FIFA halts 2026 bids amid scandal 国际足联在丑闻期间停止2026年足球世界杯申请

时间:2021-10-09 22:49:52

FIFA halts 2026 bids amid scandal


But official insists 2018 Cup will stay in Russia and 2022 in Qatar

FIFA halts 2026 bids amid scandal 国际足联在丑闻期间停止2026年足球世界杯申请

FIFA to suspend bidding for 2026 World Cup amid corruption scandal


By Laura Smith-Spark, CNN Updated 1300 GMT (2000 HKT) June 10, 2015

(CNN)FIFA Secretary General Jerome Valcke said Wednesday that FIFA would "postpone" the bidding process for the 2026 World Cup, as investigations continue into

allegations that bribery helped determine the hosts of earlier World Cups.


World soccer's governing body had expected to allocate the 2026 tournament to a host nation in 2017, with the bidding process to start soon, Valcke said, but in the

current situation, it's "nonsense to start any bidding process for the time being."


FIFA said Monday that there are no legal grounds for it to take the 2018 World Cup from Russia or the 2022 event from Qatar.


Speaking to reporters while on a visit to Russia on Wednesday, Valcke said preparations for hosting the 2018 World Cup were "on track."


FIFA has been embroiled in scandal since the United States indicted 14 people, including nine top FIFA officials, on corruption charges last month. Swiss authorities

simultaneously opened a separate investigation into how the 2018 and 2022 World Cup were awarded.


The U.S. indictment accuses Jack Warner, FIFA's former vice president and a member of parliament in Trinidad and Tobago, of taking a $10 million bribe to vote for South Africa to host the 2010 World Cup. The indictment says South Africa was willing to pay $10 million to the Caribbean Football Union "to support the African diaspora" in exchange for Warner's and two other conspirators' votes to put the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, instead of Morocco. The South African bid committee has denied any impropriety in the payment.



FIFA halts 2026 bids amid scandal 国际足联在丑闻期间停止2026年足球世界杯申请的更多相关文章

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