如何使用java中的google api从两组坐标中获取方向

时间:2022-08-22 11:15:50

Can't really find anything. But I am writing a javafx project where the user inputs latitude/longitude and get returned with directions. I am looking for concrete examples to do this. I know I have to send have a specific url from google api. But I have no clue how to use the url and get the json format back and parse it.


3 个解决方案



You can use request parameters including the origin and destination in Google Maps Directions API and you should be able to get directions.

您可以在Google Maps Directions API中使用请求参数,包括来源和目的地,您应该可以获得路线。



You can use Google Map's Web API

您可以使用Google Map的Web API

Here's the documentation for it https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/directions/intro#TravelModes




The Google Maps API provides a direction API, this gives a set a directions between two points.

Google Maps API提供了方向API,可以设置两点之间的方向。

Here's an example with using a JSON response, you can also use XML as documented in the API: http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/directions/json?origin=37.421957,-122.084197&destination=37.431865,-122.103789

以下是使用JSON响应的示例,您还可以使用API​​中记录的XML:http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/directions/json?origin = 37.421957,-122.084197&destination = 37.431865,-122.103789

See this for full reference: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/directions/intro




You can use request parameters including the origin and destination in Google Maps Directions API and you should be able to get directions.

您可以在Google Maps Directions API中使用请求参数,包括来源和目的地,您应该可以获得路线。



You can use Google Map's Web API

您可以使用Google Map的Web API

Here's the documentation for it https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/directions/intro#TravelModes




The Google Maps API provides a direction API, this gives a set a directions between two points.

Google Maps API提供了方向API,可以设置两点之间的方向。

Here's an example with using a JSON response, you can also use XML as documented in the API: http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/directions/json?origin=37.421957,-122.084197&destination=37.431865,-122.103789

以下是使用JSON响应的示例,您还可以使用API​​中记录的XML:http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/directions/json?origin = 37.421957,-122.084197&destination = 37.431865,-122.103789

See this for full reference: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/directions/intro
