
时间:2024-04-27 07:31:01
package sshutil import ( "fmt" "golang.org/x/crypto/ssh" "sync" "testing" "time" ) func newCommander() (*Commander, error) { config := &ssh.ClientConfig{ User: "pi", Auth: []ssh.AuthMethod{ ssh.Password("a123456"), }, HostKeyCallback: ssh.InsecureIgnoreHostKey(), } sshCfg := SSHConfig{ IP: "", Port: 22, User: "pi", Password: "a123456", sshClientConfig: config, } commander, err := NewCommander(sshCfg) return commander, err } func TestEasyCommandAndDestroy(t *testing.T) { commander, err := newCommander() if nil != err { fmt.Println("new command fail: ", err.Error()) return } defer func() { e := commander.Destroy() if nil != err { fmt.Println("fail to destroy, ", e.Error()) } }() var output string output, err = commander.Command("ls /") fmt.Println("command result: ", output) } func TestCommandWithCallbackWithoutAsync(t *testing.T) { commander, err := newCommander() if nil != err { fmt.Println("new command fail: ", err.Error()) return } defer func() { e := commander.Destroy() if nil != err { fmt.Println("fail to destroy, ", e.Error()) } }() err = commander.CommandWithCallback("sleep 4; ls /", func(output string, e error) { if nil != e { fmt.Println("fail, ", e.Error()) } else { fmt.Println("result: ", output) } }, false) if nil != err { fmt.Println("do command fail: ", err.Error()) return } } func TestCommandWithCallbackAsync(t *testing.T) { var waiter sync.WaitGroup commander, err := newCommander() if nil != err { fmt.Println("new command fail: ", err.Error()) return } defer func() { e := commander.Destroy() if nil != err { fmt.Println("fail to destroy, ", e.Error()) } }() waiter.Add(1) err = commander.CommandWithCallback("sleep 4; ls /", func(output string, e error) { if nil != e { fmt.Println("fail, ", e.Error()) } else { fmt.Println("result: ", output) } waiter.Done() }, true) if nil != err { fmt.Println("do command fail: ", err.Error()) return } fmt.Println("waiting finished<--------") waiter.Wait() fmt.Println("waiting finished------>") } func TestCommandWithCallbackAndCancel(t *testing.T) { var waiter sync.WaitGroup commander, err := newCommander() if nil != err { fmt.Println("new command fail: ", err.Error()) return } defer func() { e := commander.Destroy() if nil != err { fmt.Println("fail to destroy, ", e.Error()) } }() waiter.Add(1) err = commander.CommandWithCallback("sleep 10; ls /", func(output string, e error) { if nil != e { fmt.Println("fail, ", e.Error()) } else { fmt.Println("result: ", output) } waiter.Done() }, true) if nil != err { fmt.Println("do command fail: ", err.Error()) return } fmt.Println("waiting finished<--------") time.Sleep(time.Second * 2) fmt.Println("canceling...") fmt.Println("canceled, ", commander.Cancel()) waiter.Wait() fmt.Println("waiting finished------>") }