
时间:2022-04-08 20:14:11

I need to create a simple CRUD interface for my Django app. The Django admin does 90% of what I need, but I have a couple of things that don't fit well.

我需要为我的Django应用程序创建一个简单的CRUD界面。 Django管理员做了我需要的90%,但我有一些不太合适的事情。

Say I have a File model and a Validator model. Besides CRUDing them, I also need to be able to send a File to a Validator for validation. This is not a database action. Sending a file to a validator involves scheduling the file on the validators queue. Later (minutes or hours), when the validator completes, that fact will be noted in the database.


From a UX view, this naturally belongs on the File admin page as a dropdown to select a validator and a button. Is there a way to naturally add this to the admin?


(I am a django newbie, I apologize if this is a stupid question.)


1 个解决方案



This is a very general question. The admin allows you to extend it in almost any way you wish. I would personally start by looking at how to create packages (apps) in Django.


You can extend the admin in many ways, admin actions, other apps, custom dashboard to overwriting templates etc just to name a few.


There are also a lot of packages that already achieve this too.


For task processing of the file look at Celery. Celery is an asynchronous task queue/job queue system.

有关文件的任务处理,请查看Celery。 Celery是一个异步任务队列/作业队列系统。

More reading: Customizing Django Admin Interface functionality




This is a very general question. The admin allows you to extend it in almost any way you wish. I would personally start by looking at how to create packages (apps) in Django.


You can extend the admin in many ways, admin actions, other apps, custom dashboard to overwriting templates etc just to name a few.


There are also a lot of packages that already achieve this too.


For task processing of the file look at Celery. Celery is an asynchronous task queue/job queue system.

有关文件的任务处理,请查看Celery。 Celery是一个异步任务队列/作业队列系统。

More reading: Customizing Django Admin Interface functionality
