Internet History, Technology and Security (Week 9)

时间:2021-11-22 00:22:49

Week 9

Security: Web Security

We are now on the second to last week of the class and finishing up our look at Internet Security. You can also see the final exam and its due date. The due date of the final exam signals the end of the class.
This week, we’ll be covering web security. We apply the basic ideas of encryption and signing to who we actually secure the connections that we use on today’s Web and Internet.

Securing Web Connections

Security Public/Private Key - Secure Sockets

Internet History, Technology and Security (Week 9)

Internet History, Technology and Security (Week 9)
Internet History, Technology and Security (Week 9)

Internet History, Technology and Security (Week 9)


And so the public and private key is really based on these two prime numbers.

Internet History, Technology and Security (Week 9)

The encrypted text finds its way through all these things. And it come in encrypted. And it actually doesn't get encrypted, until it's sort of right at the point where Amazon's web server that's going to actually charge your credit card. So, this is actually beautifully elegant. In that, the rest of the network is blissfully unaware, that any encryption is happening. It's just moving the data. So, this did not require any change. Again the beauty of the layer of architecture. Did not require any change, sort of below the transport layer. And as a matter of fact, all of the sequencing and re-transmission that happens in the TCP layer. That happens with the encrypted stuff too because it's just encrypted. It's just text. It's gibberish text, it's not the original visa card number that you're sending. You're sending 123 and out comes, you know, wxy, the wxy just goes. It's re-transmitted. All this crap just works, it's like, beautiful. It's a beautiful thing. It's absolutely a beautiful thing. Then it's just like this mini layer kind of between, it's like the top slice of the transport layer. That's how I'm drawing it right here. It's like this little kind of top extra little thing, that says you know what, we're going to transport, actually help me out and give me some encryption while we're at it. And there's all kinds of cool stuff that goes back and forth. The public and private keys get exchanged.
Internet History, Technology and Security (Week 9)


But, but basically, you know, we want to distrust all of this, okay?

Internet History, Technology and Security (Week 9)

这种思想就是传输层安全(Transport Layer Security),也称作SSL、HTTPS,位于传输层和应用层之间。
Internet History, Technology and Security (Week 9)

Identity on the Web

Security - Integrity and Certificate Authorities

Internet History, Technology and Security (Week 9)

Internet History, Technology and Security (Week 9)

Internet History, Technology and Security (Week 9)

So, if you think this whole thing through, this, Eve was watching the whole time. We sent a public key. We signed and returned a public key. Then we sent the public key to your laptop. We verified the public key. And the whole time Eve is sort of watching all this information and she is powerless to break it.

Internet History, Technology and Security (Week 9)
Internet History, Technology and Security (Week 9)


So, that sort of brings us to the conclusion of this, these last couple of lectures have been about message confidentially. And that's protecting the contents from being revealed. We use encrypting and decrypting for that. And then we have message digest. And, sur, to sign things. We've signed messages, we've signed certificates, we've signed many things, and those are important. And we talked about both sort of, shared key, and secret key, where you have to get together. And agree on a key which is a symmetric key that's used for encrypting and decrypting. And then you have the public private key which is the asymmetric. Which is one key is used for encrypting and the other key is used for decrypting. And you can freely show the encrypting key because it gives very little information. Although, it is mathematically possible, but difficult to decrypt public private key message. So, that kinds of suns up, kind of sums up our lecture on public private keys and I hope you find it valuable. See you on the net.

Internet History, Technology and Security (Week 9)

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