微软职位内部推荐-Software Development Engineer II

时间:2021-12-02 07:49:41


Job Title:Software Development EngineerII

Division: Server & Tools Business - Commerce Platform Group

Work Location: Shanghai, China

Are you looking for a high impact project that involves processing of billions of dollars, hundreds of millions of transactions, and tens of millions of users worldwide, and has tremendous upside potential? Do you want to create the next-generation commerce platform that powers all consumer and business online services in Microsoft? Are you interested in engineering a large-scale, distributed, and highly available platform for monetizing cloud services? Do you have a passion for delivering the world’s best commerce experience for buyers? Are you ready to take your career to the next level while gaining valuable work experience in China? If you are interested, this is the position for you.

Commerce Shanghai, part of the Cloud & Enterprise Engineering Group China organization, is responsible for delivering the commerce platform for many core and strategic services in Microsoft, including Windows Azure, Office 365, Windows Store, Windows Phone Marketplace, Bing, AdCenter, Xbox Live, MSN, and Windows Live, and the list is growing. The team is in charge of the entire development cycle from planning to production. Our platform uses cutting edge technologies in both frontend and backend. It supports a broad range of payment methods worldwide, covering credit cards, electronic payment, mobile payment, prepaid cards, bank transfer, direct debit, and so on.

You will be challenged with complex business logic, scalability, performance, reliability, operability, supportability, security, fraud prevention, data redundancy, business intelligence, developer experience, and integration with third-party services. Our team maintains an entrepreneurial spirit and has a face-paced environment. People are very motivated and have a bias for action. Working in Commerce Shanghai, you will grow with the team and make a significant impact to our global business. Equally important, you will contribute to our efforts to scale up in China. It will be a highly exciting and rewarding experience.

We are looking for a highly motivated, technical, detail-oriented, self-driven, experienced Software Development Engineer with the following Responsibilities and Qualifications.


You will be a key contributor of a dev team building a long lived online transaction platform. You will be deeply involved in each stage of the life cycle of transaction platform feature. You will work with Commerce Operation and PMs for business requirement and functional design, with Technical Operation on operating the production system, with external providers for new payment provider capability integration, with internal platform tenants such as xbox live/adCenter/skyMarket for platform capability consumption.

Specific focus areas include:

- Developing highly scalable, reliable, high performing and secure online transaction platform

- Owning components from end-to-end and start-to-finish, from design à implement à deployment à operate and life site

- Ensure new features are developed meeting compliance requirement and not destabilizing existing (legacy) system.


- At least 5 years of professional C# and database development experience

- Strong communication skill and analytical problem solving skill, Passionate about customer and quality

- Strong debugging and optimization skills in multi-threading and distributed environment

- Solid computer science background including Operating System, Networking, Performance and Security

- Proven track record of shipping multiple product releases.

- Experience in developing cloud scale online service with 24x7 availability.

- Experience in billing/payment application development is a plus.

Microsoft is an equal opportunity employer and supports workforce diversity.


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