
时间:2024-04-14 13:41:31




1.1 安装jna.jar


sudo apt-get install libjna-java


sudo yum install jna


1.2 克隆rados-java代码库

git clone --recursive

1.3 编译rados-java代码:

cd rados-java


1.4 关联路径

复制该JAR文件到公共目录 (例如 /usr/share/java) ,并且确认该文件和JNA JAR在你的JVM’s classpath目录中. 举个例子,你可以按照以下的方法来关联路径:

sudo cp target/rados-0.1.3.jar /usr/share/java/rados-0.1.3.jar
sudo ln -s /usr/share/java/jna-3.2.7.jar /usr/lib/jvm/default-java/jre/lib/ext/jna-3.2.7.jar
sudo ln -s /usr/share/java/rados-0.1.3.jar  /usr/lib/jvm/default-java/jre/lib/ext/rados-0.1.3.jar


ant docs

2. 配置群集句柄

一个Ceph的客户端通过librados,直接与交互的OSD来存储和检索数据。要与OSD交互,客户端应用程序必须调用 librados 并连接到Ceph Monitor。连接后,librados从Ceph Monitor中检索 Cluster Map。当客户端应用程序想要读取或写入数据时,它会创建I/O上下文并绑定到池。该池具有关联的规则集,该规则集定义了如何将数据放入存储群集中。通过I/O上下文,客户端向librados提供对象名称,它获取对象名称和集群映射(即集群的拓扑)并计算用于定位数据的放置组和OSD。然后客户端应用程序可以读取或写入数据。客户端应用程序无需直接了解群集的拓扑。

  • 使用用户ID的rados_create() 或使用用户名称的rados_create2() (推荐使用此方法).
  • cephx认证**
  • 监视器ID和IP地址
  • 记录级别
  • 调试级别


注意 与不同的Ceph存储集群 - 或与不同用户的同一集群 - 交互需要不同的集群句柄。

RADOS提供了多种设置所需值的方法。对于监视器和加***设置,一种处理它们的简单方法是确保您的Ceph配置文件包含**环文件的**环路径和至少一个监视器地址(例如,mon 主机)。例如:

mon host = 
keyring = /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring


  • 获取群集统计信息
  • 使用池操作(存在,创建,列表,删除)
  • 获取并设置配置

Java要求你指定用户ID(admin)或用户名(client.admin),并使用默认的ceph cluster name。Java绑定将基于C ++的错误转换为异常。

import com.ceph.rados.Rados;
import com.ceph.rados.RadosException;


public class CephClient {
        public static void main (String args[]){

                try {
                        Rados cluster = new Rados("admin");
                        System.out.println("Created cluster handle.");

                        File f = new File("/etc/ceph/ceph.conf");
                        System.out.println("Read the configuration file.");

                        System.out.println("Connected to the cluster.");

                } catch (RadosException e) {
                        System.out.println(e.getMessage() + ": " + e.getReturnValue());

编译源代码; 然后,运行。如果你已经把连接Ceph的JAR文件复制到/usr/share/java并软连接到扩展路径, 就无需设置classpath. 如下运行:

java CephClient

3. 创建I/O上下文

一旦应用程序具有集群句柄和与Ceph存储集群的连接,就可以创建I/O上下文并开始读取和写入数据。I/O上下文将连接绑定到特定池。用户必须具有适当的 CAPS权限才能访问指定的池。例如,具有读访问权但不具有写访问权的用户将只能读取数据。I/O上下文功能包括:

  • 写/读数据和扩展属性
  • 列出并迭代对象和扩展属性
  • 快照池,列表快照等

RADOS使应用程序可以同步和异步交互。一旦应用程序具有I/O上下文,读/写操作只需要知道object / xattr名称。封装在librados中的CRUSH算法使用群集映射来识别适当的OSD。OSD守护程序处理复制,如Smart Daemons启用超大规模中所述。所述librados库也映射对象来展示位置组,如在 计算PG的ID。


注意 使用此API删除池时请小心。如果删除池,池中的池和所有数据将丢失。

3.1 写入数据代码

import com.ceph.rados.Rados;
import com.ceph.rados.RadosException;

import com.ceph.rados.IoCTX;

public class CephClient {
        public static void main (String args[]){

                try {
                        Rados cluster = new Rados("admin");
                        System.out.println("Created cluster handle.");
                        File f = new File("/etc/ceph/ceph.conf");
                        System.out.println("Read the configuration file.");

                        System.out.println("Connected to the cluster.");

                        IoCTX io = cluster.ioCtxCreate("data");

                        String oidone = "hw";
                        String contentone = "Hello World!";
                        io.write(oidone, contentone);

                        String oidtwo = "bm";
                        String contenttwo = "Bonjour tout le monde!";
                        io.write(oidtwo, contenttwo);

                        String[] objects = io.listObjects();
                        for (String object: objects)



                } catch (RadosException e) {
                        System.out.println(e.getMessage() + ": " + e.getReturnValue());

3.2 一些基本操作

package com.ceph.rbd;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

import com.ceph.rados.IoCTX;
import com.ceph.rados.Rados;
import com.ceph.rados.exceptions.RadosException;
import com.ceph.rbd.jna.RbdImageInfo;
import com.ceph.rbd.jna.RbdSnapInfo;

public class RbdDao {
    private static Rados rados;
    private static IoCTX ioctx;
    private static Rbd rbd;
      * 连接上ceph环境
     public static void connectCeph(){
           try {
                rados = new Rados("admin");
                rados.confSet("mon_host", "");
                rados.confSet("key", "AQCdP9pYGI4jBBAAc96J8/OconCkVKWPBNU2vg==");
                ioctx = rados.ioCtxCreate("rbd");
                rbd = new Rbd(ioctx);
                System.out.println("successs connetc");
          } catch (Exception e) {
            // TODO: handle exception
      * 返回所有的image,并展示其详细信息
      * @return
     public static List<String> imageList(){
          List<String> imageList=null;
          try {
            imageList = Arrays.asList(rbd.list());
            for(String s:imageList){
        } catch (RbdException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
          return imageList;
      * 显示image的详细信息
      * @param imageName
     public static void showDetailOfImage(String imageName){
         RbdImage image;
        try {
              image =;
              RbdImageInfo info = image.stat();
              System.out.println("imageName:    "+imageName);
              System.out.println("imageSize:    "+info.size);
              System.out.println("order:   "+info.order);
        } catch (RbdException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
      * 以格式1创建image
      * @param imageName 名称
      * @param imageSize 大小
     public static void createRbd_format1(String imageName, long imageSize){
            try {
                rbd.create(imageName, imageSize);
                RbdImage image =;
                boolean oldFormat = image.isOldFormat();
            } catch (RbdException e) {
                System.out.println(e.getMessage() + ": " + e.getReturnValue());
      * 以格式2创建image,ceph 仅支持克隆 format 2 映像(即用 rbd create –format 2 创建的),而且内核 rbd 模块还不支持。
  所以现在你 只能用 QEMU/KVM 或 librbd直接访问克隆品
      * @param imageName 名称
      * @param imageSize 大小
     public static void createRbd_format2(String imageName, long imageSize){
            try {
                int features = (1<<0);
                rbd.create(imageName, imageSize,features, 0);
                RbdImage image =;
                boolean oldFormat = image.isOldFormat();
            } catch (RbdException e) {
                System.out.println(e.getMessage() + ": " + e.getReturnValue());
      * 方法创建一个image并对重设置大小为初始化大小的2倍
      * @param imageName
     public static void resizeImage(String imageName){
            long initialSize = 10485760;
            long newSize = initialSize * 2;
            try {
                int features = (1<<0);
                rbd.create(imageName, initialSize,features, 0);
                RbdImage image =;
            } catch (RbdException e) {
                System.out.println(e.getMessage() + ": " + e.getReturnValue());
      * 创建映像的快照
      * @param imageName 映像名称
      * @param snapName 快照名称
     public static void createSnap(String imageName,String snapName){
         try {
            RbdImage image =;
            List<RbdSnapInfo> snaps = image.snapList();
            for(RbdSnapInfo rbds:snaps){
        } catch (RbdException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
      * 通过快照克隆出新的image
      * @param parentImageName 快照对应的image名称
      * @param snapName 快照的名称
      * @param newImageName 生成的新的image的名称
     public static void copySnapToNewImage(String parentImageName,String snapName,String newImageName){
         int features = (1<<0);
         try {
            rbd.clone(parentImageName, snapName, ioctx, newImageName, features, 0);
        } catch (RbdException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
      * 删除某个image的名叫 snapName的快照,需要注意的是要删除快照,必须保证快照没有copy的子image,否则会删除失败。
      * @param imageName
      * @param snapName
     public static void deleteSnap(String imageName,String snapName){
         try {
            RbdImage image =;
        } catch (RbdException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
      * 删除某一个image
      * @param r
      * @param io
      * @param imageName
      * @throws RadosException
      * @throws RbdException
    public static void cleanupImage(Rados r, IoCTX io, String imageName) {
        try {
            if (r != null) {
                if (io != null) {
                    Rbd rbd = new Rbd(ioctx);
                    RbdImage image =;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // TODO: handle exception
     public static void main(String[] args){
        // createSnap("imageformat3","imageformat3-snap");

3.3 IoCTX源代码

 * RADOS Java - Java bindings for librados
 * Copyright (C) 2013 Wido den Hollander <[email protected]>
 * Copyright (C) 2014 1&1 - Behar Veliqi <[email protected]>
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on
 * either express or implied. See the License for the specific
 * language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

package com.ceph.rados;

import static com.ceph.rados.Library.rados;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;

import com.ceph.rados.exceptions.RadosException;
import com.ceph.rados.jna.RadosObjectInfo;
import com.ceph.rados.jna.RadosPoolInfo;
import com.sun.jna.Memory;
import com.sun.jna.Native;
import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
import com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference;
import com.sun.jna.ptr.LongByReference;
import com.sun.jna.ptr.PointerByReference;

public class IoCTX extends RadosBase implements Closeable {

    private static final int EXT_ATTR_MAX_LEN = 4096;

    private Pointer ioCtxPtr;

     * Create a new IO Context object
     * This constructor should never be called, IO Context
     * objects are created by the RADOS class and returned
     * when creating a IO Context there
    public IoCTX(Pointer p) {
        this.ioCtxPtr = p;

     * Return the pointer to the IO Context
     * This method is used internally and by the RADOS class
     * to destroy a IO Context
     * @return Pointer
    public Pointer getPointer() {
        return this.ioCtxPtr.getPointer(0);

     * Set the namespace for objects within an IO context.
     * The namespace specification further refines a pool into different domains. The mapping of objects to PGs is also based on this value.
     * @param namespace The name to use as the namespace, or NULL use the default namespace.
    public void setNamespace(String namespace) {
        rados.rados_ioctx_set_namespace(getPointer(), namespace);

     * Get the pool ID of this context
     * @return long
    public long getId() {
        return rados.rados_ioctx_get_id(this.getPointer());

     * Set the associated auid owner of the current pool
     * @param auid
     *           The new auid
     * @throws RadosException
    public void setAuid(final long auid) throws RadosException {
        handleReturnCode(new Callable<Integer>() {
            public Integer call() throws Exception {
                return rados.rados_ioctx_pool_set_auid(getPointer(), auid);
        }, "Failed to set the auid to %s", auid);

     * Get the associated auid owner of the current pool
     * @return long
     * @throws RadosException
    public long getAuid() throws RadosException {
        final LongByReference auid = new LongByReference();

        handleReturnCode(new Callable<Integer>() {
            public Integer call() throws Exception {
                return rados.rados_ioctx_pool_get_auid(getPointer(), auid);
        }, "Failed to get the auid");

        return auid.getValue();

     * Get the pool name of the context
     * @return String
     * @throws RadosException
    public String getPoolName() throws RadosException {
        final byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
        handleReturnCode(new Callable<Integer>() {
            public Integer call() throws Exception {
                return rados.rados_ioctx_get_pool_name(getPointer(), buf, buf.length);
        }, "Failed to get the pool name");
        return Native.toString(buf);

     * Set the locator key
     * @param key
     *          The new locator key or NULL to remove a previous one
    public void locatorSetKey(String key) {
        rados.rados_ioctx_locator_set_key(this.getPointer(), key);

     * List all objects in a pool
     * @return String[]
     * @throws RadosException
    public String[] listObjects() throws RadosException {
        Pointer entry = new Memory(Pointer.SIZE);
        List<String> objects = new ArrayList<String>();
        final Pointer list = new Memory(Pointer.SIZE);

        handleReturnCode(new Callable<Integer>() {
            public Integer call() throws Exception {
                return rados.rados_nobjects_list_open(getPointer(), list);
        }, "Failed starting to list all objects");

        while (rados.rados_nobjects_list_next(list.getPointer(0), entry, null, null) == 0) {


        return objects.toArray(new String[objects.size()]);

     * List all objects in a pool by piece. Useful if a lot of objects are in the pool and do not
     * fit in memory through listObjects() method
     * @param limit
     * @return a ListCtx from which nextObjects()/nextObjects(skip) and getObjects() could be called
     * @throws RadosException
    public ListCtx listObjectsPartial(int limit) throws RadosException {
        Pointer list = new Memory(Pointer.SIZE);

        int r = rados.rados_nobjects_list_open(this.getPointer(), list);
        if (r < 0) {
            throw new RadosException("Failed listing all objects", r);
        return new ListCtx(limit, list);

     * Write to an object
     * @param oid
     *          The object to write to
     * @param buf
     *          The content to write
     * @param offset
     *          The offset when writing
     * @throws RadosException
    public void write(final String oid, final byte[] buf, final long offset) throws RadosException, IllegalArgumentException {
        if (offset < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Offset shouldn't be a negative value");
        handleReturnCode(new Callable<Integer>() {
            public Integer call() throws Exception {
                return rados.rados_write(getPointer(), oid, buf, buf.length, offset);
        }, "Failed writing %s bytes with offset %s to %s", buf.length, offset, oid);

     * Write to an object without an offset
     * @param oid
     *          The object to write to
     * @param buf
     *          The content to write
     * @throws RadosException
    public void write(String oid, byte[] buf) throws RadosException {
        this.writeFull(oid, buf, buf.length);

     * Write an entire object
     * The object is filled with the provided data. If the object exists, it is atomically truncated and then written.
     * @param oid
     *          The object to write to
     * @param buf
     *          The content to write
     * @param len
     *          The length of the data to write
     * @throws RadosException
    public void writeFull(final String oid, final byte[] buf, final int len) throws RadosException {
        handleReturnCode(new Callable<Integer>() {
            public Integer call() throws Exception {
                return rados.rados_write_full(getPointer(), oid, buf, len);
        }, "Failed to write %s bytes to %s", len, oid);

     * Write to an object without an offset
     * @param oid
     *          The object to write to
     * @param buf
     *          The content to write
     * @param offset
     *          The offset when writing
     * @throws RadosException
    public void write(String oid, String buf, long offset) throws RadosException {
        this.write(oid, buf.getBytes(), offset);

     * Write to an object without an offset
     * @param oid
     *          The object to write to
     * @param buf
     *          The content to write
     * @throws RadosException
    public void write(String oid, String buf) throws RadosException {
        this.write(oid, buf.getBytes());

     * Asynchronously write to an object
     * @param oid
     *          The object to write to
     * @param completion
     *          The completion instructions
     * @param buf
     *          The content to write
     * @param offset
     *          The offset when writing
     * @throws RadosException
    public void aioWrite(final String oid, final Completion completion, final byte[] buf, final long offset) throws RadosException, IllegalArgumentException {
        if (offset < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Offset shouldn't be a negative value");
        handleReturnCode(new Callable<Integer>() {
            public Integer call() throws Exception {
                return rados.rados_aio_write(getPointer(), oid, completion.getPointer(), buf, buf.length, offset);
        }, "Failed AIO writing %s bytes with offset %s to %s", buf.length, offset, oid);

     * Asynchronously write to an object without an offset
     * @param oid
     *          The object to write to
     * @param completion
     *          The completion instructions
     * @param buf
     *          The content to write
     * @throws RadosException
    public void aioWrite(String oid, final Completion completion, byte[] buf) throws RadosException {
        this.aioWriteFull(oid, completion, buf, buf.length);

     * Asynchronously write an entire object
     * The object is filled with the provided data. If the object exists, it is atomically truncated and then written.
     * @param oid
     *          The object to write to
     * @param completion
     *          The completion instructions
     * @param buf
     *          The content to write
     * @param len
     *          The length of the data to write
     * @throws RadosException
    public void aioWriteFull(final String oid, final Completion completion, final byte[] buf, final int len) throws RadosException {
        handleReturnCode(new Callable<Integer>() {
            public Integer call() throws Exception {
                return rados.rados_aio_write_full(getPointer(), oid, completion.getPointer(), buf, len);
        }, "Failed to AIO write %s bytes to %s", len, oid);

     * Asynchronously write to an object without an offset
     * @param oid
     *          The object to write to
     * @param completion
     *          The completion instructions
     * @param buf
     *          The content to write
     * @param offset
     *          The offset when writing
     * @throws RadosException
    public void aioWrite(String oid, final Completion completion, String buf, long offset) throws RadosException {
        this.aioWrite(oid, completion, buf.getBytes(), offset);

     * Asynchronously write to an object without an offset
     * @param oid
     *          The object to write to
     * @param completion
     *          The completion instructions
     * @param buf
     *          The content to write
     * @throws RadosException
    public void aioWrite(String oid, final Completion completion, String buf) throws RadosException {
        this.aioWrite(oid, completion, buf.getBytes());

     * Block until all pending writes in an io context are safe.
     * This is not equivalent to calling rados_aio_wait_for_safe() on all write completions, since this waits for the associated callbacks to complete as well.
     * @throws RadosException
    public void aioFlush() throws RadosException {
        handleReturnCode(new Callable<Integer>() {
            public Integer call() throws Exception {
                return rados.rados_aio_flush(getPointer());
        }, "Failed to AIO flush");

     * Remove an object
     * @param oid
     *          The object to remove
     * @throws RadosException
    public void remove(final String oid) throws RadosException {
        handleReturnCode(new Callable<Integer>() {
            public Integer call() throws Exception {
                return rados.rados_remove(getPointer(), oid);
        }, "Failed removing object %s", oid);

     * Read data from an object
     * @param oid
     *          The object's name
     * @param length
     *          Amount of bytes to read
     * @param offset
     *          The offset where to start reading
     * @param buf
     *          The buffer to store the result
     * @return Number of bytes read or negative on error
     * @throws RadosException
    public int read(final String oid, final int length, final long offset, final byte[] buf)
            throws RadosException {
        if (length < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Length shouldn't be a negative value");
        if (offset < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Offset shouldn't be a negative value");

        return handleReturnCode(new Callable<Integer>() {
            public Integer call() throws Exception {
                return rados.rados_read(getPointer(), oid, buf, length, offset);
        }, "Failed to read object %s using offset %s and length %s", oid, offset, length);

     * Resize an object
     * @param oid
     *           The object to resize
     * @param size
     *          The new length of the object.  If this enlarges the object,
     *          the new area is logically filled with
     *          zeroes. If this shrinks the object, the excess data is removed.
     * @throws RadosException
    public void truncate(final String oid, final long size) throws RadosException {
        if (size < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Size shouldn't be a negative value");
        handleReturnCode(new Callable<Integer>() {
            public Integer call() throws Exception {
                return rados.rados_trunc(getPointer(), oid, size);
        }, "Failed resizing objects %s to %s bytes", oid, size);

     * Append data to an object
     * @param oid
     *           The name to append to
     * @param buf
     *           The data to append
     * @throws RadosException
    public void append(String oid, byte[] buf) throws RadosException {
        this.append(oid, buf, buf.length);

     * @param oid
     *           The name to append to
     * @param buf
     *           The data to append
     * @param len
     *           The number of bytes to write from buf
     * @throws RadosException
    public void append(final String oid, final byte[] buf, final int len) throws RadosException {
        handleReturnCode(new Callable<Integer>() {
            public Integer call() throws Exception {
                return rados.rados_append(getPointer(), oid, buf, len);
        }, "Failed appending %s bytes to object %s", len, oid);

     * Append data to an object
     * @param oid
     *           The name to append to
     * @param buf
     *           The data to append
     * @throws RadosException
    public void append(String oid, String buf) throws RadosException {
        this.append(oid, buf.getBytes());

    * Efficiently copy a portion of one object to another
    * If the underlying filesystem on the OSD supports it, this will be a
    * copy-on-write clone.
    * The src and dest objects must be in the same pg. To ensure this,
    * the io context should have a locator key set (see IoCTX.locatorSetKey()).
    * @param dst
    *          The destination object
    * @param dst_off
    *          The offset at the destination object
    * @param src
    *          The source object
    * @param src_off
    *          The offset at the source object
    * @param len
    *          The amount of bytes to copy
    * @throws RadosException
    public void clone(final String dst, final long dst_off, final String src, final long src_off, final long len) throws RadosException {
        handleReturnCode(new Callable<Integer>() {
            public Integer call() throws Exception {
                return rados.rados_clone_range(getPointer(), dst, dst_off, src, src_off, len);
        }, "Failed to copy %s bytes from %s to %s", len, src, dst);

     * Stat an object
     * @param oid
     *          The name of the object
     * @return RadosObjectInfo
     *           The size and mtime of the object
     * @throws RadosException
    public RadosObjectInfo stat(final String oid) throws RadosException {
        final LongByReference size = new LongByReference();
        final LongByReference mtime = new LongByReference();
        handleReturnCode(new Callable<Integer>() {
            public Integer call() throws Exception {
                return rados.rados_stat(getPointer(), oid, size, mtime);
        }, "Failed performing a stat on object %s", oid);
        return new RadosObjectInfo(oid, size.getValue(), mtime.getValue());

     * Stat the currently open pool
     * @return RadosPoolInfo
     * @throws RadosException
    public RadosPoolInfo poolStat() throws RadosException {
        final RadosPoolInfo result = new RadosPoolInfo();
        handleReturnCode(new Callable<Integer>() {
            public Integer call() throws Exception {
                return rados.rados_ioctx_pool_stat(getPointer(), result);
        }, "Failed retrieving the pool stats");
        return result;

     * Create a snapshot
     * @param snapname
     *           The name of the snapshot
     * @throws RadosException
    public void snapCreate(final String snapname) throws RadosException {
        handleReturnCode(new Callable<Integer>() {
            public Integer call() throws Exception {
                return rados.rados_ioctx_snap_create(getPointer(), snapname);
        }, "Failed to create snapshot %s", snapname);

     * Remove a snapshot
     * @param snapname
     *           The name of the snapshot
     * @throws RadosException
    public void snapRemove(final String snapname) throws RadosException {
        handleReturnCode(new Callable<Integer>() {
            public Integer call() throws Exception {
                return rados.rados_ioctx_snap_remove(getPointer(), snapname);
        }, "Failed to remove snapshot %s", snapname);

     * Get the ID of a snapshot
     * @param snapname
     *            The name of the snapshot
     * @return long
     * @throws RadosException
    public long snapLookup(final String snapname) throws RadosException {
        final LongByReference id = new LongByReference();
        handleReturnCode(new Callable<Integer>() {
            public Integer call() throws Exception {
                return rados.rados_ioctx_snap_lookup(getPointer(), snapname, id);
        }, "Failed to lookup the ID of snapshot %s", snapname);
        return id.getValue();

     * Get the name of a snapshot by it's ID
     * @param id
     *          The ID of the snapshot
     * @return String
     * @throws RadosException
    public String snapGetName(final long id) throws RadosException {
        final byte[] buf = new byte[512];
        handleReturnCode(new Callable<Integer>() {
            public Integer call() throws Exception {
                return rados.rados_ioctx_snap_get_name(getPointer(), id, buf, buf.length);
        }, "Failed to lookup the name of snapshot %s", id);
        return new String(buf).trim();

     * Get the timestamp of a snapshot
     * @param id
     *         The ID of the snapshot
     * @return long
     * @throws RadosException
    public long snapGetStamp(final long id) throws RadosException {
        final LongByReference time = new LongByReference();
        handleReturnCode(new Callable<Integer>() {
            public Integer call() throws Exception {
                return rados.rados_ioctx_snap_get_stamp(getPointer(), id, time);
        }, "Failed to retrieve the timestamp of snapshot %s", id);
        return time.getValue();

     * List all snapshots
     * @return Long[]
     * @throws RadosException
    public Long[] snapList() throws RadosException {
        final byte[] buf = new byte[512];

        final Integer result = handleReturnCode(new Callable<Integer>() {
            public Integer call() throws Exception {
                return rados.rados_ioctx_snap_list(getPointer(), buf, buf.length);
        }, "Failed to list all snapshots");

        Long[] snaps = new Long[result];
        for (int i = 0; i < result; i++) {
            snaps[i] = (long) buf[i];
        return snaps;

    public ReadOp readOpCreate() {
        return new ReadOp(getPointer(), rados.rados_create_read_op());

     * Instead of releasing the read operation directly, better use ReadOp.close
    public void readOpRelease(ReadOp read_op) {

     * Get the value of an extended attribute on an object.
     * @param oid
     *          The name of the object
     * @param xattrName
     *          The name of the extended attribute
     * @return
     *      The value of the extended attribute
     * @throws RadosException
     *      on failure -- common error codes:
     *      -34 (ERANGE)  : value exceeds buffer
     *      -61 (ENODATA) : no such attribute
    public String getExtendedAttribute(final String oid, final String xattrName) throws RadosException {
        final byte[] buf = new byte[EXT_ATTR_MAX_LEN];
        handleReturnCode(new Callable<Integer>() {
            public Integer call() throws Exception {
                return rados.rados_getxattr(getPointer(), oid, xattrName, buf, buf.length);
        }, "Failed to get extended attribute %s on %s", xattrName, oid);
        // else...
        return  Native.toString(buf);

     * Set an extended attribute on an object.
     * @param oid
     *          The name of the object
     * @param xattrName
     *          The name of the extended attribute
     * @param val
     *      The value of the extended attribute
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *      attribute value is too long
     * @throws RadosException
     *      on failure
    public void setExtendedAttribute(final String oid, final String xattrName, String val) throws IllegalArgumentException, RadosException {
        final byte[] buf = Native.toByteArray(val);
        if (buf.length > EXT_ATTR_MAX_LEN) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Length of attribute value must not exceed " + EXT_ATTR_MAX_LEN);
        // else...
        handleReturnCode(new Callable<Integer>() {
            public Integer call() throws Exception {
                return rados.rados_setxattr(getPointer(), oid, xattrName, buf, buf.length);
        }, "Failed to set extended attribute %s on %s", xattrName, oid);

     * Delete an extended attribute from an object.
     * @param oid
     *          The name of the object
     * @param xattrName
     *          The name of the extended attribute
     * @throws RadosException
     *      on failure
    public void removeExtendedAttribute(final String oid, final String xattrName) throws RadosException {
        handleReturnCode(new Callable<Integer>() {
            public Integer call() throws Exception {
                return rados.rados_rmxattr(getPointer(), oid, xattrName);
        }, "Failed to remove extended attribute %s from %s", xattrName, oid);

     * Get all extended attributes on an object.
     * @param oid
     *          The name of the object
     * @return
     *      The map of the extended attributes
     * @throws RadosException
     *      on failure
    public Map<String, String> getExtendedAttributes(final String oid) throws RadosException {
        Map<String, String> attr_map = new HashMap<>();
        final Pointer iterator = new Memory(Pointer.SIZE);
        final PointerByReference attr_name = new PointerByReference();
        final PointerByReference attr_value = new PointerByReference();
        final IntByReference attr_value_len = new IntByReference();

        handleReturnCode(new Callable<Integer>() {
            public Integer call() throws Exception {
                return rados.rados_getxattrs(getPointer(), oid, iterator);
        }, "Failed starting to list all extended attributes");

        while (rados.rados_getxattrs_next(iterator.getPointer(0), attr_name, attr_value, attr_value_len) == 0
                && attr_value_len.getValue() > 0) {
            int length = attr_value_len.getValue();
            String name = (attr_name.getValue() == null ? null : new String(attr_name.getValue().getString(0)));
            String value = (attr_value.getValue() == null ? null : new String(attr_value.getValue().getString(0)));
            if (length > 0 && name != null && value != null) {
                attr_map.put(name, value);


        return attr_map;

    public void close() throws IOException {


