
时间:2021-08-21 21:28:20

so I've tried my way, which has not worked and seemed to have way too many control statements, which got somewhat confusing. The question is pretty self evident.


How do you implement three stacks using a single array?


I know the answer has been answered in Java, but I couldn't find anything in Javascript.


For now, a potential solution that has fixed amount of space for each stack would be fine. I know that a solution that would be more flexible in space allocation would also be more complex.


Thank you for your help :)

感谢您的帮助 :)

EDIT: This is my code


function ThreeInOne() {
  this.stack = []; 

  this.addAtStack = function(stackIndex, value) { 
    if (this.stack.length === 0) {
      if (stackIndex = 1) {
        this.firstStackBeginning = 0;
        this.firstStackEnd = 0;
      } else if (stackIndex = 2) {
        this.secondStackBeginning = 0;
        this.secondStackEnd = 0;
      } else if (stackIndex = 3) {
        this.thirdStackBeginning = 0;
        this.thirdStackEnd = 0;
      } else if (stackIndex > 3) {
        console.log("There are only 3 stacks available to add to")
    } else if (this.stack.length > 0) {
      if (stackIndex == 1) {
        if (this.secondStackBeginning == 0) {
          this.firstStackBeginning = 0;
          this.firstStackEnd = 0;
        if (this.secondStackBeginning && this.secondStackBeginning !== 0) {
          this.stack.splice(this.secondStackBeginning-1, 0, value);
      } else if (stackIndex == 2) {
        if (this.thirdStackBeginning==0) {
          this.secondStackBeginning = 0;
          this.secondStackEnd = 0;
        } else if (this.thirdStackBeginning != 0) {
          this.stack.splice(this.thirdStackBeginning-1, 0, value);
          this.secondStackEnd = this.thirdStackBeginning-1;
      } else if (stackIndex == 3) {
        if (this.firstStackEnd && !this.secondStackEnd && !this.thirdStackBeginning) {
          this.thirdStackBeginning = this.firstStackEnd+1;
        } else if (this.seconStackEnd )

It's not finished, but the idea was to keep pointers of the beginning and end of each stack and update them accordingly. I think the point is to not use another data structure (other than that one array) or else I would just create an array with three internal arrays and update them accordingly. So the idea is that for example if we start with array = [4, 5, 1, 2, 0, 3, 6], this array is actually composed of three stacks, one = [ 4, 5 ), two = [ 1, 2), and three = [0, 3, 6). The idea is that if I want to add x to stack two, then I'll end up with the array = [4, 5, 1, 2, x, 0, 3, 6]

它没有完成,但想法是保持每个堆栈的开头和结尾的指针并相应地更新它们。我认为重点是不使用其他数据结构(除了那个数组),否则我只会创建一个包含三个内部数组的数组并相应地更新它们。所以我的想法是,例如,如果我们从array = [4,5,1,2,0,3,6]开始,这个数组实际上由三个堆栈组成,一个= [4,5],两个= [1 ,2),和3 = [0,3,6)。我的想法是,如果我想将x添加到堆栈2,那么我最终会得到数组= [4,5,1,2,x,0,3,6]

I hope this makes it more clear!


2 个解决方案



This exercise is actually much easier in JavaScript than in many other languages, because an array in JavaScript behaves more like an associative array with keys instead of numerical indexes. This means that a sparse array only takes up as much space as it has elements; e.g. this array:


var array = [];
array[0] = "one";
array[999] = "two";

only has two elements, and doesn't actually have 998 empty elements taking up space. This means that if you want to use one array to create three stacks, you can simply give them indexes starting at e.g. 0, 1000 and 2000, and then each stack can hold a thousand elements without the array actually taking up the space of 3000 elements.


So a three-stacks-in-an-array implementation could be something like this (and it could easily be extended to have a variable number of stacks in one array):


function ThreeStacksInOne(capacity) {
    this.stack = [];
    this.begin = [0, capacity, 2 * capacity, 3 * capacity];
    this.end = [,,];

    this.push = function(stack, value) { 
        if (stack > 2) {
            console.log("Illegal stack index: " + stack + ".");
            return false;
        if (this.end[stack] === undefined) {
            this.end[stack] = this.begin[stack];
        else if (this.end[stack] + 1 == this.begin[stack + 1]) {
            console.log("Stack " + stack + " is full.");
            return false;
        else ++this.end[stack];
        this.stack[this.end[stack]] = value;
        return true;

    this.pop = function(stack) {
        if (stack > 2) {
            console.log("Illegal stack index: " + stack + ".");
            return undefined;
        if (this.end[stack] === undefined) {
            console.log("Stack " + stack + " is empty.");
            return undefined;
        var value = this.stack[this.end[stack]];
        delete this.stack[this.end[stack]];
        if (this.end[stack] == this.begin[stack]) {
            this.end[stack] = undefined;
        else --this.end[stack];
        return value;

var stack = new ThreeStacksInOne(1000000000);
var x = stack.pop(0);

You can easily adapt this for a variable number of stacks, and you don't have to decide how many stacks you want when you create the multi-stack; you set the maximum capacity per stack, and then you can use as many stacks as you like, as long as stacks × capacity isn't greater than the maximum safe integer 252-1, which means you can use e.g. a million stacks with a billion elements each. And, as explained above, this uses only the amount of space needed for the number of elements that are actually present.


function multiStack(maxSizePerStack) {
    this.stack = [];
    this.size = maxSizePerStack;
    this.end = [];

    this.push = function(stack, value) { 
        if (this.end[stack] === undefined) {
            this.end[stack] = this.size * stack;
        else if (this.end[stack] + 1 == this.size * (stack + 1)) {
            console.log("Stack " + stack + " is full.");
            return false;
        else ++this.end[stack];
        this.stack[this.end[stack]] = value;
        return true;
    this.pop = function(stack) {
        if (this.end[stack] === undefined) {
            console.log("Stack " + stack + " is empty.");
            return undefined;
        var value = this.stack[this.end[stack]];
        delete this.stack[this.end[stack]];
        if (this.end[stack] == this.size * stack) {
            this.end[stack] = undefined;
        else --this.end[stack];
        return value;
var stack = new multiStack(1000000000);
document.write(stack.pop(0) + "<br>");
document.write(stack.pop(0) + "<br>");
document.write(stack.pop(0) + "<br>");
document.write(stack.pop(1000000) + "<br>");
document.write(stack.pop(9) + "<br>");



This problem is trivial in JS even with one array such that it seems somewhat out of the spirit of the question. The reason is because JS arrays will automatically expand to add elements making them much easier to work with than ArrayLists or primitive arrays in Java.


One approach could involve each stack mapped to an offset in the array. For example, in a three stack configuration, the first stack begins at index 0 and uses elements 0, 3, 6, 9 and so on. The second stack begins at index 1 and uses indices 1, 4, 7, 10 and so on. Indexing into the array for a top operation uses the formula i + n * (sizes[i] - 1), while pushing a new top is i + n * sizes[i] where i is the stack ID number and n is the number of stacks specified in the constructor.

一种方法可能涉及映射到阵列中的偏移的每个堆栈。例如,在三堆栈配置中,第一个堆栈从索引0开始,并使用元素0,3,6,9等。第二个堆栈从索引1开始,使用索引1,4,7,10等。索引到顶部操作的数组使用公式i + n *(sizes [i] - 1),而推新的顶部是i + n * sizes [i]其中i是堆栈ID号,n是数字在构造函数中指定的堆栈。

class NStack {
  constructor(n) {
    this.stacks = [];
    this.sizes = new Array(n).fill(0);
  peek(i) {
    return this.stacks[i+(this.sizes[i]-1)*this.sizes.length];
  pop(i) {
    if (this.sizes[i] > 0) {
      return this.stacks.splice(
        i + (--this.sizes[i]) * this.sizes.length, 1, null
  push(i, elem) {
    if (this.sizes[i] >= 0) {
      this.stacks[i+(this.sizes[i]++)*this.sizes.length] = elem;

const tripleStack = new NStack(3);
tripleStack.push(0, "banana");
tripleStack.push(2, "apple");
tripleStack.push(1, "watermelon");
tripleStack.push(2, "jackfruit");



This exercise is actually much easier in JavaScript than in many other languages, because an array in JavaScript behaves more like an associative array with keys instead of numerical indexes. This means that a sparse array only takes up as much space as it has elements; e.g. this array:


var array = [];
array[0] = "one";
array[999] = "two";

only has two elements, and doesn't actually have 998 empty elements taking up space. This means that if you want to use one array to create three stacks, you can simply give them indexes starting at e.g. 0, 1000 and 2000, and then each stack can hold a thousand elements without the array actually taking up the space of 3000 elements.


So a three-stacks-in-an-array implementation could be something like this (and it could easily be extended to have a variable number of stacks in one array):


function ThreeStacksInOne(capacity) {
    this.stack = [];
    this.begin = [0, capacity, 2 * capacity, 3 * capacity];
    this.end = [,,];

    this.push = function(stack, value) { 
        if (stack > 2) {
            console.log("Illegal stack index: " + stack + ".");
            return false;
        if (this.end[stack] === undefined) {
            this.end[stack] = this.begin[stack];
        else if (this.end[stack] + 1 == this.begin[stack + 1]) {
            console.log("Stack " + stack + " is full.");
            return false;
        else ++this.end[stack];
        this.stack[this.end[stack]] = value;
        return true;

    this.pop = function(stack) {
        if (stack > 2) {
            console.log("Illegal stack index: " + stack + ".");
            return undefined;
        if (this.end[stack] === undefined) {
            console.log("Stack " + stack + " is empty.");
            return undefined;
        var value = this.stack[this.end[stack]];
        delete this.stack[this.end[stack]];
        if (this.end[stack] == this.begin[stack]) {
            this.end[stack] = undefined;
        else --this.end[stack];
        return value;

var stack = new ThreeStacksInOne(1000000000);
var x = stack.pop(0);

You can easily adapt this for a variable number of stacks, and you don't have to decide how many stacks you want when you create the multi-stack; you set the maximum capacity per stack, and then you can use as many stacks as you like, as long as stacks × capacity isn't greater than the maximum safe integer 252-1, which means you can use e.g. a million stacks with a billion elements each. And, as explained above, this uses only the amount of space needed for the number of elements that are actually present.


function multiStack(maxSizePerStack) {
    this.stack = [];
    this.size = maxSizePerStack;
    this.end = [];

    this.push = function(stack, value) { 
        if (this.end[stack] === undefined) {
            this.end[stack] = this.size * stack;
        else if (this.end[stack] + 1 == this.size * (stack + 1)) {
            console.log("Stack " + stack + " is full.");
            return false;
        else ++this.end[stack];
        this.stack[this.end[stack]] = value;
        return true;
    this.pop = function(stack) {
        if (this.end[stack] === undefined) {
            console.log("Stack " + stack + " is empty.");
            return undefined;
        var value = this.stack[this.end[stack]];
        delete this.stack[this.end[stack]];
        if (this.end[stack] == this.size * stack) {
            this.end[stack] = undefined;
        else --this.end[stack];
        return value;
var stack = new multiStack(1000000000);
document.write(stack.pop(0) + "<br>");
document.write(stack.pop(0) + "<br>");
document.write(stack.pop(0) + "<br>");
document.write(stack.pop(1000000) + "<br>");
document.write(stack.pop(9) + "<br>");



This problem is trivial in JS even with one array such that it seems somewhat out of the spirit of the question. The reason is because JS arrays will automatically expand to add elements making them much easier to work with than ArrayLists or primitive arrays in Java.


One approach could involve each stack mapped to an offset in the array. For example, in a three stack configuration, the first stack begins at index 0 and uses elements 0, 3, 6, 9 and so on. The second stack begins at index 1 and uses indices 1, 4, 7, 10 and so on. Indexing into the array for a top operation uses the formula i + n * (sizes[i] - 1), while pushing a new top is i + n * sizes[i] where i is the stack ID number and n is the number of stacks specified in the constructor.

一种方法可能涉及映射到阵列中的偏移的每个堆栈。例如,在三堆栈配置中,第一个堆栈从索引0开始,并使用元素0,3,6,9等。第二个堆栈从索引1开始,使用索引1,4,7,10等。索引到顶部操作的数组使用公式i + n *(sizes [i] - 1),而推新的顶部是i + n * sizes [i]其中i是堆栈ID号,n是数字在构造函数中指定的堆栈。

class NStack {
  constructor(n) {
    this.stacks = [];
    this.sizes = new Array(n).fill(0);
  peek(i) {
    return this.stacks[i+(this.sizes[i]-1)*this.sizes.length];
  pop(i) {
    if (this.sizes[i] > 0) {
      return this.stacks.splice(
        i + (--this.sizes[i]) * this.sizes.length, 1, null
  push(i, elem) {
    if (this.sizes[i] >= 0) {
      this.stacks[i+(this.sizes[i]++)*this.sizes.length] = elem;

const tripleStack = new NStack(3);
tripleStack.push(0, "banana");
tripleStack.push(2, "apple");
tripleStack.push(1, "watermelon");
tripleStack.push(2, "jackfruit");