你能在一堂课中扩展两门课程吗? [重复]

时间:2022-08-22 21:17:34

Possible Duplicate:
Can I extend a class using more than 1 class in PHP?


I have a class that has several child classes, however I am now adding another class which I also want to be a child of the parent, however I would also like to utilize many of the functions from one of the other child classes.


I've thought of just moving the respective functions from the other child class to the parent, however didn't think this was really needed as it would only be these two child classes that make use of them so was hoping that I could extend from the main parent class and from one of the existing child classes.


5 个解决方案



You can extend the child class to inherit both its parent and the child's functions, which I think is what you are trying to do.


class Parent
    protected function _doStuff();

class Child extends Parent
    protected function _doChildStuff();

class Your_Class extends Child
    // Access to all of Parent and all of Child's members

// Your_Class has access to both _doStuff() and _doChildStuff() by inheritance



No php is single inheritance language. If you can you can lookup upcoming feature in php 5.4, that is traits.

没有php是单继承语言。如果可以,你可以在php 5.4中查找即将推出的功能,这就是特性。



As said @morphles, this feature will be available as traits (like mixins in other languages) in php 5.4. However, if it's really needed, you can use such workaround:

正如所说的@morphles,这个功能将在php 5.4中作为特征(如其他语言中的mixins)提供。但是,如果确实需要,您可以使用以下解决方法:

// your class #1
class A {
    function smthA() { echo 'A'; }

// your class #2
class B {
    function smthB() { echo 'B'; }

// composer class
class ComposeAB {
    // list of implemented classes
    private $classes = array('A', 'B');
    // storage for objects of classes
    private $objects = array();

    // creating all objects
    function __construct() {
        foreach($this->classes as $className)
            $this->objects[] = new $className;

    // looking for class method in all the objects
    function __call($method, $args) {
        foreach($this->objects as $object) {
            $callback = array($object, $method);
                return call_user_func_array($callback, $args);

$ab = new ComposeAB;



As a yes/no answer i can say no. You can't extend from multiple classes in php. but you can use interface instead.




You can do this by thinking backwards, however it depends on the situation. If you would like to keep your classes separate, nobody can give you a good answer of how to structure your objects and inheritance unless you give us more information. Also keep in mind that getting too worried about getting class structure right is a burden in small projects and you may as well just move the methods over and be done with it and learn more about classes later.




You can extend the child class to inherit both its parent and the child's functions, which I think is what you are trying to do.


class Parent
    protected function _doStuff();

class Child extends Parent
    protected function _doChildStuff();

class Your_Class extends Child
    // Access to all of Parent and all of Child's members

// Your_Class has access to both _doStuff() and _doChildStuff() by inheritance



No php is single inheritance language. If you can you can lookup upcoming feature in php 5.4, that is traits.

没有php是单继承语言。如果可以,你可以在php 5.4中查找即将推出的功能,这就是特性。



As said @morphles, this feature will be available as traits (like mixins in other languages) in php 5.4. However, if it's really needed, you can use such workaround:

正如所说的@morphles,这个功能将在php 5.4中作为特征(如其他语言中的mixins)提供。但是,如果确实需要,您可以使用以下解决方法:

// your class #1
class A {
    function smthA() { echo 'A'; }

// your class #2
class B {
    function smthB() { echo 'B'; }

// composer class
class ComposeAB {
    // list of implemented classes
    private $classes = array('A', 'B');
    // storage for objects of classes
    private $objects = array();

    // creating all objects
    function __construct() {
        foreach($this->classes as $className)
            $this->objects[] = new $className;

    // looking for class method in all the objects
    function __call($method, $args) {
        foreach($this->objects as $object) {
            $callback = array($object, $method);
                return call_user_func_array($callback, $args);

$ab = new ComposeAB;



As a yes/no answer i can say no. You can't extend from multiple classes in php. but you can use interface instead.




You can do this by thinking backwards, however it depends on the situation. If you would like to keep your classes separate, nobody can give you a good answer of how to structure your objects and inheritance unless you give us more information. Also keep in mind that getting too worried about getting class structure right is a burden in small projects and you may as well just move the methods over and be done with it and learn more about classes later.
