如何在Android中处理抛出HTML表的RESTful API

时间:2022-03-16 20:49:53

This API returns a whole HTML table. I'm searching how to add this table (as is) into my UI but I've never seen such API throwing HTM table.
Browsing Internet for an answer is not giving me any hope either.
Is it possible to put it into a webview? or any other UI object?
My application sends a word to the API, and I'm getting the table in return.
I'd appreciate some code example.


2 个解决方案



You can certainly just show that exact same page in a WebView. If you want to parse the table and display only certain information, there is a library call JSOUP that is available which makes it very convenient to parse HTML.


It looks like you don't mind displaying the whole thing in a WebView - if that is acceptable, then you just load the page into a WebView widget. WebView will take care of rendering the page exactly as you see it in a browser. You only have to tell it what to load.

看起来你不介意在WebView中显示整个内容 - 如果这是可以接受的,那么你只需将页面加载到WebView小部件中。 WebView将完全按照您在浏览器中看到的方式呈现页面。你只需告诉它要加载什么。



You parse the output like you would any other web request. If you wanted to include the table in your own webpage, you could. Or you could parse the response for the specific info you need.


Don't think of it as an API, think of it as a URL you're requesting and now you need to do something with the contents. That might help with your Googling. You're essentially doing page scraping.




You can certainly just show that exact same page in a WebView. If you want to parse the table and display only certain information, there is a library call JSOUP that is available which makes it very convenient to parse HTML.


It looks like you don't mind displaying the whole thing in a WebView - if that is acceptable, then you just load the page into a WebView widget. WebView will take care of rendering the page exactly as you see it in a browser. You only have to tell it what to load.

看起来你不介意在WebView中显示整个内容 - 如果这是可以接受的,那么你只需将页面加载到WebView小部件中。 WebView将完全按照您在浏览器中看到的方式呈现页面。你只需告诉它要加载什么。



You parse the output like you would any other web request. If you wanted to include the table in your own webpage, you could. Or you could parse the response for the specific info you need.


Don't think of it as an API, think of it as a URL you're requesting and now you need to do something with the contents. That might help with your Googling. You're essentially doing page scraping.
