ASP.NET MVC路由Maproute参数

时间:2022-03-12 17:30:10

I am just going through on MVC routing frame work. I am bit confused on parameter taken by RouteCollection.MapRoute method.


If I took a trditional example of below request


public class MvcApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication
    public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)

 - List item

            "Default",                                              // Route name
            "{controller}/{action}/{id}",                           // URL with parameters
            new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = "" }  // Parameter defaults


    protected void Application_Start()

It's mapped with following signatures


public static Route MapRoute(
    this RouteCollection routes,
    string name,
    string url,
    Object defaults

My question is regarding "Object defaults" ,


  1. Why we are using it as new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = "" }
  2. 为什么我们将它用作新的{controller =“Home”,action =“Index”,id =“”}

  3. Is this is a fixed format?
  4. 这是固定格式吗?

  5. How can CLR interpret sequence of parameter?
  6. CLR如何解释参数序列?

Follow up questions:


a. Why we decorate controller,action or id inside a bracket {}?


b. Is there any match in between URL specify and defaults?


2 个解决方案



Why we are using it as new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = "" }

为什么我们将它用作新的{controller =“Home”,action =“Index”,id =“”}

To basically initialize the route with default values. The values you pass into MapRoute method transformed into a IDictionary<string, object> for later lookup.

基本上用默认值初始化路线。传递给MapRoute方法的值转换为IDictionary 供以后查找。 ,object>

Is this is a fixed format?

No, you can omit or add more values as per your URL. The values that you specify in defaults will be used for lookup.


For example, You can set a route name Search as following:


        name: "Search",
        url: "{controller}/{action}/{searchId}",
        defaults: new {controller = "Account", action = "Login", searchId = UrlParameter.Optional}

How can CLR interprt sequenation of parameter?


By adding them into a Dictionary (RouteValueDictionary to be precise).


a. Why we decorate controller,action or id inside a bracket {}?


Short answer, it is a convention... long answer, as per MSDN, excerpts from MSDN Article


In a URL pattern, you define placeholders by enclosing them in braces ( { and } ). You can define more than one placeholder in a segment, but they must be separated by a literal value. For example, {language}-{country}/{action} is a valid route pattern. However, {language}{country}/{action} is not a valid pattern, because there is no literal value or delimiter between the placeholders. Therefore, routing cannot determine where to separate the value for the language placeholder from the value for the country placeholder.

在URL模式中,您可以通过将它们括在大括号({和})中来定义占位符。您可以在段中定义多个占位符,但它们必须用文字值分隔。例如,{language} - {country} / {action}是有效的路由模式。但是,{language} {country} / {action}不是有效模式,因为占位符之间没有文字值或分隔符。因此,路由无法确定将语言占位符的值与国家/地区占位符的值分开的位置。

b. Is there any match in between URL specify and defaults?

Yes, the defaults values are for the placeholders in the URL. If you add more default then placeholder, it will be ignored. The default value is used if a value for that parameter is not included in the URL.


For more information, I will point you to this excellent MSDN Article.


Hope this helps.




    name: "Search",
    url: "{controller}/{action}/{searchId}",
    defaults: new {controller = "Account", action = "Login", searchId = UrlParameter.Optional},
    new {id = @"\d{1, 2}" }

Does new expression not work for MVC 5 constraints?

新表达式不适用于MVC 5约束吗?



Why we are using it as new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = "" }

为什么我们将它用作新的{controller =“Home”,action =“Index”,id =“”}

To basically initialize the route with default values. The values you pass into MapRoute method transformed into a IDictionary<string, object> for later lookup.

基本上用默认值初始化路线。传递给MapRoute方法的值转换为IDictionary 供以后查找。 ,object>

Is this is a fixed format?

No, you can omit or add more values as per your URL. The values that you specify in defaults will be used for lookup.


For example, You can set a route name Search as following:


        name: "Search",
        url: "{controller}/{action}/{searchId}",
        defaults: new {controller = "Account", action = "Login", searchId = UrlParameter.Optional}

How can CLR interprt sequenation of parameter?


By adding them into a Dictionary (RouteValueDictionary to be precise).


a. Why we decorate controller,action or id inside a bracket {}?


Short answer, it is a convention... long answer, as per MSDN, excerpts from MSDN Article


In a URL pattern, you define placeholders by enclosing them in braces ( { and } ). You can define more than one placeholder in a segment, but they must be separated by a literal value. For example, {language}-{country}/{action} is a valid route pattern. However, {language}{country}/{action} is not a valid pattern, because there is no literal value or delimiter between the placeholders. Therefore, routing cannot determine where to separate the value for the language placeholder from the value for the country placeholder.

在URL模式中,您可以通过将它们括在大括号({和})中来定义占位符。您可以在段中定义多个占位符,但它们必须用文字值分隔。例如,{language} - {country} / {action}是有效的路由模式。但是,{language} {country} / {action}不是有效模式,因为占位符之间没有文字值或分隔符。因此,路由无法确定将语言占位符的值与国家/地区占位符的值分开的位置。

b. Is there any match in between URL specify and defaults?

Yes, the defaults values are for the placeholders in the URL. If you add more default then placeholder, it will be ignored. The default value is used if a value for that parameter is not included in the URL.


For more information, I will point you to this excellent MSDN Article.


Hope this helps.




    name: "Search",
    url: "{controller}/{action}/{searchId}",
    defaults: new {controller = "Account", action = "Login", searchId = UrlParameter.Optional},
    new {id = @"\d{1, 2}" }

Does new expression not work for MVC 5 constraints?

新表达式不适用于MVC 5约束吗?