
时间:2022-03-03 10:16:37

I'm writing a little program that inserts and retrieves movie information in a database. If I type the info into the .db file manually, the program retrieves it and displays it perfectly in my GUI's textboxes. However, if I try to insert data from those textboxes into my database, it adds a linebreak to the end of each field. When I retrieve it again, it has "\n" at the end. The retrieving works great, but somehow linebreaks are being included in my inserts. Here is my insert function:


def addRecord(self):
    newTitle = self.text_title.get(1.0, 'end')
    newSynopsis = self.text_summary.get(1.0, 'end')
    newCast = self.text_cast.get(1.0, 'end')
    newRuntime = self.text_runtime.get(1.0, 'end')
    newRating = self.text_rating.get(1.0, 'end')
    newTrailer = self.text_trailer.get(1.0, 'end')
    newDates = self.text_date2d.get(1.0, 'end')
    newImage = self.text_image.get(1.0, 'end')

    c.execute("INSERT INTO Movies (Title, Synopsis, Actors, Runtime, Rating, Trailer, Dates, Image) VALUES ('{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}','{}');"
              .format(newTitle, newSynopsis, newCast, newRuntime, newRating, newTrailer, newDates, newImage))

1 个解决方案



Tkinter automatically adds a newline as the last character in the text widget. The proper way to get only the contents of the text widget that you or the user inserted you should use "end-1c" ("end" minus one character) rather than "end" or END.


Also, to be pedantic, the first index should be a string, not a float. In the case of 1.0 it doesn't matter, but you should be in the habit of always using strings for the indexes in a text widget.


For example:


newTitle = self.text_title.get("1.0", 'end-1c')



Tkinter automatically adds a newline as the last character in the text widget. The proper way to get only the contents of the text widget that you or the user inserted you should use "end-1c" ("end" minus one character) rather than "end" or END.


Also, to be pedantic, the first index should be a string, not a float. In the case of 1.0 it doesn't matter, but you should be in the habit of always using strings for the indexes in a text widget.


For example:


newTitle = self.text_title.get("1.0", 'end-1c')