
时间:2022-05-17 18:16:25

In Python, I want to know that whether it is necessary to include __init__ as the first method while creating a class, as in the example below:


class ExampleClass: 

    def __init__(self, some_message): 
        self.message = some_message 
        print "New Class instance created, with message:" 
        print self.message 

Also, why do we use self to call methods? Can someone explain the use of "self" in detail?


Also, why do we use pass statement in Python?


5 个解决方案



No, it isn't necessary.


For example.

class A(object):
    def f():
        print 'foo'

And you can of course use it, in this manner:


a = A()

In fact you can even define a class in this manner.


class A:

However, defining __init__ is a common practice because instances of a class usually store some sort of state informtion or data and the methods of the class offer a way to manipulate or do something with that state information or data. __init__ allows us to initialize this state information or data while creating an instance of the class.

但是,定义__init__是一种常见做法,因为类的实例通常存储某种状态信息或数据,而类的方法提供了一种操作或对该状态信息或数据执行某些操作的方法。 __init__允许我们在创建类的实例时初始化此状态信息或数据。

Here is a complete example.


class BankAccount(object):
    def __init__(self, deposit):
        self.amount = deposit

    def withdraw(self, amount):
        self.amount -= amount

    def deposit(self, amount):
        self.amount += amount

    def balance(self):
        return self.amount

# Let me create an instance of 'BankAccount' class with the initial
# balance as $2000.
myAccount = BankAccount(2000)

# Let me check if the balance is right.
print myAccount.balance()

# Let me deposit my salary

# Let me withdraw some money to buy dinner.

# What's the balance left?
print myAccount.balance()

An instance of the class is always passed as the first argument to a method of the class. For example if there is class A and you have an instance a = A(), whenever you call a.foo(x, y), Python calls foo(a, x, y) of class A automatically. (Note the first argument.) By convention, we name this first argument as self.

类的实例始终作为类的方法的第一个参数传递。例如,如果有A类并且你有一个实例a = A(),那么无论何时调用a.foo(x,y),Python都会自动调用A类的foo(a,x,y)。 (注意第一个参数。)按照惯例,我们将第一个参数命名为self。



In addition to other answers, one point in your question that has not been addressed :


Is it necessary to include __init__ as the first function everytime in a class in Python?


The answer is no. In the case you need a constructor, it can be located at any position of your code, although the conventional and logical place is the beginning.




You don't need to put it in your Class, it is the object constructor.


You will need it if you want things to happen automatically to your object when it is instanciated.




No, it is not necessary to use the init in a class. It's a object constructor that define default values upon calling the class.


If you're programming in OOP manner and ought to have a basic structure of your class. You often will need this.


I read your other sub-question regarding


Can u explain about the use of "self"??? – harsh Jul 28 '11 at 5:13

你能解释一下“自我”的使用吗? - 严厉于2011年7月28日5:13

Please refer to this post in *. There's a lot of useful links to help you better understand python's init function.


Python __init__ and self what do they do?

Python __init__和self他们做了什么?



Sure that this not required.


Please read more about defining python classes here and here.


Read more about __init__ you can here and Python __init__ and self what do they do?.

阅读更多关于__init__你可以在这里和Python __init__和他们自己做什么?

In general __init__ is a kind of constructor that is called automatically and allows you to perform any additional actions(adding variables, calling any methods and so on - the idea is to have the ability to initialize instance since it is already created and now you may need to do something with it before proceeding - for example remember creation time or serializing its initial state and so on) while creating object. So if you don't need to do some special preparation you may skip using it.

通常__init__是一种自动调用的构造函数,允许您执行任何其他操作(添加变量,调用任何方法等等) - 这个想法是能够初始化实例,因为它已经创建了,现在你可以在创建对象之前,需要在继续之前做一些事情 - 例如记住创建时间或序列化其初始状态等等。因此,如果您不需要做一些特殊准备,您可以跳过使用它。



No, it isn't necessary.


For example.

class A(object):
    def f():
        print 'foo'

And you can of course use it, in this manner:


a = A()

In fact you can even define a class in this manner.


class A:

However, defining __init__ is a common practice because instances of a class usually store some sort of state informtion or data and the methods of the class offer a way to manipulate or do something with that state information or data. __init__ allows us to initialize this state information or data while creating an instance of the class.

但是,定义__init__是一种常见做法,因为类的实例通常存储某种状态信息或数据,而类的方法提供了一种操作或对该状态信息或数据执行某些操作的方法。 __init__允许我们在创建类的实例时初始化此状态信息或数据。

Here is a complete example.


class BankAccount(object):
    def __init__(self, deposit):
        self.amount = deposit

    def withdraw(self, amount):
        self.amount -= amount

    def deposit(self, amount):
        self.amount += amount

    def balance(self):
        return self.amount

# Let me create an instance of 'BankAccount' class with the initial
# balance as $2000.
myAccount = BankAccount(2000)

# Let me check if the balance is right.
print myAccount.balance()

# Let me deposit my salary

# Let me withdraw some money to buy dinner.

# What's the balance left?
print myAccount.balance()

An instance of the class is always passed as the first argument to a method of the class. For example if there is class A and you have an instance a = A(), whenever you call a.foo(x, y), Python calls foo(a, x, y) of class A automatically. (Note the first argument.) By convention, we name this first argument as self.

类的实例始终作为类的方法的第一个参数传递。例如,如果有A类并且你有一个实例a = A(),那么无论何时调用a.foo(x,y),Python都会自动调用A类的foo(a,x,y)。 (注意第一个参数。)按照惯例,我们将第一个参数命名为self。



In addition to other answers, one point in your question that has not been addressed :


Is it necessary to include __init__ as the first function everytime in a class in Python?


The answer is no. In the case you need a constructor, it can be located at any position of your code, although the conventional and logical place is the beginning.




You don't need to put it in your Class, it is the object constructor.


You will need it if you want things to happen automatically to your object when it is instanciated.




No, it is not necessary to use the init in a class. It's a object constructor that define default values upon calling the class.


If you're programming in OOP manner and ought to have a basic structure of your class. You often will need this.


I read your other sub-question regarding


Can u explain about the use of "self"??? – harsh Jul 28 '11 at 5:13

你能解释一下“自我”的使用吗? - 严厉于2011年7月28日5:13

Please refer to this post in *. There's a lot of useful links to help you better understand python's init function.


Python __init__ and self what do they do?

Python __init__和self他们做了什么?



Sure that this not required.


Please read more about defining python classes here and here.


Read more about __init__ you can here and Python __init__ and self what do they do?.

阅读更多关于__init__你可以在这里和Python __init__和他们自己做什么?

In general __init__ is a kind of constructor that is called automatically and allows you to perform any additional actions(adding variables, calling any methods and so on - the idea is to have the ability to initialize instance since it is already created and now you may need to do something with it before proceeding - for example remember creation time or serializing its initial state and so on) while creating object. So if you don't need to do some special preparation you may skip using it.

通常__init__是一种自动调用的构造函数,允许您执行任何其他操作(添加变量,调用任何方法等等) - 这个想法是能够初始化实例,因为它已经创建了,现在你可以在创建对象之前,需要在继续之前做一些事情 - 例如记住创建时间或序列化其初始状态等等。因此,如果您不需要做一些特殊准备,您可以跳过使用它。