
时间:2022-02-27 23:04:36


TreeExam 是TreeExamController






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idField: 'AuthorityID',
treeField: 'AuthorityName',
columns: [[
{ field: 'AuthorityID', title: '权限id', width: 200 },
{ field: 'AuthorityName', title: '权限名称', width: 300 },
{ field: 'Remark', title: '备注', width: 200 },
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Collections;
using System.Xml;
using System.Data;

namespace MvcStudy3.Controllers
public class TreeExamController : Controller

public ActionResult AuthorityTree()
return View();

#region InitTree()
public string InitTree()
string result = "";
IList<Authority> list = GetAuthorityList("",4);

foreach (Authority node in list)
result += Recursion(node) + ",";
return "[" + result.TrimEnd(',') + "]";

// 递归树形
public string Recursion(Authority model)
string res_s = "";
res_s += "{\"AuthorityID\":\"" + model.AuthorityID + "\",\"AuthorityName\":\"" +
model.AuthorityName + "\",\"ParentID\":\"" + model.ParentID +
"\",\"iconPath\":\"" + model.IconPath + "\",\"AuthorityPath\":\"" + model.AuthorityPath +
"\",\"Remark\":\"" + model.Remark + "\"";

IList<Authority> list = GetAuthorityList(model.AuthorityID, 3);
if (list != null)
res_s += "," + "\"children\":[";
for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
if (i > 0)
res_s += ",";
res_s += Recursion2(list[i]);
res_s += "]";
res_s += "}";
return res_s;

public string Recursion2(Authority model)
string res_s = "";
res_s += "{\"AuthorityID\":\"" + model.AuthorityID + "\",\"AuthorityName\":\"" +
model.AuthorityName + "\",\"ParentID\":\"" + model.ParentID +
"\",\"iconPath\":\"" + model.IconPath + "\",\"AuthorityPath\":\"" + model.AuthorityPath +
"\",\"Remark\":\"" + model.Remark + "\"";
res_s += "}";
return res_s;

public IList<Authority> GetAuthorityList(string pid, int c)
IList<Authority> list = new List<Authority>();
for (int i = 0; i < c; i++)
list.Add(getAuthority(pid, i));
return list;

/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pid">父目录id</param>
/// <param name="c">需要的个数</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Authority getAuthority(string pid,int i)
Authority a = new Authority();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pid))
a.AuthorityID = i.ToString();
a.AuthorityName = i+"name";
a.AuthorityPath = i+"authoritypath";
a.IconPath = i+"iconpath";
a.ParentID = "0";
a.Remark = i+"remark";
a.AuthorityID = pid+""+i;
a.AuthorityName = pid+""+i+"name";
a.AuthorityPath = pid + "" + i + "authoritypath";
a.IconPath = pid + "" + i + "iconpath";
a.ParentID = pid;
a.Remark = pid + "" + i + "remark";
return a;
#region InitTree2()
public string InitTree2()
string result = "";
IList<Authority> list = getXml();
IList<Authority> ll = getSelectList(list,"0");
foreach (Authority node in ll)
result += Recursion1(node,list) + ",";
return "[" + result.TrimEnd(',') + "]";

// 递归树形
public string Recursion1(Authority model,IList<Authority> list)
string res_s = "";
res_s += "{\"AuthorityID\":\"" + model.AuthorityID + "\",\"AuthorityName\":\"" +
model.AuthorityName + "\",\"ParentID\":\"" + model.ParentID +
"\",\"iconPath\":\"" + model.IconPath + "\",\"AuthorityPath\":\"" + model.AuthorityPath +
"\",\"Remark\":\"" + model.Remark + "\"";

IList<Authority> list2 = getSelectList(list,model.AuthorityID);
if (list2 != null)
res_s += "," + "\"children\":[";
for (int i = 0; i < list2.Count; i++)
if (i > 0)
res_s += ",";
res_s += Recursion1(list2[i],list);
res_s += "]";
res_s += "}";
return res_s;

public IList<Authority> getSelectList(IList<Authority> list,string pid)
IList<Authority> ll =list.Where(p => p.ParentID == pid).ToList<Authority>();//用Where可以筛选list内容,Select不能筛选
return ll;

public IList<Authority> getXml()
IList<Authority> list = new List<Authority>();
XmlNode node;
XmlDocument xd = new XmlDocument();//定义一个xmldocument对象
string xmlpath = Server.MapPath("~/Files/XMLFile1.xml");//加载xml文件
XmlElement tree = xd.DocumentElement;
for (int i = 0; i < tree.ChildNodes.Count; i++)//对根子节点的所有子节点进行循环
node = tree.ChildNodes[i];

if (node.HasChildNodes)
XmlNode childnode = node.ChildNodes[0];
return list;

public IList<Authority> getAuthority(XmlNode childnode, XmlNode node, IList<Authority> list)
Authority a = new Authority();
a.AuthorityID = childnode.InnerText;
childnode = node.ChildNodes[1];
a.AuthorityName = childnode.InnerText;
childnode = node.ChildNodes[3];
a.ParentID = childnode.InnerText;
childnode = node.ChildNodes[5];
a.Remark = childnode.InnerText;
if (node.ChildNodes.Count > 6)
childnode = node.ChildNodes[6];
if (childnode.HasChildNodes)
XmlNode childn = childnode.ChildNodes[0];
getAuthority(childn, childnode, list);
return list;

#region 读取xml ds.ReadXml(xmlpath);
public string InitTree3()
string result = "";
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
string xmlpath = Server.MapPath("~/Files/XMLFile1.xml");//xml文件的相对位置
IList<Authority> list = getXml3(ds);

foreach (Authority node in list)
result += Recursion3(node,ds,1) + ",";
return "[" + result.TrimEnd(',') + "]";

public IList<Authority> getXml3(DataSet ds)
IList<Authority> list = new List<Authority>();
DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];//获取第一级的节点内容
foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
Authority a = new Authority();
a.AuthorityID = dr["AuthorityID"].ToString();
a.AuthorityName = dr["AuthorityName"].ToString();
a.Remark = dr["Remark"].ToString();
return list;
// 递归树形
public string Recursion3(Authority model,DataSet ds,int count)
string res_s = "";
res_s += "{\"AuthorityID\":\"" + model.AuthorityID + "\",\"AuthorityName\":\"" +
model.AuthorityName + "\",\"ParentID\":\"" + model.ParentID +
"\",\"iconPath\":\"" + model.IconPath + "\",\"AuthorityPath\":\"" + model.AuthorityPath +
"\",\"Remark\":\"" + model.Remark + "\"";

IList<Authority> list = GetAuthorityList(model.AuthorityID, ds,count);
if (list != null)
res_s += "," + "\"children\":[";
for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
if (i > 0)
res_s += ",";
res_s += Recursion3(list[i],ds,count+1);
res_s += "]";
res_s += "}";
return res_s;

public IList<Authority> GetAuthorityList(string aid,DataSet ds,int count)
IList<Authority> list = new List<Authority>();
if (ds.Tables.Count > count)
DataTable dt = ds.Tables[count];
DataRow[] drlist = dt.Select(string.Format("ParentID='{0}'", aid));
foreach (DataRow dr in drlist)
Authority a = new Authority();
a.AuthorityID = dr["AuthorityID"].ToString();
a.AuthorityName = dr["AuthorityName"].ToString();
a.ParentID = dr["ParentID"].ToString();
a.Remark = dr["Remark"].ToString();
return list;
return null;

public class Authority
public string AuthorityID { get; set; }
public string AuthorityName { get; set; }
public string IconPath { get; set; }
public string ParentID { get; set; }
public string AuthorityPath { get; set; }
public string Remark { get; set; }

----------------XMLFile1.xml 文件----------------------------------------------


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>


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