
时间:2021-12-21 16:24:53

Is is possible to use GUID as primary Keys in SQLITE Database?If Possible which datatype can be used?


2 个解决方案



SQLite itself does not support GUID as internal type.


Except that, it does! (sort of). Remember, in SQLite any string can be used as type name, and that includes GUID or UUID (read more about SQLite datatypes).

除此之外,确实如此! (有点)。请记住,在SQLite中,任何字符串都可以用作类型名称,并且包括GUID或UUID(了解有关SQLite数据类型的更多信息)。

According to those rules, GUID type has affinity NONE, which is the same as for BLOB fields. With this in mind, you can create column of GUID type, and use following rules to access it:


  • Store it as string like X'01020304050607080910111213141516' (X notation is used to represent 16 byte BLOB value). To insert, use:


    INSERT INTO mytable (uuid)
    VALUES (X'01020304050607080910111213141516');
  • Read it as 16-byte BLOB. quote(uuid) can be used to format output using X notation:

    将其读作16字节BLOB。 quote(uuid)可用于使用X表示法格式化输出:

    SELECT quote(uuid)
    FROM mytable

Such column can be also used as primary key. Unfortunately, there is no AUTOINCREMENT functionality like it exists for integer primary keys - you will have to handle it yourself. You can use something as simple as randomblob(16) for that, but it is not quite UUID as defined by standard.

这种列也可以用作主键。不幸的是,没有像整数主键那样存在的AUTOINCREMENT功能 - 你必须自己处理它。你可以使用像randomblob(16)那样简单的东西,但它不是标准定义的UUID。

Confusingly, you can also store text representation of UUID in the same field (SQLite won't stop you from doing that), but it will take at least 2x more space: BLOB is 16 bytes, UUID as text is at least 32 bytes.




sqlite3 does not have a native UUID 128-bit format, per se.

sqlite3本身没有本机UUID 128位格式。

However, GUIDs can be used as keys in SQLite as either a TEXT or a binary BLOB representation.


Based on the performance numbers posted in answer to a similar question, both binary and string UUIDs can be efficient in SQLite for Create and Query when indexed.


see table in: https://*.com/a/11337522/3103448


SQLite can genarate either BLOB or TEXT UUIDs with randomblob(16) and hex(X) For example: lower(hex(randomblob(16)))

SQLite可以使用randomblob(16)和hex(X)来生成BLOB或TEXT UUID例如:lower(hex(randomblob(16)))

With similar index perfomance, a significant trade-off becomes whether a human readable string is preferred to the smaller binary data size.




SQLite itself does not support GUID as internal type.


Except that, it does! (sort of). Remember, in SQLite any string can be used as type name, and that includes GUID or UUID (read more about SQLite datatypes).

除此之外,确实如此! (有点)。请记住,在SQLite中,任何字符串都可以用作类型名称,并且包括GUID或UUID(了解有关SQLite数据类型的更多信息)。

According to those rules, GUID type has affinity NONE, which is the same as for BLOB fields. With this in mind, you can create column of GUID type, and use following rules to access it:


  • Store it as string like X'01020304050607080910111213141516' (X notation is used to represent 16 byte BLOB value). To insert, use:


    INSERT INTO mytable (uuid)
    VALUES (X'01020304050607080910111213141516');
  • Read it as 16-byte BLOB. quote(uuid) can be used to format output using X notation:

    将其读作16字节BLOB。 quote(uuid)可用于使用X表示法格式化输出:

    SELECT quote(uuid)
    FROM mytable

Such column can be also used as primary key. Unfortunately, there is no AUTOINCREMENT functionality like it exists for integer primary keys - you will have to handle it yourself. You can use something as simple as randomblob(16) for that, but it is not quite UUID as defined by standard.

这种列也可以用作主键。不幸的是,没有像整数主键那样存在的AUTOINCREMENT功能 - 你必须自己处理它。你可以使用像randomblob(16)那样简单的东西,但它不是标准定义的UUID。

Confusingly, you can also store text representation of UUID in the same field (SQLite won't stop you from doing that), but it will take at least 2x more space: BLOB is 16 bytes, UUID as text is at least 32 bytes.




sqlite3 does not have a native UUID 128-bit format, per se.

sqlite3本身没有本机UUID 128位格式。

However, GUIDs can be used as keys in SQLite as either a TEXT or a binary BLOB representation.


Based on the performance numbers posted in answer to a similar question, both binary and string UUIDs can be efficient in SQLite for Create and Query when indexed.


see table in: https://*.com/a/11337522/3103448


SQLite can genarate either BLOB or TEXT UUIDs with randomblob(16) and hex(X) For example: lower(hex(randomblob(16)))

SQLite可以使用randomblob(16)和hex(X)来生成BLOB或TEXT UUID例如:lower(hex(randomblob(16)))

With similar index perfomance, a significant trade-off becomes whether a human readable string is preferred to the smaller binary data size.
