
时间:2023-02-15 20:58:09

I've seen many implementations on the web of people managing their NHibernate sessions and transactions in a HttpModule.


The HttpModule:


  1. creates a session at the start of the request
  2. 在请求开始时创建会话
  3. wraps the whole request in a transaction
  4. 在事务中包装整个请求
  5. commits the transaction at the end of the request
  6. 在请求结束时提交事务

If people use this strategy how are they handling the following scenario:


  1. request comes in
  2. 请求进来
  3. retrieve object from database
  4. 从数据库中检索对象
  5. update object
  6. 更新对象
  7. object fails validation
  8. 对象验证失败
  9. changes to the object are still persisted because the transaction is committed in the HttpModule.
  10. 对象的更改仍然存在,因为事务是在HttpModule中提交的。

It seems that there is no good way to rollback the transaction in the above scenario. The only plan I can come up with is to:


  1. write my validation in such a way as it's guaranteed to succeed before updating my domain object (takes my validation out of my domain model).
  2. 以更新我的域对象之前保证成功的方式编写我的验证(从我的域模型中取出我的验证)。
  3. manage my transaction closer to my business logic and throw away the idea of doing it transparently in a HttpModule. (I've seen quite a few posts recommend this)
  4. 管理我的事务更接近我的业务逻辑,并抛弃在HttpModule中透明地执行它的想法。 (我看过不少帖子推荐这个)

Seeing as so many people seem to be using the HttpModule approach I'm hoping there is a third way of managing this scenario that I haven't thought of?


1 个解决方案



You can use some kind of global exception handling. Now I am using System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException. In this handler you will need to call Transaction.Rollback(); And also condsider setting some flag (that also lives during current request only) that will point wehether you need to commit your transaction or roll back. This can make code more clear.


Edit Alternativly you can use Error event of the HttpApplication


public class HelloWorldModule : IHttpModule
    void Init(HttpApplication application)
        application.BeginRequest += 
            (new EventHandler(this.Application_BeginRequest));
        application.EndRequest += 
            (new EventHandler(this.Application_EndRequest));
        //this is it
        applicaiton.Error +=
            (new EventHandler(this.Application_Error));



You can use some kind of global exception handling. Now I am using System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException. In this handler you will need to call Transaction.Rollback(); And also condsider setting some flag (that also lives during current request only) that will point wehether you need to commit your transaction or roll back. This can make code more clear.


Edit Alternativly you can use Error event of the HttpApplication


public class HelloWorldModule : IHttpModule
    void Init(HttpApplication application)
        application.BeginRequest += 
            (new EventHandler(this.Application_BeginRequest));
        application.EndRequest += 
            (new EventHandler(this.Application_EndRequest));
        //this is it
        applicaiton.Error +=
            (new EventHandler(this.Application_Error));