
时间:2021-11-28 06:25:06

I have a drupal site and i use some taxonomy terms.


I use these taxonomy term pages to display those nodes having the relevant term.


As an example I have a taxonomy term Cars and in /cars page, are being displayed the nodes with term car.


Like Audi-BWM-Ford.

I need to configure - taxonomy terms pages- meta tags, and i need in the description meta tag area displaying the nodes' titles of each term.

我需要配置 - 分类术语页面 - 元标记,我需要在描述元标记区域显示每个术语的节点标题。

Is there a specific token that can do that? Or any other way?


1 个解决方案


Drupal nodes are content objects, they are not supposed to be used to display meta informations for taxonomy terms.


If you really want it this way, you'll have to write some code. I suggest you take a loot at this module: https://www.drupal.org/project/metatag You'll learn how to assign metadata to taxonomy term pages


Then, you'll have to query you database to retrieve your node titles and set them as a meta.


For most cases metatag module should be enough.



Drupal nodes are content objects, they are not supposed to be used to display meta informations for taxonomy terms.


If you really want it this way, you'll have to write some code. I suggest you take a loot at this module: https://www.drupal.org/project/metatag You'll learn how to assign metadata to taxonomy term pages


Then, you'll have to query you database to retrieve your node titles and set them as a meta.


For most cases metatag module should be enough.
