我有两个有效的相同代码库的网站。不同之处在于它们看起来不同。我想覆盖标准视图引擎,使MVC在两个不同的位置查看它的视图,布局等,一个用于公司A,另一个用于公司B.公司A将包含主视图,公司B的视图将覆盖这些主视图。因此,我希望View Engine在位置B中查找视图,布局,主控或部分,如果找到它然后返回它,如果找不到它我希望它默认为公司A的视图作为默认值。显然,公司A只会查看它自己的文件夹。

Ok to the crux of the question: I've found this site: http://www.aspnetwiki.com/mvc-3-razor:extending-the-view-engine


First question, is this the best way to achieve this?


Second do I need to override the CreatePartial, CreateView, FindPartial and FindView methods?




Ok I've figured out the second question myself, the Methods I want to override are CreateView and CreatePartialView as at this point it's built the view string and I can fiddle with it.


3 个解决方案



Ok in the end I opted for an approach detailed here: http://weblogs.asp.net/imranbaloch/archive/2011/06/27/view-engine-with-dynamic-view-location.aspx


thanks to @Adriano for the answers and pointers but in the end I think this approach fits my needs better. The approach below allows me to keep the standard functionality but to create a new higher priority view location to be searched.


public class Travel2ViewEngine : RazorViewEngine
    protected BrandNameEnum BrandName;
    private string[] _newAreaViewLocations = new string[] {

    private string[] _newAreaMasterLocations = new string[] {

    private string[] _newAreaPartialViewLocations = new string[] {

    private string[] _newViewLocations = new string[] {

    private string[] _newMasterLocations = new string[] {

    private string[] _newPartialViewLocations = new string[] {

    public Travel2ViewEngine()
        : base()
        Enum.TryParse<BrandNameEnum>(Travel2.WebUI.Properties.Settings.Default.BrandName, out BrandName);

        AreaViewLocationFormats = AppendLocationFormats(_newAreaViewLocations, AreaViewLocationFormats);

        AreaMasterLocationFormats = AppendLocationFormats(_newAreaMasterLocations, AreaMasterLocationFormats);

        AreaPartialViewLocationFormats = AppendLocationFormats(_newAreaPartialViewLocations, AreaPartialViewLocationFormats);

        ViewLocationFormats = AppendLocationFormats(_newViewLocations, ViewLocationFormats);

        MasterLocationFormats = AppendLocationFormats(_newMasterLocations, MasterLocationFormats);

        PartialViewLocationFormats = AppendLocationFormats(_newPartialViewLocations, PartialViewLocationFormats);

    private string[] AppendLocationFormats(string[] newLocations, string[] defaultLocations)
        List<string> viewLocations = new List<string>();
        return viewLocations.ToArray();

    protected override IView CreateView(ControllerContext controllerContext, string viewPath, string masterPath)
        return base.CreateView(controllerContext, viewPath.Replace("%1", BrandName.ToString()), masterPath);

    protected override IView CreatePartialView(ControllerContext controllerContext, string partialPath)
        return base.CreatePartialView(controllerContext, partialPath.Replace("%1", BrandName.ToString()));

    protected override bool FileExists(ControllerContext controllerContext, string virtualPath)
        return base.FileExists(controllerContext, virtualPath.Replace("%1", BrandName.ToString()));

then register in Gloabal.asax


protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)

    //Register our customer view engine to control T2 and TBag views and over ridding
    ViewEngines.Engines.Add(new Travel2ViewEngine());



Yes that's the way but you do not need to override that methods. RazorViewEngine inherits from VirtualPathProviderViewEngine so you can use its properties to set the location of your views.

是的,这是方式,但您不需要覆盖这些方法。 RazorViewEngine继承自VirtualPathProviderViewEngine,因此您可以使用其属性来设置视图的位置。

For an example read Creating your first MVC ViewEngine and How to set a Default Route (To an Area) in MVC.

有关示例,请参阅创建第一个MVC ViewEngine以及如何在MVC中设置默认路由(到某个区域)。



Here's my answer: Add this to your global.ascx


        var customEngine = new RazorViewEngine();
        customEngine.PartialViewLocationFormats = new string[]

        customEngine.ViewLocationFormats = new string[]

        customEngine.MasterLocationFormats = new string[]


those are the folders where razor checks your views.


Let me know if this works.




Ok in the end I opted for an approach detailed here: http://weblogs.asp.net/imranbaloch/archive/2011/06/27/view-engine-with-dynamic-view-location.aspx


thanks to @Adriano for the answers and pointers but in the end I think this approach fits my needs better. The approach below allows me to keep the standard functionality but to create a new higher priority view location to be searched.


public class Travel2ViewEngine : RazorViewEngine
    protected BrandNameEnum BrandName;
    private string[] _newAreaViewLocations = new string[] {

    private string[] _newAreaMasterLocations = new string[] {

    private string[] _newAreaPartialViewLocations = new string[] {

    private string[] _newViewLocations = new string[] {

    private string[] _newMasterLocations = new string[] {

    private string[] _newPartialViewLocations = new string[] {

    public Travel2ViewEngine()
        : base()
        Enum.TryParse<BrandNameEnum>(Travel2.WebUI.Properties.Settings.Default.BrandName, out BrandName);

        AreaViewLocationFormats = AppendLocationFormats(_newAreaViewLocations, AreaViewLocationFormats);

        AreaMasterLocationFormats = AppendLocationFormats(_newAreaMasterLocations, AreaMasterLocationFormats);

        AreaPartialViewLocationFormats = AppendLocationFormats(_newAreaPartialViewLocations, AreaPartialViewLocationFormats);

        ViewLocationFormats = AppendLocationFormats(_newViewLocations, ViewLocationFormats);

        MasterLocationFormats = AppendLocationFormats(_newMasterLocations, MasterLocationFormats);

        PartialViewLocationFormats = AppendLocationFormats(_newPartialViewLocations, PartialViewLocationFormats);

    private string[] AppendLocationFormats(string[] newLocations, string[] defaultLocations)
        List<string> viewLocations = new List<string>();
        return viewLocations.ToArray();

    protected override IView CreateView(ControllerContext controllerContext, string viewPath, string masterPath)
        return base.CreateView(controllerContext, viewPath.Replace("%1", BrandName.ToString()), masterPath);

    protected override IView CreatePartialView(ControllerContext controllerContext, string partialPath)
        return base.CreatePartialView(controllerContext, partialPath.Replace("%1", BrandName.ToString()));

    protected override bool FileExists(ControllerContext controllerContext, string virtualPath)
        return base.FileExists(controllerContext, virtualPath.Replace("%1", BrandName.ToString()));

then register in Gloabal.asax


protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)

    //Register our customer view engine to control T2 and TBag views and over ridding
    ViewEngines.Engines.Add(new Travel2ViewEngine());



Yes that's the way but you do not need to override that methods. RazorViewEngine inherits from VirtualPathProviderViewEngine so you can use its properties to set the location of your views.

是的,这是方式,但您不需要覆盖这些方法。 RazorViewEngine继承自VirtualPathProviderViewEngine,因此您可以使用其属性来设置视图的位置。

For an example read Creating your first MVC ViewEngine and How to set a Default Route (To an Area) in MVC.

有关示例,请参阅创建第一个MVC ViewEngine以及如何在MVC中设置默认路由(到某个区域)。



Here's my answer: Add this to your global.ascx


        var customEngine = new RazorViewEngine();
        customEngine.PartialViewLocationFormats = new string[]

        customEngine.ViewLocationFormats = new string[]

        customEngine.MasterLocationFormats = new string[]


those are the folders where razor checks your views.


Let me know if this works.
