多列上的DISTINCT查询无效 - Google App引擎数据存储区

时间:2023-01-06 23:10:41

I want to fetch distinct multiple columns from Google app engine Datastore in endpoint class. For that i am using below code but problem is that if i try to fetch only single column then only it works properly and returns DISTINCT data. If i try to fetch multiple columns then DISTINCT doesn't work and it returns all records without any effect of Distinct query. I don't know what is wrong with my code. Please suggest any solution and guide me where i am going wrong. Thank you.




@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" })
    @ApiMethod(name = "getDistinctFollow", httpMethod = HttpMethod.GET, path = "userendpoint/userName_fk3")
    public ObjectListContainer getDistinctFollower(
            @Named("followName") ArrayList<String> lstFollower,
            @Nullable @Named("cursor") String cursorString,
            @Nullable @Named("limit") Integer limit) {

        EntityManager mgr = null;
        Cursor cursor = null;
        List<Object[]> lstNames;
        List<String> lstString;
        ObjectListContainer object;
        try {
            mgr = getEntityManager();
            Query query = mgr.createQuery("select distinct f.uFullName,f.uUrl from UMaster f where f.uName in (:followName)");
            query.setParameter("followName", lstFollower);
            if (cursorString != null && cursorString != "") {
                cursor = Cursor.fromWebSafeString(cursorString);
                query.setHint(JPACursorHelper.CURSOR_HINT, cursor);
            if (limit != null) {
            lstNames = (List<Object[]>) query.getResultList();
            cursor = JPACursorHelper.getCursor(lstNames);
            if (cursor != null)
                cursorString = cursor.toWebSafeString();

            lstString = new ArrayList<String>();

            for (Object obj[] : lstNames) {
                lstString.add(obj != null ? obj[0].toString() : null);
                lstString.add(obj != null ? obj[1].toString() : null);
            object = new ObjectListContainer();

        } finally {
        return object;

1 个解决方案



Notice that DISTINCT only works with Indexed properties. Is any of uFullName or uName are not indexed, then the projection won't work.

请注意,DISTINCT仅适用于Indexed属性。 uFullName或uName中的任何一个都没有编入索引,那么投影将不起作用。



Notice that DISTINCT only works with Indexed properties. Is any of uFullName or uName are not indexed, then the projection won't work.

请注意,DISTINCT仅适用于Indexed属性。 uFullName或uName中的任何一个都没有编入索引,那么投影将不起作用。