
时间:2022-08-25 18:51:06

I have a calculation that gives the total amount of laboral days between 2 dates. However, if the range of dates contains any date present in a list (holidays), I must subtract each day from holidays from the total amount of days.


It means if in the list of holidays i have the 25-03-2016, and the range of dates go from 21-03-2016 to 25-03-2016, it should count only 4 days, not 5.


At the moment, I have this table of holidays in the DB:



And the total amount of laboral days comes from this function:


$aux=strtotime($begin_date); #Aux for days
while ($aux <=strtotime($end_date)) { #While the Aux is less than the end, I verify wich day of the week is this
    if ($auxday!='6'&&$auxday!='7') { # if is different of 6 or 7, (saturday and sunday) I add 1 to the total amount of days
    $aux=$aux+86400; #I add 1 day to AUX


    $sqlF="SELECT * FROM tbl000_feriados";
    foreach($holidays as $arr){
    $holiday_arr[] = strtotime($arr);
    while ($aux <=strtotime($end_date)) { 
    if ($auxday!='6'&&$auxday!='7') { 

It do not subtract the days of the holidays


**** UPADTE 2

**** UPADTE 2

The problem is related with the lecture from the table tbl000_feriados, because if i put the data manually into the array



for instance, it makes the subtract correctly.


something is going wrong about reading the date from tbl000_feriados


$sqlF="SELECT * FROM tbl000_feriados";

***** UPDATE 3


For some reason, it make an aditional discount when im counting days from 23/03 and avobe 28/03

出于某种原因,当我计算从23/03和avobe 28/03开始计算的天数时,它会提供额外的折扣

3 个解决方案



First, make an array of the dates in holiday list by converting them into strtotime format.


$holidays = array('2016-01-01', '2016-03-25');
foreach($holidays as $arr){
  $holiday_arr[] = strtotime($arr);
$begin_date = '2016-01-01';
$end_date = '2017-01-01';
$aux=strtotime($begin_date); #Aux for days
while ($aux <=strtotime($end_date)) { 

then compare it with the new array, if this date not exists in holiday list array then, proceed from here



While the Aux is less than the end, I verify wich day of the week is this


    if ($auxday!='6'&&$auxday!='7') { # if is different of 6 or 7, (saturday and sunday) I add 1 to the total amount of days
    $aux=$aux+86400; #I add 1 day to AUX



You might be able to find the number of holidays which fall between given dates ( $begin_date and $end_date in your case) with the mysql BETWEEN operator:

您可以使用mysql BETWEEN运算符找到在给定日期(在您的情况下为$ begin_date和$ end_date)之间的假期数:

SELECT COUNT(*) from holidays where Date between Date('2016-02-05') and date('2016-04-01');

As long as the Date in your databse is a date or datetime type in the database, mysql will know how to process it. Note however that your european date format (dd-mm-yyyy) , while arguably more logical than the goofy US mm-dd-yyyy format, may not properly test as a date. I highly recommend the more universally consistent YYYY-MM-DD format ( which has the additional benefit that chronological order matches lexicographical order, which means an alphabetized date list will also be in chronoligical order! )


Keeping dates as dates in the database is one of the smartest things you can do. Not only are you able to make date-centric comparisons like this, but you'll also be in good shape to start thinking about supporting - or at least explicitly setting - timezones. I caution all developers of date-related programs to start with explicit timezones. If you put dates into your table but don't apply the correct timezone, it can be hard to clean up when you try to handle timezones later and the data wasn't put in as the timezone the mysql server ran in by default. Icky!

将日期保留为数据库中的日期是您可以做的最明智的事情之一。您不仅可以进行这样的以日期为中心的比较,而且您也可以开始考虑支持 - 或者至少明确设置 - 时区。我提醒日期相关程序的所有开发人员都要使用显式时区。如果您将日期放入表中但没有应用正确的时区,那么当您稍后尝试处理时区并且数据未作为mysql服务器默认运行的时区放入时,可能很难清理。恶心!



Try the following:


$holidays = array('2016-01-01', '2016-03-25');

$begin_date = new DateTime('2016-01-01');
$end_date = new DateTime('2017-01-01');
$exclude = 0;

// Loop over holidays to find out whether they are in the range
foreach ($holidays as $holiday) {
    if (isWithinDates(new DateTime($holiday), $begin_date, $end_date)) {

function isWithinDates(DateTime $date, DateTime $start, DateTime $end)
    return $date >= $start && $date <= $end;

// Get the amount of days between our start date and the end date
// and subtract the amount of days that we know to be holidays
$interval = $begin_date->diff($end_date)->days - $exclude;




First, make an array of the dates in holiday list by converting them into strtotime format.


$holidays = array('2016-01-01', '2016-03-25');
foreach($holidays as $arr){
  $holiday_arr[] = strtotime($arr);
$begin_date = '2016-01-01';
$end_date = '2017-01-01';
$aux=strtotime($begin_date); #Aux for days
while ($aux <=strtotime($end_date)) { 

then compare it with the new array, if this date not exists in holiday list array then, proceed from here



While the Aux is less than the end, I verify wich day of the week is this


    if ($auxday!='6'&&$auxday!='7') { # if is different of 6 or 7, (saturday and sunday) I add 1 to the total amount of days
    $aux=$aux+86400; #I add 1 day to AUX



You might be able to find the number of holidays which fall between given dates ( $begin_date and $end_date in your case) with the mysql BETWEEN operator:

您可以使用mysql BETWEEN运算符找到在给定日期(在您的情况下为$ begin_date和$ end_date)之间的假期数:

SELECT COUNT(*) from holidays where Date between Date('2016-02-05') and date('2016-04-01');

As long as the Date in your databse is a date or datetime type in the database, mysql will know how to process it. Note however that your european date format (dd-mm-yyyy) , while arguably more logical than the goofy US mm-dd-yyyy format, may not properly test as a date. I highly recommend the more universally consistent YYYY-MM-DD format ( which has the additional benefit that chronological order matches lexicographical order, which means an alphabetized date list will also be in chronoligical order! )


Keeping dates as dates in the database is one of the smartest things you can do. Not only are you able to make date-centric comparisons like this, but you'll also be in good shape to start thinking about supporting - or at least explicitly setting - timezones. I caution all developers of date-related programs to start with explicit timezones. If you put dates into your table but don't apply the correct timezone, it can be hard to clean up when you try to handle timezones later and the data wasn't put in as the timezone the mysql server ran in by default. Icky!

将日期保留为数据库中的日期是您可以做的最明智的事情之一。您不仅可以进行这样的以日期为中心的比较,而且您也可以开始考虑支持 - 或者至少明确设置 - 时区。我提醒日期相关程序的所有开发人员都要使用显式时区。如果您将日期放入表中但没有应用正确的时区,那么当您稍后尝试处理时区并且数据未作为mysql服务器默认运行的时区放入时,可能很难清理。恶心!



Try the following:


$holidays = array('2016-01-01', '2016-03-25');

$begin_date = new DateTime('2016-01-01');
$end_date = new DateTime('2017-01-01');
$exclude = 0;

// Loop over holidays to find out whether they are in the range
foreach ($holidays as $holiday) {
    if (isWithinDates(new DateTime($holiday), $begin_date, $end_date)) {

function isWithinDates(DateTime $date, DateTime $start, DateTime $end)
    return $date >= $start && $date <= $end;

// Get the amount of days between our start date and the end date
// and subtract the amount of days that we know to be holidays
$interval = $begin_date->diff($end_date)->days - $exclude;
