
时间:2022-02-26 01:28:35

I am not sure what to use in this scenario.


I have an asp.net web api method that basically does this

我有一个asp.net web api方法,基本上这样做

  1. Finds points of interests from foursquare near user.
  2. 从foursquare附近的用户中找到兴趣点。
  3. Uses the foursquare locations to do queries in my database to find unique data about point of interest near user.
  4. 使用foursquare位置在我的数据库中进行查询,以查找有关用户附近兴趣点的唯一数据。

However since I need to store some of the foursquare information to link to my unique data to that location I decided to store all the information in my database and have my database act as my caching system.


This means anything new point of interest that comes in I have to insert into my database, check if it exists and if so then skip it or if it exists check the last refresh date(foursquare policy states all data must be refreshed after 30 day) and if it out past the refresh date I have to update the data.


I want to slow the user down and have to wait for the above to happen. I want my code to do step 1 and then do what I just mentioned while at the same time doing step 2.


Once step 2 finishes I want to return the data and let the user get on their way. If my caching system is not finished then it should keep going but not bog down the user.


I won't use any of these new results in step 2 as if I am inserting it then I won't have any data on that location at this time.


Not sure if I need to make a thread or use the async/await to achieve this.

不确定我是否需要创建一个线程或使用async / await来实现这一点。



Here is what I am trying to do


public HttpResponseMessage Get()
    // this will do a foursquare lookup to find all stores near the user
    // I want to insert them into my database and link it to my unquie data. 
    // stores pulled from foursquare will
    // a) Be new and not in my database
    // b) exist in my database but have been refreshed lately
    // c) have not been refreshed in timeframe of foursquare policy
    storeService.PointsOfInterestNearUser(80, -130); //As you can see it is 
                        //void. Not sure where to put the async/await stuff

    // find this product. Should be happening at the same time as above line.
    var product = productService.FindProduct("Noodles");

    //This will get returned to the user. 
    // the new stores taht are being added in StoreNearUser 
    //won't effect this search as I will have not data on this new store
    // if existing store is being refreshed it is possible old 
    //address might be picked up...
    //I can live with that as I doubt the address will change much.

    // this should happen after product
    var allStores = storeService.FindStoresThatHaveItem(product);

    // this should be returned as soon as above line is finished. 
    //If StoreNearUser is not done, it should keep going but not hold up user.
    return allStores;
public void StoresNearUser(double latitude, double longitude)
    // get all categories I can about in foursquare. 
    //First time from db otherwise cached.
    List<StoreCategory> storeCategories = GetStoreCategories();

    // do a request and get everything in near the user
    //(provided it is also in a category I care about)
    var request = CreateFoursquareStoreRequest
                       (latitude, longitude, storeCategories);

    // do the actual call.
    var response = client.Execute<VenueSearch>(request);

    if (response.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
// start going through the results, add or update or skip of entry will happen
        AddUpdateStores(storeCategories, response);

Edit 2


public async Task StoresNearUser(double latitude, double longitude)
// get all categories I can about in foursquare. First time from db otherwise cached.
    List<StoreCategory> storeCategories = GetStoreCategories();

// do a request and get everything in near the user(provided it is also in a category I care about)
    var request = CreateFoursquareStoreRequest(latitude, longitude, storeCategories);

    await client.ExecuteAsync<VenueSearch>
              (  request
                 , response =>
                         if (response.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
                             AddUpdateStores(storeCategories, response);

gives me this error


Cannot await 'RestSharp.RestRequestAsyncHandle'

I also don't get the difference between Task and void. From what I read if you just use Task it means you are sending nothing back of meaning, then why not just use void?


Edit 2 I found this post to show me how to make the wrapper for Restsharp. It is not 100% what I want but that is a separate issue.


public async Task StoresNearUser(double latitude, double longitude)
    List<StoreCategory> storeCategories = GetStoreCategories();

    var request = CreateFoursquareStoreRequest
                    (latitude, longitude, maxRadius, returnLimit, storeCategories);

    var response =  await client.GetResponseAsync(request);

    if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
// had to use json.net right now as the wrapper does not expose restsharps deserilizer
        var venue = JsonConvert
        AddUpdateStores(storeCategories, venue);

public async Task<HttpResponseMessage>Get()
    await storeService.PointsOfInterestNearUser(80, -130);
    var product = productService.FindProduct("Noodles");
    var allStores = storeService.FindStoresThatHaveItem(product);
    return allStores;

When I watch from the debugger it looks like it is still all going in order. I think product and allStores need to be since I need the product before I can find the stores but PointsOfInterestNearUser should be going at the same time as FindProduct.


Edit 3 Here is my FindProduct Method. Not sure what to make async to me it looks like everything needs to wait.


public ResponseResult<Product> FindProduct(string barcode)
        ResponseResult<Product> responseResult = new ResponseResult<Product>();
        Product product = null;


            var findBarCode = context.Barcodes.Where(x => x.Code == barcode).Select(x => x.Product).FirstOrDefault();

            responseResult.Response = product;

            if (product == null)
                responseResult.Status.Code = HttpStatusCode.NotFound;
                responseResult.Status.Code = HttpStatusCode.OK;
        catch (SqlException ex)
            responseResult.Status.Code = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;
            responseResult.Status.Message = GenericErrors.InternalError;

        return responseResult;

Edit 4


Still not sure how to do the Task.WhenAll()


 public async Task<HttpResponseMessage>Get()
      Task[] tasks = new Task[2];
      tasks[0] = storeService.PointsOfInterestNearUser(80, -130);
      tasks[1] = productService.FindProduct("Noodles");

       await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

       // not sure how to get product back out. I looked in the debugger and saw a "Result" that has it but when I do tasks[1].Result inetllisene cannot find .Result
       var allStores = storeService.FindStoresThatHaveItem(product);
       return allStores;

1 个解决方案



I would recommend using async/await for this. Updating a cache is one of the rare situations where returning early from an ASP.NET request is acceptable. You can see my blog post on the subject for some helpful code.

我建议使用async / await。更新缓存是极少数情况下可以接受从ASP.NET请求提前返回的情况之一。您可以在主题上查看我的博客文章,了解一些有用的代码。

So, something like this (simplified to just look up one "interesting place" per location):


public async Task<PlaceWithData> FindPlaceAsync(Location myLocation)
  Place place = await GetPlaceFromFoursquareAsync(myLocation);
  PlaceWithData ret = await GetExtraDataFromDatabaseAsync(place);
  if (ret.NeedsRefresh)
    BackgroundTaskManager.Run(() => UpdateDatabaseAsync(place, ret));
  return ret;

You may also want to consider extending the ASP.NET caching system rather than doing a "roll your own" cache.




I would recommend using async/await for this. Updating a cache is one of the rare situations where returning early from an ASP.NET request is acceptable. You can see my blog post on the subject for some helpful code.

我建议使用async / await。更新缓存是极少数情况下可以接受从ASP.NET请求提前返回的情况之一。您可以在主题上查看我的博客文章,了解一些有用的代码。

So, something like this (simplified to just look up one "interesting place" per location):


public async Task<PlaceWithData> FindPlaceAsync(Location myLocation)
  Place place = await GetPlaceFromFoursquareAsync(myLocation);
  PlaceWithData ret = await GetExtraDataFromDatabaseAsync(place);
  if (ret.NeedsRefresh)
    BackgroundTaskManager.Run(() => UpdateDatabaseAsync(place, ret));
  return ret;

You may also want to consider extending the ASP.NET caching system rather than doing a "roll your own" cache.
