
时间:2021-09-06 12:50:34

I want to open an Modal Dialog (angular-ui), but when the open() function is called, the data are not available. Data are loaded by a resource call so there's a delay.


I tried to play with the promise opened, but data are not changed.


  var modalInstance = $modal.open({
      templateUrl: 'myModalContent.html',
      controller: ModalInstanceCtrl,
      resolve: {
        mydata: function() {
          return "Loading...";

    modalInstance.opened.then(function() {
          $scope.mydata = $scope.loadData();
        }, function() {
          $log.info('Modal dismissed at: ' + new Date());

     $scope.loadData = function() {
        $timeout( function(){
          $log.info("data loaded");
          return "data loaded...";
        }, 3000)

Something is missing in my understanding between the resolve property, the modal promises and the deferred loading.


(I would like to use restangular to load the resource).


Here is the sample : http://plnkr.co/edit/Mj6JolD06DUJd6N6ECYi


Thanks in advance for any clue


1 个解决方案



You are mostly there. The problem is in the way you coded the loadData function. Since you are doing an asynchronous call you can't just do a return of data like that. Instead, what you can do is in your loadData you can call a function on the modalInstance that will set a value in the $scope of the modal.

你大部分都在那里。问题在于您编写loadData函数的方式。由于您正在进行异步调用,因此您无法像这样返回数据。相反,您可以在loadData中执行的操作,您可以在modalInstance上调用一个函数,该函数将在模态的$ scope中设置一个值。

So in your ModalInstanceCtrl you can add a function like this:


$modalInstance.setMyData = function(theData) {
  $scope.mydata = theData;

And then you can call that in your loadData like this:


$scope.loadData = function(aModalInstance) {
  $log.info("starts loading");
  $timeout(function() {
    $log.info("data loaded");
    aModalInstance.setMyData("data loaded...");
  }, 3000);

You also need to make sure that you pass the instance of the modal when you call loadData:


modalInstance.opened.then(function() {
}, function() {
  $log.info('Modal dismissed at: ' + new Date());

I created an updated plunk so you can see how it works: http://plnkr.co/edit/M7qfegYIOqOQekoxLaj5?p=preview

我创建了一个更新的插件,以便您可以看到它是如何工作的:http://plnkr.co/edit/M7qfegYIOqOQekoxLaj5?p = preview



You are mostly there. The problem is in the way you coded the loadData function. Since you are doing an asynchronous call you can't just do a return of data like that. Instead, what you can do is in your loadData you can call a function on the modalInstance that will set a value in the $scope of the modal.

你大部分都在那里。问题在于您编写loadData函数的方式。由于您正在进行异步调用,因此您无法像这样返回数据。相反,您可以在loadData中执行的操作,您可以在modalInstance上调用一个函数,该函数将在模态的$ scope中设置一个值。

So in your ModalInstanceCtrl you can add a function like this:


$modalInstance.setMyData = function(theData) {
  $scope.mydata = theData;

And then you can call that in your loadData like this:


$scope.loadData = function(aModalInstance) {
  $log.info("starts loading");
  $timeout(function() {
    $log.info("data loaded");
    aModalInstance.setMyData("data loaded...");
  }, 3000);

You also need to make sure that you pass the instance of the modal when you call loadData:


modalInstance.opened.then(function() {
}, function() {
  $log.info('Modal dismissed at: ' + new Date());

I created an updated plunk so you can see how it works: http://plnkr.co/edit/M7qfegYIOqOQekoxLaj5?p=preview

我创建了一个更新的插件,以便您可以看到它是如何工作的:http://plnkr.co/edit/M7qfegYIOqOQekoxLaj5?p = preview