AIX stack_hard参数

时间:2022-09-01 21:08:45

OS:AIX 7.1

root、oracle、grid用户查看资源限制,其中stack受限,需要在/etc/security/limits中增加stack_hard = -1,受硬限制限制!

 [oracle@DB-]/home/oracle$ulimit -a
time(seconds) unlimited
file(blocks) unlimited
data(kbytes) unlimited
memory(kbytes) unlimited
coredump(blocks) unlimited
nofiles(descriptors) unlimited
threads(per process) unlimited
processes(per user) unlimited # su - grid
$ ulimit -a
time(seconds) unlimited
file(blocks) unlimited
data(kbytes) unlimited
memory(kbytes) unlimited
coredump(blocks) unlimited
nofiles(descriptors) unlimited
threads(per process) unlimited
processes(per user) unlimited # ulimit -a
time(seconds) unlimited
file(blocks) unlimited
data(kbytes) unlimited
memory(kbytes) unlimited
coredump(blocks) unlimited
nofiles(descriptors) unlimited
threads(per process) unlimited
processes(per user) unlimited
 # cat /etc/security/limits

* Sizes are in multiples of byte blocks, CPU time is in seconds
* fsize - soft file size in blocks
* core - soft core file size in blocks
* cpu - soft per process CPU time limit in seconds
* data - soft data segment size in blocks
* stack - soft stack segment size in blocks
* rss - soft real memory usage in blocks
* nofiles - soft file descriptor limit
* fsize_hard - hard file size in blocks
* core_hard - hard core file size in blocks
* cpu_hard - hard per process CPU time limit in seconds
* data_hard - hard data segment size in blocks
* stack_hard - hard stack segment size in blocks
* rss_hard - hard real memory usage in blocks
* nofiles_hard - hard file descriptor limit
* The following table contains the default hard values if the
* hard values are not explicitly defined:
* Attribute Value
* ========== ============
* fsize_hard set to fsize
* cpu_hard set to cpu
* core_hard -
* data_hard -
* stack_hard
* rss_hard -
* nofiles_hard -
* NOTE: A value of - implies "unlimited"
* default:
fsize = -
core = -
cpu = -
data = -
rss = -
stack = -
nofiles = - root: daemon: bin: sys: adm: uucp: guest: nobody: lpd: pconsole:
stack_hard =
data =
data_hard = esaadmin:
stack =
stack_hard = oracle:
fsize = -
core = -
cpu = -
data = -
rss = -
stack = -
nofiles = - grid:
fsize = -
core = -
cpu = -
data = -
rss = -
stack = -
nofiles = - root:
fsize = -
core = -
cpu = -
data = -
rss = -
stack = -
nofiles = -
 # cat /etc/security/limits

* Sizes are in multiples of byte blocks, CPU time is in seconds
* fsize - soft file size in blocks
* core - soft core file size in blocks
* cpu - soft per process CPU time limit in seconds
* data - soft data segment size in blocks
* stack - soft stack segment size in blocks
* rss - soft real memory usage in blocks
* nofiles - soft file descriptor limit
* fsize_hard - hard file size in blocks
* core_hard - hard core file size in blocks
* cpu_hard - hard per process CPU time limit in seconds
* data_hard - hard data segment size in blocks
* stack_hard - hard stack segment size in blocks
* rss_hard - hard real memory usage in blocks
* nofiles_hard - hard file descriptor limit
* The following table contains the default hard values if the
* hard values are not explicitly defined:
* Attribute Value
* ========== ============
* fsize_hard set to fsize
* cpu_hard set to cpu
* core_hard -
* data_hard -
* stack_hard
* rss_hard -
* nofiles_hard -
* NOTE: A value of - implies "unlimited"
* default:
fsize = -
core = -
cpu = -
data = -
rss = -
stack = -
stack_hard = - -->增加这个即可
nofiles = - root: daemon: bin: sys: adm: uucp: guest: nobody: lpd: pconsole:
stack_hard =
data =
data_hard = esaadmin:
stack =
stack_hard = oracle:
fsize = -
core = -
cpu = -
data = -
rss = -
stack = -
nofiles = - grid:
fsize = -
core = -
cpu = -
data = -
rss = -
stack = -
nofiles = - root:
fsize = -
core = -
cpu = -
data = -
rss = -
stack = -
nofiles = -

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