Unity 3D导出安卓apk遇到的问题

时间:2024-03-21 11:34:48

Unity 3D导出安卓apk遇到的问题

Bundle Identifier has not been set up correctly
Please set the Bundle Identifier in the Player Setting. The value must follow the convention ‘com.YourCompanyName.YourProductName’ and can contain alphanumeric characters and underscore. Each segment must not start with a numeric charater or underscore.
Unity 3D导出安卓apk遇到的问题


  1. Player Setting—>Other Setting—>Identification—>Package Name需要修改,就如报错中提示的那样子改,改成“com.你的公司.你的项目名”这种格式。
    注意: “你的公司” 和 “你的项目名” 不能是以数字或者下划线开头
    Unity 3D导出安卓apk遇到的问题
    Unity 3D导出安卓apk遇到的问题
    Unity 3D导出安卓apk遇到的问题