
时间:2023-02-05 19:19:11

I'm having a bit of a curious problem with .NET and working with the decimal type. My web application uses the following globalization settings:


<globalization culture="auto" enableClientBasedCulture="true"/>

With that in mind, consider the following: the decimal value 123.00 becomes £123.00 in GBP, and EUR 123,00 (note the comma). The problem I'm having appears when I want to go from a decimal value of 123,00 (EUR) back to GBP again, as it becomes 123,000 - which is a huge problem.

考虑到这一点,请考虑以下因素:十进制值123.00英镑为123.00英镑,欧元为123,00(注意逗号)。当我想从123,000(EUR)的十进制值再次回到GBP时,我出现的问题就变成了123,000 - 这是一个很大的问题。

In this scenario, my application has consults a look up table based on the detected culture and shows prices in that currency. The problem only arises when the user has made a selection and the data is prepared for sending to our payment gateway, which convers the EUR 123,00 to 123,000.


Any ideas how I can overcome this?


4 个解决方案


The decimal data type basically just holds a number--there is no formatting implicitly applied to it. The value of a number won't change just because it's being displayed in a different format.

十进制数据类型基本上只包含一个数字 - 没有隐式应用的格式。数字的值不会因为它以不同的格式显示而改变。

Likely, the problem that you're likely having is when you receive the input as a string from a web page, you are parsing it incorrectly.



Thanks to everyone who offered their experience and suggestions.


Implementing a custom-type/structure for holding my own Decimal values wasn't really what I was after, and wouldn't really give me the functionality I needed (I can already display decimal values in the appropriate local currency/format, I just couldn't convert them back into UK format when required).


The problem was this line in the web config:


<globalization culture="auto" enableClientBasedCulture="true"/>

Setting culture = "auto" was allowing .NET to set the locale according to the values provided by the browser (incidentally, by the way, 'enableClientBasedCulture' is not implemented, according to MSDN - so you can omit it). Hence, if a visitor from France (with language 'fr-FR' configured in their browser) visited our site, all the number formatting would work perfectly (correct decimal separator and currency symbol) but I'd have a problem later when trying to conver that number from it's European format to the UK/US format I required.

设置culture =“auto”允许.NET根据浏览器提供的值设置语言环境(顺便提一下,根据MSDN,'enableClientBasedCulture'没有实现 - 所以你可以省略它)。因此,如果来自法国的访问者(在他们的浏览器中配置了语言'fr-FR')访问我们的网站,所有数字格式将完美地工作(正确的小数点分隔符和货币符号)但是我在以后尝试时遇到问题将这个数字从它的欧洲格式转换为我要求的英国/美国格式。

It's odd, but converting "123.00" to the 'fr-FR' locale produces a FormatException because "123.00" is not valid in the French locale (it expects "123,00"). But, converting "123,00" (fr-FR) to the UK/US 'en-GB' or 'en-US' format does NOT produce an error, but instead the value becomes "123,000". I believe this should throw a FormatException because it is not acceptable to add another zero.


The solution I implemented was as follows:


  1. Set culture="auto" to culture="en-GB" in web.config.
  2. 在web.config中将culture =“auto”设置为culture =“en-GB”。

  3. Use Decimal.ToString("c", ni) - where 'ni' is custom NumberFormatInfo class.
  4. 使用Decimal.ToString(“c”,ni) - 其中'ni'是自定义NumberFormatInfo类。

Since my existing code connects to our data source to retrieve the correct decimal values dependant on country, all I had now was a formatting issue. So, to format a number according to the 'fr-FR' locale, you can do:


NumberFormatInfo ni = Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("fr-FR").NumberFormat;
Decimal.ToString("c", ni);

In this setup, all my decimal values (internally) are always treated as en-GB decimals, and thus in the format I require. In other words, my application did not require the flexibility of being able to change the settings that apply to the entire current thread; rather just the opposite: I only cared about formatting the values differently.



Maybe this could help you


        NumberFormatInfo ni = new NumberFormatInfo();
        ni.NumberDecimalSeparator = '.';

usage i.e.

        Double.Parse(MyString, ni)


Don't know any better way to detect the format, but take a look at this


    static void Main(string[] args)
        // German Format (EUR)
        CultureInfo ci_de = new CultureInfo("de-DE");

        // English Format (GBP)
        CultureInfo ci_gb = new CultureInfo("en-GB");

        string test_de = "1.234.567.890,12";
        string test_en = "1,234,567,890.12";

        double result_de = 0.0;
        double result_en = 0.0;

            result_de = Double.Parse(test_en, ci_de.NumberFormat);
        catch (FormatException ex)
            Console.WriteLine("Number isn't a german format " + ex.InnerException);
            result_en = Double.Parse(test_en, ci_gb.NumberFormat);
        catch (FormatException ex)
            Console.WriteLine("Number isn't a english format " + ex.InnerException);




rAyt has offered a good start, but if you are working with a variety of cultures, it could become very difficult to automatically detect which culture a decimal number is. To ensure that you always know, it might be best to create a simple wrapper type around decimal that includes the culture. You would need to update your data store to also store the culture code (i.e. en-US) so that when reconstituting data you don't "forget" what culture the data was saved as. Any entities you have would use your decimal wrapper type, rather than decimal directly, and that type could have an overridden ToString method to automatically render in the correct format:


public struct CulturedDecimal
    public decimal Value;
    public CultureInfo Culture;

    public override ToString()
        return Value.ToString(Culture);

public class SomeEntity
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public CulturedDecimal MonetaryValue { get; set; } // Was 'decimal' before


The decimal data type basically just holds a number--there is no formatting implicitly applied to it. The value of a number won't change just because it's being displayed in a different format.

十进制数据类型基本上只包含一个数字 - 没有隐式应用的格式。数字的值不会因为它以不同的格式显示而改变。

Likely, the problem that you're likely having is when you receive the input as a string from a web page, you are parsing it incorrectly.



Thanks to everyone who offered their experience and suggestions.


Implementing a custom-type/structure for holding my own Decimal values wasn't really what I was after, and wouldn't really give me the functionality I needed (I can already display decimal values in the appropriate local currency/format, I just couldn't convert them back into UK format when required).


The problem was this line in the web config:


<globalization culture="auto" enableClientBasedCulture="true"/>

Setting culture = "auto" was allowing .NET to set the locale according to the values provided by the browser (incidentally, by the way, 'enableClientBasedCulture' is not implemented, according to MSDN - so you can omit it). Hence, if a visitor from France (with language 'fr-FR' configured in their browser) visited our site, all the number formatting would work perfectly (correct decimal separator and currency symbol) but I'd have a problem later when trying to conver that number from it's European format to the UK/US format I required.

设置culture =“auto”允许.NET根据浏览器提供的值设置语言环境(顺便提一下,根据MSDN,'enableClientBasedCulture'没有实现 - 所以你可以省略它)。因此,如果来自法国的访问者(在他们的浏览器中配置了语言'fr-FR')访问我们的网站,所有数字格式将完美地工作(正确的小数点分隔符和货币符号)但是我在以后尝试时遇到问题将这个数字从它的欧洲格式转换为我要求的英国/美国格式。

It's odd, but converting "123.00" to the 'fr-FR' locale produces a FormatException because "123.00" is not valid in the French locale (it expects "123,00"). But, converting "123,00" (fr-FR) to the UK/US 'en-GB' or 'en-US' format does NOT produce an error, but instead the value becomes "123,000". I believe this should throw a FormatException because it is not acceptable to add another zero.


The solution I implemented was as follows:


  1. Set culture="auto" to culture="en-GB" in web.config.
  2. 在web.config中将culture =“auto”设置为culture =“en-GB”。

  3. Use Decimal.ToString("c", ni) - where 'ni' is custom NumberFormatInfo class.
  4. 使用Decimal.ToString(“c”,ni) - 其中'ni'是自定义NumberFormatInfo类。

Since my existing code connects to our data source to retrieve the correct decimal values dependant on country, all I had now was a formatting issue. So, to format a number according to the 'fr-FR' locale, you can do:


NumberFormatInfo ni = Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("fr-FR").NumberFormat;
Decimal.ToString("c", ni);

In this setup, all my decimal values (internally) are always treated as en-GB decimals, and thus in the format I require. In other words, my application did not require the flexibility of being able to change the settings that apply to the entire current thread; rather just the opposite: I only cared about formatting the values differently.



Maybe this could help you


        NumberFormatInfo ni = new NumberFormatInfo();
        ni.NumberDecimalSeparator = '.';

usage i.e.

        Double.Parse(MyString, ni)


Don't know any better way to detect the format, but take a look at this


    static void Main(string[] args)
        // German Format (EUR)
        CultureInfo ci_de = new CultureInfo("de-DE");

        // English Format (GBP)
        CultureInfo ci_gb = new CultureInfo("en-GB");

        string test_de = "1.234.567.890,12";
        string test_en = "1,234,567,890.12";

        double result_de = 0.0;
        double result_en = 0.0;

            result_de = Double.Parse(test_en, ci_de.NumberFormat);
        catch (FormatException ex)
            Console.WriteLine("Number isn't a german format " + ex.InnerException);
            result_en = Double.Parse(test_en, ci_gb.NumberFormat);
        catch (FormatException ex)
            Console.WriteLine("Number isn't a english format " + ex.InnerException);




rAyt has offered a good start, but if you are working with a variety of cultures, it could become very difficult to automatically detect which culture a decimal number is. To ensure that you always know, it might be best to create a simple wrapper type around decimal that includes the culture. You would need to update your data store to also store the culture code (i.e. en-US) so that when reconstituting data you don't "forget" what culture the data was saved as. Any entities you have would use your decimal wrapper type, rather than decimal directly, and that type could have an overridden ToString method to automatically render in the correct format:


public struct CulturedDecimal
    public decimal Value;
    public CultureInfo Culture;

    public override ToString()
        return Value.ToString(Culture);

public class SomeEntity
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public CulturedDecimal MonetaryValue { get; set; } // Was 'decimal' before