在OO中使用函数式语言概念 - 是否有语言?

时间:2023-01-02 22:00:56

I was recently thinking how I'm not always using the beautiful concepts of OO when writing Pythonic programs. In particular, I thought I'd be interested in seeing a language where I could write the typical web script as


# Fictional language 
# This script's combined effect is to transform (Template, URI, Database) -> HTTPOutput

    HTTPHeaders + Maintext

Flags:                              # This is a transform URI -> Flags 
    value = URI.split('?').after
    refresh = 'r' in value
    sort = /sort=([a-z])/.search(value)

HTTPHeaders:                       # This is a transform Flags -> HTTPHeaders
    'Content-type:...' +  Flags.refresh ? 'Refresh: ...' : ''

    Template.replace('$questions', PresentedQuestions [:20] )

    (Flags.sort = 'r') ? RecentQuestions : TopQuestions 

    Questions % '<h4>{title}</h4><p>{body}</p>'

    Database.Questions . sort('date')  

    Database.Questions . sort('votes') 

See what happens? I am trying to make as many objects as possible; each paragraph declares something I call transform. For example, there is a transform HTTPHeaders. In an imperative language that would be a declaration of class, object and function combined:


class HTTPHeaders_class
     public char* value
         value = ... + Flags.refresh ? + ... // [1] 


class Flags_class 
     public char* flagstring;
     public bool refresh;
         value = ... /* [3] */ 
         refresh = ...

Flags = new Flags_class (URI)
HTTPHeaders = new HTTPHeaders_class (Flags)   // [2]

However, I want to have no way to specify that an object should change unless the inputs from which the objects is made change; and no way to have side effects. This makes for a drastic simplification of language. I believe this means we're doing a functional programming ("a programming paradigm that treats computation as the evaluation of mathematical functions and avoids state and mutable data").


I certainly try to use things like Python classes, M-V-C framework and Django (thanks to the answer), but I don't think they have the concepts above and below.


  1. Each object has a value field that can be referred just by writing the class name.
  2. 每个对象都有一个值字段,可以通过编写类名来引用它。

  3. If HTTPHeader is referred somewhere, this means that a static, unchangeable object HTTPHeader is created as soon as possible. All references to HTTPHeader then refer to this object.
  4. 如果在某处引用HTTPHeader,则意味着尽快创建静态的,不可更改的对象HTTPHeader。然后,对HTTPHeader的所有引用都引用此对象。

  5. Suppose I want to repeat the program with the same URI object while the interpreter is still in memory. Since Flags depends only on URI and HTTPHeaders only on Flags, those are not recalculated. However, if Database is modified, then Questions need to be recalculated, and thus the HTTPOutput may change too.
  6. 假设我想在解释器仍在内存中时使用相同的URI对象重复该程序。由于Flags仅依赖于标志上的URI和HTTPHeader,因此不会重新计算这些标志。但是,如果修改了数据库,则需要重新计算问题,因此HTTPOutput也可能会更改。

  7. The interpreter automatically deduces the correct sequence of initializing the classes. Their dependency must form a tree for that to happen, of course.
  8. 解释器自动推导出初始化类的正确顺序。当然,他们的依赖必须形成一棵树。

I believe this will be a useful models for programs like web scripts where there are no side effects. Is there a useful language where one writes program similar to this already?


6 个解决方案


If you really want to delve into web application development with Python, then look at Django. You are better off using a MVC architecture in this case and Django does a very nice job of supporting MVC applications.


What you are probably interested in is more of a Declarative programming approach than a functional one. Functional programming is more concerned with mapping an input to an output as a pure (mathematical) function. The declarative approach is all about stating what should happen instead of how to do it.


In any case, dig into Model-View-Controller and Django. You will probably find that it fits the bill in a completely different manner.



Take a look at F#. It is specifically designed as a functional language (based on OCaml) with OO support utilizing the .NET stack.



I don't think it's exactly what you are looking for but Scala tries to integrate OO and functional features under a common language.



Your code looks like a DSL for web applications and Sinatra is such a DSL. Sinatra does not do exactly what you do there but it's in the same ballpark. http://www.sinatrarb.com/ - it's written in Ruby but hey, let's all be friends here in dynamic languages land.

您的代码看起来像是用于Web应用程序的DSL,而Sinatra就是这样的DSL。 Sinatra并没有完全按照你的方式去做,但它在同一个球场。 http://www.sinatrarb.com/ - 它是用Ruby编写的,但是嘿,让我们在动态语言中成为朋友。


This actually feels very much like Haskell, except that you're not using pure functions here. For example, Flags doesn't have the URI passed into it; URI is a separate definition that is presumably not producing the same URI every time it's called, and so on.

这实际上感觉非常像Haskell,除了你没有在这里使用纯函数。例如,Flags没有传递URI; URI是一个单独的定义,可能每次调用时都不会生成相同的URI,依此类推。

For URI to be a pure function, it would have to have a parameter that would give it the current request, so that it can always return the same value for the same inputs. (Without any parameters to work on, a pure function can only return the same result over the life of a closure.) However, if you want to avoid explicitly giving URI a parameter every time, this can be done with various techniques; we do this with monads in Haskell.

要使URI成为纯函数,它必须有一个参数可以为它提供当前请求,因此它总是可以为相同的输入返回相同的值。 (没有任何参数可以处理,纯函数只能在闭包的整个生命周期内返回相同的结果。)但是,如果你想避免每次都明确地给URI一个参数,这可以通过各种技术来完成;我们在Haskell中使用monads。

It seems to me that the style of programming you're thinking of might be based on "combinators," having small functions that are glued together inside a framework to produce a large, complex function that does the overall processing.



I see my favourite language has not been mentioned yet, so I'd like to jump in and suggest Dyalog APL as a language for 100% function programming. APL has a looong history and was developed when there was no Internet - but Dyalog is the most active provider of APL-Implementations and they also have a fully function webserver that is available free of charge. (The interpreter is also available free of charge for non-commercial use.)

我看到我最喜欢的语言还没有被提及,所以我想进入并建议Dyalog APL作为100%函数编程的语言。 APL有悠久的历史,并且在没有互联网的情况下开发 - 但Dyalog是最活跃的APL实施提供商,他们还拥有一个免费提供的功能齐全的网络服务器。 (翻译也可以免费用于非商业用途。)


If you really want to delve into web application development with Python, then look at Django. You are better off using a MVC architecture in this case and Django does a very nice job of supporting MVC applications.


What you are probably interested in is more of a Declarative programming approach than a functional one. Functional programming is more concerned with mapping an input to an output as a pure (mathematical) function. The declarative approach is all about stating what should happen instead of how to do it.


In any case, dig into Model-View-Controller and Django. You will probably find that it fits the bill in a completely different manner.



Take a look at F#. It is specifically designed as a functional language (based on OCaml) with OO support utilizing the .NET stack.



I don't think it's exactly what you are looking for but Scala tries to integrate OO and functional features under a common language.



Your code looks like a DSL for web applications and Sinatra is such a DSL. Sinatra does not do exactly what you do there but it's in the same ballpark. http://www.sinatrarb.com/ - it's written in Ruby but hey, let's all be friends here in dynamic languages land.

您的代码看起来像是用于Web应用程序的DSL,而Sinatra就是这样的DSL。 Sinatra并没有完全按照你的方式去做,但它在同一个球场。 http://www.sinatrarb.com/ - 它是用Ruby编写的,但是嘿,让我们在动态语言中成为朋友。


This actually feels very much like Haskell, except that you're not using pure functions here. For example, Flags doesn't have the URI passed into it; URI is a separate definition that is presumably not producing the same URI every time it's called, and so on.

这实际上感觉非常像Haskell,除了你没有在这里使用纯函数。例如,Flags没有传递URI; URI是一个单独的定义,可能每次调用时都不会生成相同的URI,依此类推。

For URI to be a pure function, it would have to have a parameter that would give it the current request, so that it can always return the same value for the same inputs. (Without any parameters to work on, a pure function can only return the same result over the life of a closure.) However, if you want to avoid explicitly giving URI a parameter every time, this can be done with various techniques; we do this with monads in Haskell.

要使URI成为纯函数,它必须有一个参数可以为它提供当前请求,因此它总是可以为相同的输入返回相同的值。 (没有任何参数可以处理,纯函数只能在闭包的整个生命周期内返回相同的结果。)但是,如果你想避免每次都明确地给URI一个参数,这可以通过各种技术来完成;我们在Haskell中使用monads。

It seems to me that the style of programming you're thinking of might be based on "combinators," having small functions that are glued together inside a framework to produce a large, complex function that does the overall processing.



I see my favourite language has not been mentioned yet, so I'd like to jump in and suggest Dyalog APL as a language for 100% function programming. APL has a looong history and was developed when there was no Internet - but Dyalog is the most active provider of APL-Implementations and they also have a fully function webserver that is available free of charge. (The interpreter is also available free of charge for non-commercial use.)

我看到我最喜欢的语言还没有被提及,所以我想进入并建议Dyalog APL作为100%函数编程的语言。 APL有悠久的历史,并且在没有互联网的情况下开发 - 但Dyalog是最活跃的APL实施提供商,他们还拥有一个免费提供的功能齐全的网络服务器。 (翻译也可以免费用于非商业用途。)