Javascript - 访问变量然后在它的范围之外[重复]

时间:2022-08-27 17:37:57

This question already has an answer here:


I have the following Javascript and I am trying to access the content data out of the service scope, what's the best way to access that data?


.then((content = {}) => {//access this content out of 'Service' scope})
.catch((error = {})  => {console.log('errror', error)})

I tried the following:


let data = null;
.then((content = {}) => {data = content})
.catch((error = {})  => {console.log('errror', error)})

But I get the error that data is undefined. How can I get the contents of content to data


1 个解决方案



You can't do it this way. The issue is that a .then() handler is called at some indeterminate time in the future. It's always called at least on the next tick of the event loop (per the promise specification) and if there's a real asynchronous operation behind the promise, then who knows when it will be called (it could be ms to hours to never).


The ONLY way you can possibly know when it gets called and thus when a value provided in the .then() handler is available is by using the data it provides inside the .then() handler itself or by calling some function from within the .then() handler and passing the data to it.

你可以知道它被调用的唯一方式,也就是当.then()处理程序中提供的值可用时,可以使用它在.then()处理程序本身内提供的数据,或者通过调用其中的某个函数。 then()处理程序并将数据传递给它。

Your console.log(data) statement always runs BEFORE the .then() handler is called. That's why you can't use the variable there. And, the only place you actually know when the data is available is inside the .then() handler so that's where you need to consume the data.


This is a different way of thinking about coding. It's the asynchronous model that Javascript uses for lots of things and you do need to learn it in order to be successful with Javascript.


So, the proper way to do things is this:


Service.getContent().then((content = {}) => {
    // use content here
}).catch(err => {
    // handle error here
    console.log('errror', err)

FYI, ES7 allows you to use await to make your code "look" a little more synchronous. It's important to understand how the actual asynchronous model works, even when using await. But, in your example, you could do this:


async function someFunction() {
    try {
        let content = await Service.getContent();
        // use content here
        return someValue;
    } catch(e) {
        // handle error here
        console.log('errror', err)
        return someOtherValue;

someFunction().then(val => {
   // do something with val here

An important thing to understand is that while await appears to "block" the function execution until the promise resolves and makes it look like you can program synchronously again even with async operations, this is only partially true. The function execution itself is still asynchronous. In fact, as soon as you call await Service.getContent(), your function someFunction() returns a promise and any code after that function is called keeps on executing. So, the whole program flow is not blocked, only the internals of someFunction() are blocked waiting on that promise. await is really just syntactical sugar for .then(). The underlying concepts are still the same. And, functions still return immediately as soon as you await an asynchronous operation.

需要理解的重要一点是,await似乎会“阻止”函数执行,直到promise解析为止,即使使用异步操作也可以再次同步编程,这只是部分正确。函数执行本身仍然是异步的。实际上,只要调用await Service.getContent(),你的函数someFunction()就会返回一个promise,并且在调用该函数之后的任何代码都会继续执行。因此,整个程序流程都没有被阻止,只有someFunction()的内部被阻塞等待该promise。 await实际上只是.then()的语法糖。基本概念仍然相同。并且,一旦等待异步操作,函数仍会立即返回。

You can only use await inside an async function and all function declared async return a promise. So, the promise is still being used, await just gives you a bit more way to write code inside a function.




You can't do it this way. The issue is that a .then() handler is called at some indeterminate time in the future. It's always called at least on the next tick of the event loop (per the promise specification) and if there's a real asynchronous operation behind the promise, then who knows when it will be called (it could be ms to hours to never).


The ONLY way you can possibly know when it gets called and thus when a value provided in the .then() handler is available is by using the data it provides inside the .then() handler itself or by calling some function from within the .then() handler and passing the data to it.

你可以知道它被调用的唯一方式,也就是当.then()处理程序中提供的值可用时,可以使用它在.then()处理程序本身内提供的数据,或者通过调用其中的某个函数。 then()处理程序并将数据传递给它。

Your console.log(data) statement always runs BEFORE the .then() handler is called. That's why you can't use the variable there. And, the only place you actually know when the data is available is inside the .then() handler so that's where you need to consume the data.


This is a different way of thinking about coding. It's the asynchronous model that Javascript uses for lots of things and you do need to learn it in order to be successful with Javascript.


So, the proper way to do things is this:


Service.getContent().then((content = {}) => {
    // use content here
}).catch(err => {
    // handle error here
    console.log('errror', err)

FYI, ES7 allows you to use await to make your code "look" a little more synchronous. It's important to understand how the actual asynchronous model works, even when using await. But, in your example, you could do this:


async function someFunction() {
    try {
        let content = await Service.getContent();
        // use content here
        return someValue;
    } catch(e) {
        // handle error here
        console.log('errror', err)
        return someOtherValue;

someFunction().then(val => {
   // do something with val here

An important thing to understand is that while await appears to "block" the function execution until the promise resolves and makes it look like you can program synchronously again even with async operations, this is only partially true. The function execution itself is still asynchronous. In fact, as soon as you call await Service.getContent(), your function someFunction() returns a promise and any code after that function is called keeps on executing. So, the whole program flow is not blocked, only the internals of someFunction() are blocked waiting on that promise. await is really just syntactical sugar for .then(). The underlying concepts are still the same. And, functions still return immediately as soon as you await an asynchronous operation.

需要理解的重要一点是,await似乎会“阻止”函数执行,直到promise解析为止,即使使用异步操作也可以再次同步编程,这只是部分正确。函数执行本身仍然是异步的。实际上,只要调用await Service.getContent(),你的函数someFunction()就会返回一个promise,并且在调用该函数之后的任何代码都会继续执行。因此,整个程序流程都没有被阻止,只有someFunction()的内部被阻塞等待该promise。 await实际上只是.then()的语法糖。基本概念仍然相同。并且,一旦等待异步操作,函数仍会立即返回。

You can only use await inside an async function and all function declared async return a promise. So, the promise is still being used, await just gives you a bit more way to write code inside a function.
