phalcon: model 验证数据完整性

时间:2021-08-08 00:25:52

The above example performs a validation using the built-in validator “InclusionIn”. It checks the value of the field “type” in a domain list. If the value is not included in the method then the validator will fail and return false. The following built-in validators are available:

Name Explanation Example
PresenceOf Validates that a field’s value isn’t null or empty string. This validator is automatically added based on the attributes marked as not null on the mapped table Example
Email Validates that field contains a valid email format Example
ExclusionIn Validates that a value is not within a list of possible values Example
InclusionIn Validates that a value is within a list of possible values Example
Numericality Validates that a field has a numeric format Example
Regex Validates that the value of a field matches a regular expression Example
Uniqueness Validates that a field or a combination of a set of fields are not present more than once in the existing records of the related table Example
StringLength Validates the length of a string Example
Url Validates that a value has a valid URL format Example