
时间:2022-05-19 01:02:17

I'm making a php site, and I would like to have a script (when you click a button) wich adds some info to my mysql database (I can do this part by myself) and it executes a script 5 minutes later. Maybe it's not difficult, but it's hard to google stuff like this, thanks in advance.


10 个解决方案



Sleep is a VERY bad idea. Client browser would have to wait 5 minutes to finish request!!!


In my opinion it's not possible to do it like you want to.


You should create another script which queries database and checks if there is new data (and on successful fetch does the job). This script should be run by cron every N minutes.




Pretty tough one. I'd go for something like this:


  1. your original script adds a record to the database, containing its time of execution,
  2. 您的原始脚本会向数据库添加一条记录,包含其执行时间,

  3. another script contains the action that needs to be taken 5 minutes later - but launches it only if the db record mentioned above contains a timestamp of at least 5 minues ago (hope that's clear enough, I'm having trouble phrasing this)
  4. 另一个脚本包含需要在5分钟后执行的操作 - 但只有在上面提到的db记录包含至少5分钟之前的时间戳时才启动它(希望它足够清楚,我在编写这个时遇到了麻烦)

  5. set crontab to execute the second script every X minutes (perhaps 2).
  6. 设置crontab每隔X分钟(可能是2分钟)执行第二个脚本。

It won't be 5 minutes EXACTLY, but rather something between 5 and 7 (in case you choose to launch the script every 2 minutes). Would that do?




You could implement a queue in your database, where you add "commands" to be executed, and also store when to execute this command. Then have a cron job that runs every minute and checks said queue to see if it's time to execute a certain command.




If you're on a unix box:


exec("echo 'php script.php' | at now +5 minutes");

Which will schedule the php script.php command to run after 5 minutes.

这将安排php script.php命令在5分钟后运行。



I'm making a browser-based game and I want it to if someone wants to build a building it takes * minutes and then finishes.


Considering this is your actual goal, I recommend just saving the original building with a timestamp.


I know you tagged your question with PHP, but I don't want to include all the overhead of handling mysql queries in PHP, especially since I don't know how you prefer to execute the queries or what framework you're suing, so here's some pseudocode to handle this "building buildings" task:



building_type_id = sanitize(POST['id'])
user_id = current_user['id']

query('INSERT INTO buildings (user_id, building_type_id, created_at) 
       VALUES (' + user_id + ', ' + building_type_id + ', CURRENT_TIME)');


user_id = current_user['id']

completed_buildings = query('SELECT * FROM buildings b
  LEFT OUTER JOIN building_types t ON b.building_type_id =
  WHERE DATE_ADD(b.created_at, INTERVAL t.construction_time SECOND) < NOW();')
under_construction = query('SELECT * FROM buildings b
  LEFT OUTER JOIN building_types t ON b.building_type_id =
  WHERE DATE_ADD(b.created_at, INTERVAL t.construction_time SECOND) > NOW();')

Hope this helps!




IMHO the best way is: On button click save the job to run in the db with the time it should run. Write a small daemon, fetches every 10/5/2 seconds new jobs which should be executed and executes them.


EDIT: Btw the idea using cron for checking for new jobs to execute, is better, but only if you have a small website and you don't need to do load balancing for the jobs.




The way I would do this is to run a cron job between the two scripts.


  1. the first script sets a value in a database table.
  2. 第一个脚本在数据库表中设置一个值。

  3. the cron job executes the second script. every minute or what not.
  4. cron作业执行第二个脚本。每一分钟或什么不是。

  5. the second script checks for the database value set by script 1 to decide whether to run entirely or not.
  6. 第二个脚本检查脚本1设置的数据库值,以决定是否完全运行。



I would suggest doing the timer in Javascript rather than PHP.


Put a timestamp in the user's $_SESSION to indicate when they started the event, and then have Javascript call back to the browser after five minutes.

在用户的$ _SESSION中添加一个时间戳,以指示他们何时启动该事件,然后在五分钟后将Javascript调用回浏览器。

PHP would still need to know the start time (to prevent the user from hacking the game by tweaking the Javascript time-out), but it wouldn't need to actually do any count-down timing or sleeping or anything like that itself.




You could fork the process and in the child fork, do a sleep for 5 minutes before executing your second script. I've tested this and it appears the child process will still execute even after the parent has finished. Something like


//initial code
$pid = pcntl_fork(); //fork the process
if ($pid==0) // if in the child
    exec("sleep 300; php second_process.php"); //sleep for 5 minutes and execute second script
    return; // or exit
// rest of initial script...

The "return;" is important as the rest of the script will execute a 2nd time (i.e. in the child) unless it's there.




Are you looking for that?





Sleep is a VERY bad idea. Client browser would have to wait 5 minutes to finish request!!!


In my opinion it's not possible to do it like you want to.


You should create another script which queries database and checks if there is new data (and on successful fetch does the job). This script should be run by cron every N minutes.




Pretty tough one. I'd go for something like this:


  1. your original script adds a record to the database, containing its time of execution,
  2. 您的原始脚本会向数据库添加一条记录,包含其执行时间,

  3. another script contains the action that needs to be taken 5 minutes later - but launches it only if the db record mentioned above contains a timestamp of at least 5 minues ago (hope that's clear enough, I'm having trouble phrasing this)
  4. 另一个脚本包含需要在5分钟后执行的操作 - 但只有在上面提到的db记录包含至少5分钟之前的时间戳时才启动它(希望它足够清楚,我在编写这个时遇到了麻烦)

  5. set crontab to execute the second script every X minutes (perhaps 2).
  6. 设置crontab每隔X分钟(可能是2分钟)执行第二个脚本。

It won't be 5 minutes EXACTLY, but rather something between 5 and 7 (in case you choose to launch the script every 2 minutes). Would that do?




You could implement a queue in your database, where you add "commands" to be executed, and also store when to execute this command. Then have a cron job that runs every minute and checks said queue to see if it's time to execute a certain command.




If you're on a unix box:


exec("echo 'php script.php' | at now +5 minutes");

Which will schedule the php script.php command to run after 5 minutes.

这将安排php script.php命令在5分钟后运行。



I'm making a browser-based game and I want it to if someone wants to build a building it takes * minutes and then finishes.


Considering this is your actual goal, I recommend just saving the original building with a timestamp.


I know you tagged your question with PHP, but I don't want to include all the overhead of handling mysql queries in PHP, especially since I don't know how you prefer to execute the queries or what framework you're suing, so here's some pseudocode to handle this "building buildings" task:



building_type_id = sanitize(POST['id'])
user_id = current_user['id']

query('INSERT INTO buildings (user_id, building_type_id, created_at) 
       VALUES (' + user_id + ', ' + building_type_id + ', CURRENT_TIME)');


user_id = current_user['id']

completed_buildings = query('SELECT * FROM buildings b
  LEFT OUTER JOIN building_types t ON b.building_type_id =
  WHERE DATE_ADD(b.created_at, INTERVAL t.construction_time SECOND) < NOW();')
under_construction = query('SELECT * FROM buildings b
  LEFT OUTER JOIN building_types t ON b.building_type_id =
  WHERE DATE_ADD(b.created_at, INTERVAL t.construction_time SECOND) > NOW();')

Hope this helps!




IMHO the best way is: On button click save the job to run in the db with the time it should run. Write a small daemon, fetches every 10/5/2 seconds new jobs which should be executed and executes them.


EDIT: Btw the idea using cron for checking for new jobs to execute, is better, but only if you have a small website and you don't need to do load balancing for the jobs.




The way I would do this is to run a cron job between the two scripts.


  1. the first script sets a value in a database table.
  2. 第一个脚本在数据库表中设置一个值。

  3. the cron job executes the second script. every minute or what not.
  4. cron作业执行第二个脚本。每一分钟或什么不是。

  5. the second script checks for the database value set by script 1 to decide whether to run entirely or not.
  6. 第二个脚本检查脚本1设置的数据库值,以决定是否完全运行。



I would suggest doing the timer in Javascript rather than PHP.


Put a timestamp in the user's $_SESSION to indicate when they started the event, and then have Javascript call back to the browser after five minutes.

在用户的$ _SESSION中添加一个时间戳,以指示他们何时启动该事件,然后在五分钟后将Javascript调用回浏览器。

PHP would still need to know the start time (to prevent the user from hacking the game by tweaking the Javascript time-out), but it wouldn't need to actually do any count-down timing or sleeping or anything like that itself.




You could fork the process and in the child fork, do a sleep for 5 minutes before executing your second script. I've tested this and it appears the child process will still execute even after the parent has finished. Something like


//initial code
$pid = pcntl_fork(); //fork the process
if ($pid==0) // if in the child
    exec("sleep 300; php second_process.php"); //sleep for 5 minutes and execute second script
    return; // or exit
// rest of initial script...

The "return;" is important as the rest of the script will execute a 2nd time (i.e. in the child) unless it's there.




Are you looking for that?

