
时间:2022-06-04 07:10:31

I have two models


class Employee(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=20)
    ID = models.IntegerField()
    basic_salary = models.IntegerField()     
    total_leave = models.IntegerField(default = 14)
    paid_leave = models.IntegerField(default = 0)
    unpaid_leave = models.IntegerField(default = 0)

def __str__(self):
    return self.name

class Leave_management(models.Model):

    name = models.OnetoOneField(Employee,on_delete= models.CASCADE)
    reason = models.CharField(max_length=50)
    from = models.DateTimeField()
    to = models.DateTimeField()
    total_days = models.IntegerField()

     def __str__(self):
        return self.name

So,i want to minus 'total_days' of 'model-Leave_management' from 'total_leave' field of 'model-Employee'. And as per leaves taken i want to update 'paid_leave' and 'unpaid_leave' sections.

因此,我想从“模型-雇员”的“total_leave”字段中减去“模型- leave_management”的“total_days”。我想更新“paid_leave”和“unpaid_leave”部分。

I can perform so if these two models would be one model(example below), But i dont know how to perform so in different models.


def save(self,*args,**kwargs):
    if self.total_days<=self.total_leave:
        self.total_leave -= self.total_days
        self.unpaid_leave = 14 - self.total_leave
       self.total_days -= 14
       self.paid_leaves = self.total_days

` Please be guiding me.


1 个解决方案



In fact your OneToOneField(..) to an Employee is not a name. At the database level it will store values that correspond to primary keys of an Employee, and in Django, name will be a lazy fetch to the corresponding Employee. Therefore I suggest to rename your function to (for example) employee.


Another problem is that you define it as a OneToOneField. That means that an Employee has one Leave_management. But based on the fields (reason, from, to, etc.), it looks like an Employee can have zero, one, or more Leave_managements. So that means it is a ForeignKey.


So our model looks like:


class Leave_management(models.Model):

    employee = models.ForeignKey(Employee,on_delete= models.CASCADE)
    reason = models.CharField(max_length=50)
    from = models.DateTimeField()
    to = models.DateTimeField()
    total_days = models.IntegerField()

     def __str__(self):
        return self.employee.name

Like the __str__ function already suggests, we can obtain the name of the employee by querying self.employee, and we can then fetch its .name attribute.


But now the challenge is what to do when save a Leave_management object. In that case the number of total_leave and paid_leave should be updated.


We first have to figure out the total number of total_days that are stored in Leave_management objects related to an Employee, this is equal to:


                         .aggregate(totals=Sum('total_days'))['totals'] or 0

So we can then subtract this from 14, and store the (possibly) remaining days in paid_leave, like:


class Leave_management(models.Model):

    # ...

    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(Leave_management, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
        totals = (Leave_management.objects
                                  .aggregate(totals=Sum('total_days'))['totals'] or 0
        employee = self.employee
        unpaid = min(14, totals)
        employee.total_leave = 14 - unpaid
        employee.unpaid_leave = unpaid
        employee.paid_leave = totals - unpaid

Note: typically we do not handle this by overriding the .save(..) function, but by using Django signals: triggers that can be implemented when certain objects are saved, etc. This especially should be used since the objects can be changed circumventing the .save(..) function, and sometimes such objects might get deleted as well. So the above is not a good design decision.

注意:通常我们不处理这种通过重写.save(. .)函数,但通过使用Django的信号:触发时,可以实现某些对象是保存,等等。这尤其应该使用因为对象可以改变绕过.save(. .)函数,有时这样的对象可能会被删除。所以上面的设计并不是一个好的决定。

Even when we use signals, it is a good idea to frequently (for example once a day) recalculate the total leave, and update the corresponding Employee models.




In fact your OneToOneField(..) to an Employee is not a name. At the database level it will store values that correspond to primary keys of an Employee, and in Django, name will be a lazy fetch to the corresponding Employee. Therefore I suggest to rename your function to (for example) employee.


Another problem is that you define it as a OneToOneField. That means that an Employee has one Leave_management. But based on the fields (reason, from, to, etc.), it looks like an Employee can have zero, one, or more Leave_managements. So that means it is a ForeignKey.


So our model looks like:


class Leave_management(models.Model):

    employee = models.ForeignKey(Employee,on_delete= models.CASCADE)
    reason = models.CharField(max_length=50)
    from = models.DateTimeField()
    to = models.DateTimeField()
    total_days = models.IntegerField()

     def __str__(self):
        return self.employee.name

Like the __str__ function already suggests, we can obtain the name of the employee by querying self.employee, and we can then fetch its .name attribute.


But now the challenge is what to do when save a Leave_management object. In that case the number of total_leave and paid_leave should be updated.


We first have to figure out the total number of total_days that are stored in Leave_management objects related to an Employee, this is equal to:


                         .aggregate(totals=Sum('total_days'))['totals'] or 0

So we can then subtract this from 14, and store the (possibly) remaining days in paid_leave, like:


class Leave_management(models.Model):

    # ...

    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(Leave_management, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
        totals = (Leave_management.objects
                                  .aggregate(totals=Sum('total_days'))['totals'] or 0
        employee = self.employee
        unpaid = min(14, totals)
        employee.total_leave = 14 - unpaid
        employee.unpaid_leave = unpaid
        employee.paid_leave = totals - unpaid

Note: typically we do not handle this by overriding the .save(..) function, but by using Django signals: triggers that can be implemented when certain objects are saved, etc. This especially should be used since the objects can be changed circumventing the .save(..) function, and sometimes such objects might get deleted as well. So the above is not a good design decision.

注意:通常我们不处理这种通过重写.save(. .)函数,但通过使用Django的信号:触发时,可以实现某些对象是保存,等等。这尤其应该使用因为对象可以改变绕过.save(. .)函数,有时这样的对象可能会被删除。所以上面的设计并不是一个好的决定。

Even when we use signals, it is a good idea to frequently (for example once a day) recalculate the total leave, and update the corresponding Employee models.
