Java动态、重写 理解

时间:2023-07-09 16:25:14


class A ...{
public String show(D obj)...{
return ("A and D");
public String show(A obj)...{
return ("A and A");
class B extends A...{
public String show(B obj)...{
return ("B and B");
public String show(A obj)...{
return ("B and A");
class C extends B...{}
class D extends B...{}


A a1 = new A();
A a2 = new B();
B b = new B();
C c = new C();
D d = new D();
System.out.println(; ①
System.out.println(; ②
System.out.println(; ③
System.out.println(; ④
System.out.println(; ⑤
System.out.println(; ⑥
System.out.println(; ⑦
System.out.println(; ⑧
System.out.println(; ⑨


①   A and A
② A and A
③ A and D
④ B and A
⑤ B and A
⑥ A and D
⑦ B and B
⑧ B and B
⑨ A and D