如何减少编译时间和Visual c++项目(本机c++)的链接时间?

时间:2022-09-02 09:16:41

How do YOU reduce compile time, and linking time for VC++ projects (native C++)?


Please specify if each suggestion applies to debug, release, or both.


12 个解决方案



It may sound obvious to you, but we try to use forward declarations as much as possible, even if it requires to write out long namespace names the type(s) is/are in:


// Forward declaration stuff
namespace plotter { namespace logic { class Plotter; } }

// Real stuff
namespace plotter {
    namespace samples {
        class Window {
            logic::Plotter * mPlotter;
            // ...

It greatly reduces the time for compiling also on others compilers. Indeed it applies to all configurations :)




Use the Handle/Body pattern (also sometimes known as "pimpl", "adapter", "decorator", "bridge" or "wrapper"). By isolating the implementation of your classes into your .cpp files, they need only be compiled once. Most changes do not require changes to the header file so it means you can make fairly extensive changes while only requiring one file to be recompiled. This also encourages refactoring and writing of comments and unit tests since compile time is decreased. Additionally, you automatically separate the concerns of interface and implementation so the interface of your code is simplified.




If you have large complex headers that must be included by most of the .cpp files in your build process, and which are not changed very often, you can precompile them. In a Visual C++ project with a typical configuration, this is simply a matter of including them in stdafx.h. This feature has its detractors, but libraries that make full use of templates tend to have a lot of stuff in headers, and precompiled headers are the simplest way to speed up builds in that case.

如果您有大型复杂的头文件,并且这些头文件必须包含在构建过程中的大多数.cpp文件中,并且这些文件不会经常更改,那么您可以对它们进行预编译。在具有典型配置的Visual c++项目中,只需将它们包含在stdafx.h中。这个特性有它的批评者,但是充分利用模板的库往往在头文件中有很多东西,在这种情况下,预编译头文件是加速构建的最简单的方法。



These solutions apply to both debug and release, and are focused on a codebase that is already large and cumbersome.


Forward declarations are a common solution.


Distributed building, such as with Incredibuild is a win.


Pushing code from headers down into source files can work. Small classes, constants, enums and so on might start off in a header file simply because it could have been used in multiple compilation units, but in reality they are only used in one, and could be moved to the cpp file.


A solution I haven't read about but have used is to split large headers. If you have a handful of very large headers, take a look at them. They may contain related information, and may also depend on a lot of other headers. Take the elements that have no dependencies on other files...simple structs, constants, enums and forward declarations and move them from the_world.h to the_world_defs.h. You may now find that a lot of your source files can now include only the_world_defs.h and avoid including all that overhead.

我还没读过但用过的解决方案是分割大标题。如果你有一些非常大的标题,看看它们。它们可能包含相关的信息,也可能依赖于许多其他的头信息。获取对其他文件没有依赖的元素…简单的结构、常量、枚举和转发声明,并将它们从the_world中移动。the_world_defs.h h。您现在可能会发现,您的许多源文件现在只包含了_world_defs。避免包括所有的开销。

Visual Studio also has a "Show Includes" option that can give you a sense of which source files include many headers and which header files are most frequently included.

Visual Studio也有一个“Show include”选项,可以让您了解哪些源文件包含许多头文件,哪些头文件最常包含。

For very common includes, consider putting them in a pre-compiled header.




I use Unity Builds (Screencast located here).




The compile speed question is interesting enough that Stroustrup has it in his FAQ.




We use Xoreax's Incredibuild to run compilation in parallel across multiple machines.




Also an interesting article from Ned Batchelder: http://nedbatchelder.com/blog/200401/speeding_c_links.html (about C++ on Windows).

另一篇有趣的文章来自Ned Batchelder: http://nedbatchelder.com/blog/200401/speeding_c_links.html(关于Windows上的c++)。



Our development machines are all quad-core and we use Visual Studio 2008 supports parallel compiling. I am uncertain as to whether all editions of VS can do this.

我们的开发机器都是四核的,我们使用Visual Studio 2008支持并行编译。我不确定所有的VS版本是否都能做到这一点。

We have a solution file with approximately 168 individual projects, and compile this way takes about 25 minutes on our quad-core machines, compared to about 90 minutes on the single core laptops we give to summer students. Not exactly comparable machines but you get the idea :)




With Visual C++, there is a method, some refer to as Unity, that improves link time significantly by reducing the number of object modules.

使用Visual c++,有一种方法(有些称为Unity)可以通过减少对象模块的数量来显著提高链接时间。

This involves concatenating the C++ code, usually in groups by library. This of course makes editing the code much more difficult, and you will run into namespace collisions unless you use them well. It keeps you from using "using namespace foo";


Several teams at our company have elaborate systems to take the normal C++ files and concatenate them at compile time as a build step. The reduction in link times can be enormous.




Another useful technique is blobbing. I think it is something similar to what was described by Matt Shaw.


Simply put, you just create one cpp file in which you include other cpp files. You may have two different project configurations, one ordinary and one blob. Of course, blobbing puts some constrains on your code, e.g. class names in unnamed namespaces may *.


One technique to avoid recompiling the whole code in a blob (as David Rodríguez mentioned) when you change one cpp file - is to have your "working" blob which is created from files modified recently and other ordinary blobs.


We use blobbing at work most of the time, and it reduces project build time, especially link time.




Compile Time:
If you have IncrediBuild, compile time won't be a problem. If you don't have a IncrediBuild, try the "unity build" method. It combine multiple cpp files to a single cpp file so the whole compile time is reduced.
Link Time:
The "unity build" method also contribute to reduce the link time but not much. How ever, you can check if the "Whole global optimization" and "LTCG" are enabled, while these flags make the program fast, they DO make the link SLOW.
Try turning off the "Whole Global Optimization" and set LTCG to "Default" the link time might be reduced by 5/6.
(LTCG stands for Link Time Code Generation)




It may sound obvious to you, but we try to use forward declarations as much as possible, even if it requires to write out long namespace names the type(s) is/are in:


// Forward declaration stuff
namespace plotter { namespace logic { class Plotter; } }

// Real stuff
namespace plotter {
    namespace samples {
        class Window {
            logic::Plotter * mPlotter;
            // ...

It greatly reduces the time for compiling also on others compilers. Indeed it applies to all configurations :)




Use the Handle/Body pattern (also sometimes known as "pimpl", "adapter", "decorator", "bridge" or "wrapper"). By isolating the implementation of your classes into your .cpp files, they need only be compiled once. Most changes do not require changes to the header file so it means you can make fairly extensive changes while only requiring one file to be recompiled. This also encourages refactoring and writing of comments and unit tests since compile time is decreased. Additionally, you automatically separate the concerns of interface and implementation so the interface of your code is simplified.




If you have large complex headers that must be included by most of the .cpp files in your build process, and which are not changed very often, you can precompile them. In a Visual C++ project with a typical configuration, this is simply a matter of including them in stdafx.h. This feature has its detractors, but libraries that make full use of templates tend to have a lot of stuff in headers, and precompiled headers are the simplest way to speed up builds in that case.

如果您有大型复杂的头文件,并且这些头文件必须包含在构建过程中的大多数.cpp文件中,并且这些文件不会经常更改,那么您可以对它们进行预编译。在具有典型配置的Visual c++项目中,只需将它们包含在stdafx.h中。这个特性有它的批评者,但是充分利用模板的库往往在头文件中有很多东西,在这种情况下,预编译头文件是加速构建的最简单的方法。



These solutions apply to both debug and release, and are focused on a codebase that is already large and cumbersome.


Forward declarations are a common solution.


Distributed building, such as with Incredibuild is a win.


Pushing code from headers down into source files can work. Small classes, constants, enums and so on might start off in a header file simply because it could have been used in multiple compilation units, but in reality they are only used in one, and could be moved to the cpp file.


A solution I haven't read about but have used is to split large headers. If you have a handful of very large headers, take a look at them. They may contain related information, and may also depend on a lot of other headers. Take the elements that have no dependencies on other files...simple structs, constants, enums and forward declarations and move them from the_world.h to the_world_defs.h. You may now find that a lot of your source files can now include only the_world_defs.h and avoid including all that overhead.

我还没读过但用过的解决方案是分割大标题。如果你有一些非常大的标题,看看它们。它们可能包含相关的信息,也可能依赖于许多其他的头信息。获取对其他文件没有依赖的元素…简单的结构、常量、枚举和转发声明,并将它们从the_world中移动。the_world_defs.h h。您现在可能会发现,您的许多源文件现在只包含了_world_defs。避免包括所有的开销。

Visual Studio also has a "Show Includes" option that can give you a sense of which source files include many headers and which header files are most frequently included.

Visual Studio也有一个“Show include”选项,可以让您了解哪些源文件包含许多头文件,哪些头文件最常包含。

For very common includes, consider putting them in a pre-compiled header.




I use Unity Builds (Screencast located here).




The compile speed question is interesting enough that Stroustrup has it in his FAQ.




We use Xoreax's Incredibuild to run compilation in parallel across multiple machines.




Also an interesting article from Ned Batchelder: http://nedbatchelder.com/blog/200401/speeding_c_links.html (about C++ on Windows).

另一篇有趣的文章来自Ned Batchelder: http://nedbatchelder.com/blog/200401/speeding_c_links.html(关于Windows上的c++)。



Our development machines are all quad-core and we use Visual Studio 2008 supports parallel compiling. I am uncertain as to whether all editions of VS can do this.

我们的开发机器都是四核的,我们使用Visual Studio 2008支持并行编译。我不确定所有的VS版本是否都能做到这一点。

We have a solution file with approximately 168 individual projects, and compile this way takes about 25 minutes on our quad-core machines, compared to about 90 minutes on the single core laptops we give to summer students. Not exactly comparable machines but you get the idea :)




With Visual C++, there is a method, some refer to as Unity, that improves link time significantly by reducing the number of object modules.

使用Visual c++,有一种方法(有些称为Unity)可以通过减少对象模块的数量来显著提高链接时间。

This involves concatenating the C++ code, usually in groups by library. This of course makes editing the code much more difficult, and you will run into namespace collisions unless you use them well. It keeps you from using "using namespace foo";


Several teams at our company have elaborate systems to take the normal C++ files and concatenate them at compile time as a build step. The reduction in link times can be enormous.




Another useful technique is blobbing. I think it is something similar to what was described by Matt Shaw.


Simply put, you just create one cpp file in which you include other cpp files. You may have two different project configurations, one ordinary and one blob. Of course, blobbing puts some constrains on your code, e.g. class names in unnamed namespaces may *.


One technique to avoid recompiling the whole code in a blob (as David Rodríguez mentioned) when you change one cpp file - is to have your "working" blob which is created from files modified recently and other ordinary blobs.


We use blobbing at work most of the time, and it reduces project build time, especially link time.




Compile Time:
If you have IncrediBuild, compile time won't be a problem. If you don't have a IncrediBuild, try the "unity build" method. It combine multiple cpp files to a single cpp file so the whole compile time is reduced.
Link Time:
The "unity build" method also contribute to reduce the link time but not much. How ever, you can check if the "Whole global optimization" and "LTCG" are enabled, while these flags make the program fast, they DO make the link SLOW.
Try turning off the "Whole Global Optimization" and set LTCG to "Default" the link time might be reduced by 5/6.
(LTCG stands for Link Time Code Generation)
