
时间:2022-05-24 14:44:13

Dataflow pipeline job failing with message output property missing though passing output parameter as arguments.




Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Class interface org.apache.beam.runners.dataflow.options.DataflowPipelineOptions missing a property named 'output'.
    at org.apache.beam.sdk.options.PipelineOptionsFactory.parseObjects(PipelineOptionsFactory.java:1483)
    at org.apache.beam.sdk.options.PipelineOptionsFactory.access$400(PipelineOptionsFactory.java:110)
    at org.apache.beam.sdk.options.PipelineOptionsFactory$Builder.as(PipelineOptionsFactory.java:297)
    at com.example.DataValidationPipeline.getOptions(DataValidationPipeline.java:36)
    at com.example.DataValidationPipeline.main(DataValidationPipeline.java:50)

1 个解决方案



What seems to be happening is that the output file may not be set properly. I recommend reviewing this document where you can see that when you build and run the Dataflow Pipeline you need to set the output argument in the command like this:

似乎正在发生的是输出文件可能未正确设置。我建议您查看此文档,您可以在其中看到在构建和运行Dataflow Pipeline时,您需要在命令中设置输出参数,如下所示:

  mvn compile exec:java \
  -Dexec.mainClass=com.example.WordCount \
  -Dexec.args="--project=<my-cloud-project> \
  --stagingLocation=gs://<my-wordcount-storage-bucket>/staging/ \
  --output=gs://<my-wordcount-storage-bucket>/output \

This is assuming you are using maven, if you are using eclipse you may review this document.




What seems to be happening is that the output file may not be set properly. I recommend reviewing this document where you can see that when you build and run the Dataflow Pipeline you need to set the output argument in the command like this:

似乎正在发生的是输出文件可能未正确设置。我建议您查看此文档,您可以在其中看到在构建和运行Dataflow Pipeline时,您需要在命令中设置输出参数,如下所示:

  mvn compile exec:java \
  -Dexec.mainClass=com.example.WordCount \
  -Dexec.args="--project=<my-cloud-project> \
  --stagingLocation=gs://<my-wordcount-storage-bucket>/staging/ \
  --output=gs://<my-wordcount-storage-bucket>/output \

This is assuming you are using maven, if you are using eclipse you may review this document.
