
时间:2021-11-05 23:29:43

I want to apply arbitrary function to 3d-ndarray as element, which use (3rd-dimensional) array for its arguments and return scalar.As a result, we should get 2d-Matrix.

我想将任意函数应用到3d-ndarray作为元素,它使用(3d- dimensional)数组作为参数并返回标量。因此,我们应该得到2d矩阵。

e.g) pseudo code


A = [[[1,2,3],[4,5,6]],
A.apply_3d_array(sum) ## or apply_3d_array(A,sum) is Okey.
>> [[6,15],[24,33]]

I understand it's possible with loop using ndarray.shape function,but direct index access is inefficient as official document says. Is there more effective way than using loop?


def chromaticity(pixel):
    geo_mean = math.pow(sum(pixel),1/3)
    return map(lambda x: math.log(x/geo_mean),pixel ) 

2 个解决方案



Given the function implementation, we could vectorize it using NumPy ufuncs that would operate on the entire input array A in one go and thus avoid the math library functions that doesn't support vectorization on arrays. In this process, we would also bring in the very efficient vectorizing tool : NumPy broadcasting. So, we would have an implementation like so -

给定函数实现,我们可以使用NumPy ufuncs对整个输入数组A进行一次操作,从而避免使用不支持数组向量化的数学库函数。在这个过程中,我们还将引入非常有效的矢量化工具:NumPy广播。所以,我们会有一个这样的实现


Sample run and verification


The function implementation without the lamdba construct and introducing NumPy functions instead of math library functions, would look something like this -


def chromaticity(pixel): 
    geo_mean = np.power(np.sum(pixel),1/3) 
    return np.log(pixel/geo_mean)

Sample run with the iterative implementation -


In [67]: chromaticity(A[0,0,:])
Out[67]: array([-0.59725316,  0.09589402,  0.50135913])

In [68]: chromaticity(A[0,1,:])
Out[68]: array([ 0.48361096,  0.70675451,  0.88907607])

In [69]: chromaticity(A[1,0,:])
Out[69]: array([ 0.88655887,  1.02009026,  1.1378733 ])

In [70]: chromaticity(A[1,1,:])
Out[70]: array([ 1.13708257,  1.23239275,  1.31940413])    

Sample run with the proposed vectorized implementation -


In [72]: np.log(A/np.power(np.sum(A,2,keepdims=True),1/3))
array([[[-0.59725316,  0.09589402,  0.50135913],
        [ 0.48361096,  0.70675451,  0.88907607]],

       [[ 0.88655887,  1.02009026,  1.1378733 ],
        [ 1.13708257,  1.23239275,  1.31940413]]])

Runtime test


In [131]: A = np.random.randint(0,255,(512,512,3)) # 512x512 colored image

In [132]: def org_app(A):
     ...:     out = np.zeros(A.shape)     
     ...:     for i in range(A.shape[0]):
     ...:         for j in range(A.shape[1]):
     ...:             out[i,j] = chromaticity(A[i,j])
     ...:     return out

In [133]: %timeit org_app(A)
1 loop, best of 3: 5.99 s per loop

In [134]: %timeit np.apply_along_axis(chromaticity, 2, A) #@hpaulj's soln
1 loop, best of 3: 9.68 s per loop

In [135]: %timeit np.log(A/np.power(np.sum(A,2,keepdims=True),1/3))
10 loops, best of 3: 90.8 ms per loop

That's why always try to push in NumPy funcs when vectorizing things with arrays and work on as many elements in one-go as possible!




apply_along_axis is designed to make this task easy:


In [683]: A=np.arange(1,13).reshape(2,2,3)
In [684]: A
array([[[ 1,  2,  3],
        [ 4,  5,  6]],

       [[ 7,  8,  9],
        [10, 11, 12]]])
In [685]: np.apply_along_axis(np.sum, 2, A)
array([[ 6, 15],
       [24, 33]])

It, in effect, does


for all i,j:
    out[i,j] = func( A[i,j,:])

taking care of the details. It's not faster than doing that iteration yourself, but it makes it easier.


Another trick is to reshape your input to 2d, perform the simpler 1d iteration, and the reshape the result


 A1 = A.reshape(-1, A.shape[-1])
 for i in range(A1.shape[0]):
     out[i] = func(A1[i,:])

To do things faster, you need to dig into the guts of the function, and figure out how to use compile numpy operations on more than one dimension. In the simple case of sum, that function already can work on selected axes.




Given the function implementation, we could vectorize it using NumPy ufuncs that would operate on the entire input array A in one go and thus avoid the math library functions that doesn't support vectorization on arrays. In this process, we would also bring in the very efficient vectorizing tool : NumPy broadcasting. So, we would have an implementation like so -

给定函数实现,我们可以使用NumPy ufuncs对整个输入数组A进行一次操作,从而避免使用不支持数组向量化的数学库函数。在这个过程中,我们还将引入非常有效的矢量化工具:NumPy广播。所以,我们会有一个这样的实现


Sample run and verification


The function implementation without the lamdba construct and introducing NumPy functions instead of math library functions, would look something like this -


def chromaticity(pixel): 
    geo_mean = np.power(np.sum(pixel),1/3) 
    return np.log(pixel/geo_mean)

Sample run with the iterative implementation -


In [67]: chromaticity(A[0,0,:])
Out[67]: array([-0.59725316,  0.09589402,  0.50135913])

In [68]: chromaticity(A[0,1,:])
Out[68]: array([ 0.48361096,  0.70675451,  0.88907607])

In [69]: chromaticity(A[1,0,:])
Out[69]: array([ 0.88655887,  1.02009026,  1.1378733 ])

In [70]: chromaticity(A[1,1,:])
Out[70]: array([ 1.13708257,  1.23239275,  1.31940413])    

Sample run with the proposed vectorized implementation -


In [72]: np.log(A/np.power(np.sum(A,2,keepdims=True),1/3))
array([[[-0.59725316,  0.09589402,  0.50135913],
        [ 0.48361096,  0.70675451,  0.88907607]],

       [[ 0.88655887,  1.02009026,  1.1378733 ],
        [ 1.13708257,  1.23239275,  1.31940413]]])

Runtime test


In [131]: A = np.random.randint(0,255,(512,512,3)) # 512x512 colored image

In [132]: def org_app(A):
     ...:     out = np.zeros(A.shape)     
     ...:     for i in range(A.shape[0]):
     ...:         for j in range(A.shape[1]):
     ...:             out[i,j] = chromaticity(A[i,j])
     ...:     return out

In [133]: %timeit org_app(A)
1 loop, best of 3: 5.99 s per loop

In [134]: %timeit np.apply_along_axis(chromaticity, 2, A) #@hpaulj's soln
1 loop, best of 3: 9.68 s per loop

In [135]: %timeit np.log(A/np.power(np.sum(A,2,keepdims=True),1/3))
10 loops, best of 3: 90.8 ms per loop

That's why always try to push in NumPy funcs when vectorizing things with arrays and work on as many elements in one-go as possible!




apply_along_axis is designed to make this task easy:


In [683]: A=np.arange(1,13).reshape(2,2,3)
In [684]: A
array([[[ 1,  2,  3],
        [ 4,  5,  6]],

       [[ 7,  8,  9],
        [10, 11, 12]]])
In [685]: np.apply_along_axis(np.sum, 2, A)
array([[ 6, 15],
       [24, 33]])

It, in effect, does


for all i,j:
    out[i,j] = func( A[i,j,:])

taking care of the details. It's not faster than doing that iteration yourself, but it makes it easier.


Another trick is to reshape your input to 2d, perform the simpler 1d iteration, and the reshape the result


 A1 = A.reshape(-1, A.shape[-1])
 for i in range(A1.shape[0]):
     out[i] = func(A1[i,:])

To do things faster, you need to dig into the guts of the function, and figure out how to use compile numpy operations on more than one dimension. In the simple case of sum, that function already can work on selected axes.
